Resolution 01635RESOLUTION NO. 16r6p, AMENDING IREsoLuaaoN N(2, 1622 ADOPTED JULY 21, 1931,, EN- TITLED "GRANTING A PERMJT TO 3 OAKLAND EAK 2 A CORPO- RATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, TO CONSTRUCT, RE- CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND, OPERATE RAILROAD TRACKS UPON, ALONG AND/og ACHOSS FERNSIDE BOULEVARD, VERSAILLES AVENUE AND PEARL STREET IN TEE CITE OE ALAMEDA, COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, 3TATE OF CALIFORNIA, ANL TO GPERATE WITH' STEAM OR ELECTRHU MOTIVE POWER ALONG 1E2 ROUTES HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED". L4z3oryEL, that Resolution No. 1622, adopted July 21, 1351, granting a permit to The Oakland. Bank, a corporation, its successorn and assions, to construct, remonstruet, maintain and operate railroad tracks upon, along and/ or across Fernside Boulevard, Versailles Avenue and Pearl Street in thm City of Alameda, County of Llamado, State of California, and to operate with steam or electric mativm power along the four routms or tracks therein described e and the same is hereby amended and chummed in. the follow-1nm particulate, to-wit: Description of Track hm. k as the sorse aPEcarn in said resolution is cnonmed to read as follows, to-olt: TRACE NO. 2m HIFILEGIGU at a paint in thm most northerly track of the present operated double track electric railway in Fernside Boulevard distant 136 feet, Emre or less, north- westerliy measured at rignt angles from the nortnweeteply line of Versailles Avenue anJ G6 feet more or less south- westerly, measured at right anglms, from the nortneasterly line of FornsiYm Foulevard, twonce easterly along a cerise concave to tho left a distanam of 145 feet, ware Of less, to a point in Versailles Avenue; thence tangent to said. curve a distance of 60 feet wore or less to approxlmEtely the point where the northeasterly line af Fernside Houle- vard intersacto the southonater13 lino of Versailles Avenue. Ste description of Trach Wm. 3 as therein described is changed to read as follows, to-wit: T.RAqK SIMENNAINU at a nmint in the, northwestorly line of Versailles Avenum, distant cortheastarly tnereoa 3.2 feet Tape or less, frow its intersection with. the northmrly line of Blemaside Pioddmvard; thence northeasterly along a COTO-e concave to the rimht a distance of 68m0 feet, wmre or less, to a pcint in. the southeasterly line of Versailles Avenue, dieWHnit northeasterly. thereon 5(00 feet, more or less, from its intersection with said nortLerlv line of Nerneldm BoUlevard. Thm descriptions, of tracks numbered 1 end 4. as described. in said resolution and the terom and. conditions of the rermit Granted. by said reso- lution shadA be end pewain in. foil fordo and effect and. unmodified. un- changed by this resoletion. Sim undersismed, herebe certify that the foregming Resolution was duly and regnlotiy Iniroauced ana adop(,ea by ume eourmil une miUy of Alameda in. regular meeting assembled on the 1?th dos of NovewbewA 1951, bv the following vote, to -wit: ALTHA Caunciinen 3Todersen, Hmyeecker, Hurray, Schaefer fund President EMnning, (5). : None- All[LE7.1' None, IEFTESTIFYLY MELLETF, I have hessian-2 set my hand. ape. affimed the official emal of said city this 20th dam of hovember, 1651. (Seal of una City of Alemala) m. VAGLOF c577-o1. -4:he 0 Alameda.