Resolution 01633RESOLUTION NO. 1433 GRANTING A PERMIT TO SOUTHERN PACIFIC CONFLICT, A CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND i Al 5'5, TO CONSTRUCT; RECUNSTRUCT, MAINTAIN ATE OPERATE A RAILROAD SPUR TRACK STEN AND ACROSS TEAT CERTAIN PUBLIC HIGHWAY KNOWN AS ALAMEDA PIER AUTO FERRY ROAD IN THE CITY OF ALA- MEDA, COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND TO OPERATE THERE- ON WITH STEAM, ELECTRIC OS °THEM LAWFUL MOTIVE POWER IN ILE LOCATION HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED: RESOLVED, thatareimit be and it is hereby granted to the Southern Pacific Company, e corporation, its successors and assigns, to con- struet, reconstruct, maintain and operate a railroad spur track upon and across that certain public highway known as Alameda Pier Auto Ferry Road in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State af California, and tc operate thereon with steam, eleFtric or other' lawful. motive powor along the herein- after described route, to-wit: C011,MCING at a point on. the center line of the Eastbound mein line track of the Southern Pacific Electric Line runniing between Alameda and Alameda Pier at Engineer's Station 75 4 GC, said point being 7560 ft, easterly measured along the said eastbound main line track from the binge of the apron et Alameda Pier, said point :also being the point of switch of the proposed spur track; thence southeasterly through a standard number 10 turnout to the right a distance of CO feet to the point of frog; thence continuing southeasterly along a tan- gent line forming an angle of 5° 44' with the said eastbound main line, a distance of 15 ft. to a point; thence along the arc of a curve concave to the right, having a radius of 71.6.54 feet an arc distance of 245 ft. more or less, to a point on the northern edge of the Alameda Pier Auto Ferry Road. (last described curve being tangent to last described course at last mentioned. point); thence continuing southeasterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 15 feet more or less to the sohtern edge of said. Alameda Pier Auto Ferry Read. This permit is granted for tne purpose of connecting the United. States Army Alrbase with the lines of railroad of Southern Pacific Company for the transportation of freight only. This permit shall be revocable at the pleasure of the Council of the City of Alameda. This permit is granted. upon condition that in all switching movemedts over sai5 . crossing traffic on tte highway shall be protected by a member of the train crew or other competent employee acting as flagman and said crossing atall not be blocked longer than it is necessary for the movement of engines OT cars thereover, and in no ease larger than three rinutes. I, the undersigned, hereby certify' that the foregoing Eesolution was duty and regularly introduced and adopted hy the Council of the City' of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 0016 day of October, 1031, by the fo1low1n3 vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Brodersen, Leydecker, Murray, Schaefer and Council- President Henning, (5). NCES: None. ABSENT: None, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto sct my hand and affixed the of- ficial seal of said city this 21st day' of October, 1931. W. E. VARCOE, (Seal of the City of Alateda) City Clerk of the City of Alameda. I hereby certify to the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "RESOLUTION NO. 1612 - GRANTING A PERMIT TO SOUTHERN ?ADELINE COMPANY, A CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, TO CONSTRUCT, RECONSTRUCT, MAIDTAIN LTD OPEPATE A RAILROAD SEER TRACK UPON AND ACROSS TELT CERTAIN PUBLIC HIGHWAY KNOWN' AS ALAMEDA PIER AUTO FERRY ROAD IN TEE CITY OF ALAMEDA, COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, STATE OF CALIFOREIM, AHD TO OPERATE TEEREON WITH STEAM, ELECTRIC OR OTTER LAMEEL MOTIVE POMER IN THE LOCATION HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED", passed by the Council of the City of Alaaeda 1, regular meeting assembled on the 20th day of October, 1031. ammy EH . 1, SEZT 31.315,. [8