Resolution 01643RESOLUTION NO. 1643
18GNEAR, petitions requesting: the Ceiling of a special election have
heretofore been filed and presented to tie Council of tho City. of Alameda; and.
WEELEMUL„ said petitions favoring the recall of Councilman Hmil M.
Brodersen and Council:von William H. Henning contain the signatures of qualified
electors equal in number to ten per cent of' the highest vote cast for a council-
men at the last preccaNDNE: general municipal election, in excess of the signatures
of Qualified. electers opposed to the recall, as cettified by the City Clerk; now,
3E IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda., as follows:
Sebtion 1. A speeded. election. is hereby ordered and called to be held
in the City. of Alameda, State of California, on Wednesday, the 20th degh of Jan-
uary, 1932, to determine such recall.
Section 2. The ballots to 'de used at said. sm6cia1 election shall be
such as are required by 3 to be used thereat, and upon both. the sample and of-
icial ballots there shall. be printed the reasons for and against the recall, as
sot forth in the petit ion. andior petitions.
Section 3. The ballots shall be provided with. squares opposite "Yes"
and "Mos, in which the voter may atanip a 0205S (X) indicating his Tote. The
ballots shall read:
Snail Councilmen Emil. M. Brodersen
be recalled?
Shall Councilman William Mb Henniog
-do 4
be ecalled?
Section 4. Sample ballots aoatedining the above :natter required to be
printed. thereon, also a card stating tho location of the precinct and polling 06be
of each elector shall be supplied to each 'Toter of said city by the City. °look at
least ten days rriCT to bald election.
Section 5. The City Clerk shall name three disinterested electors
who shall act as a canvassing board to canvass the returns of said election, and
who anall deblare the result thereof. Before entering upon his duties, each
member ..67 tho canwassing board shall take the hconbtitutiotel 0.1 (0 office.
Section. 6. IMe result of said sbocial electioo shall be determined and
declared as herein proyided. and in accordance with the Charter of the City of
Ainanda, and in. all particulars not recited tunpain in. accordance with the laws
of the State of California.
Section t). At said special eabootion the polls shall be opened, at six
o'clock a.m-, of' the day. of election and be kept open until seven o'clock pun, of
the same day, when the polls shall be closed, except as otherwise provided in Section
1164 of the Pt:Utica' Code of tWo Stete of eblifornie-
S'eCtIOR 80. The City. Clerk is hereby directed to hmoacre all sunylies Haat
.46y be neoessaby to properly and lawfully condupt said election.
Section 9. When the polls ate closed, the officers of election enall couat
the ballots cast twnrebt, and canvass the votes cast respectively for and
against the recall ) J1 the manner revired by law..
Section TO.' There shall be sixty-two. election precincts for the
purpose of holding said special election, sMngfia said precincts shall be the sann
and have the same boundaries, respectively, as those este:bin-shed by tie Board
of Supervisors, pursuant to ths ursevieions o Pal At 3, Title. 2, Chapter IV of
the Politibal lode of thE State of Califemnia, and. the Council. •hereby appoints
a Board of Election for each clecgisr. umecirmt, to conuist of o,ne inspector,
one Tadg..e and two clerks, as authorized. 1 thw pporisiorts of Section 1151 of the
Political Code , and the salaries for said election offib°ors for said. special election
are hereby fixed at Six and no/100 Dollars for each officer, with One Dollar addi-
tional to the officer returning the ballot box and election. returnu to the City
Section 11. The location of the respective polling ?laces therein, and
Eae names of the officers hereby appointed to conbitet said. special. election shall.
be es follows:
PRECTECT NC1 House, 59. Cierdela qoad
Inured, tor
Louise Miranda Eby Farm Tsien3
Hamel Lease 39 :Garden Road
Marjorie H. Fraser 57 Maitland Drisne
Lyle S. Thomas 58 Garden ead.
812,01h7CT 1.:0„„o 2g Garr:Tan. 1226 Elgia Maseet (2022)
Ince-ester: tory L. 8:cloy 5.122 prig?. ve.
- ' la 5'"48 drig s Ave.
elerh: Lucy Fouts 7419 Cobrt 8t
Sleek: Corrine C. Lind 8228 Frc,an1 ,gre.
SEECIECT NO. 3 CLecraEofjgC1205 Sterling Avenue (Roar)g.
Lar.ce(Mmau Eatherisn Linthd out
Judge: RU50 Estes
Clerkm Julia Helitutein
Clerk: Alice Grace Corem
2855 Santa Clara Ave,
3220 Briggs Ave.
268 Central Ase.
1517 Fountai n St .
PRECINCT 1:10. dogglagre. 3204 LTberty gevernue Grlbar.6)
Ihanector: Coco :Elven than
Judge: Mary b. Eathews
amok: Derace Crowley
Clek: Classic Twins
5275 Garfield Ave.
32'11 Ldberty Ave.
• 1528 High 84.
3206 Garfield. nve.
PRECINCT NOTog,888,Tag 3200 D0 dovievG7Tyocnbe.
Inupec tor : Hemel 0 , ET ie n 5280 Mente Vista Ave.
Jnega: Odelia S. Denman 3216 Fairview Ave.
1.1 11 Etnel. E- Schmidt 3255 Bryo TIsta Ave.
Clerk: lle. J. Page 3222 FTnte Vista 1170
18.58666.615°gESE8E 6 2f..4-,zazL7, ._121?.,3 c12s.a211 DWITY6
inspector. NO=8. Eisenhart 29E5 0d5bens Drive
Judgu: Coma 8.8 Lessin . 1410 Mound. St.
Clerk: Lillie Ma Fayen. 160V HiRM. St.
Cleakm Mms. Bessie Allinger 153E Cturt St.
PRETINST 8E. g.7 gOar.Egn,g1728 Ter sallElsg„dateue
Insnootor: Ldllian MG Peterson 1622 Versailles Ave.
Judge: ITs. Flora. Ebel 14E2 Wbund St .
caerk: Mr a ,, It; o regrew a Mel r own 15111 lour t St
Oloutu Jean. Enueo 18841 lin r yard Dr .
PRES INCE. ,,pg 8 Garage , 2622, San ta Olaf a,„Ayenuo ,
'nape c t :
Lucien C. finah
Meg 2. masua
EC iL,C1 0,2_ gen. j1.1:211_,ilvackLu‘e
ins?eptor: lethel 8. Melmee
OnAge , Metta E. Tremp
COS Martin
01erlem Millie Stanles
1522 lefert dt.
5107 (Contra! Ave.
5005 'Lincoln ave.
2075 Johnson Ave.
31E7 Central bee.
3116 Central Ave.
3005 Central ave.
3116 Central. Ave.
8222 gEG. 10 Cumegb, 2919 Madienn etre:et 1212.asol
ns beciop Jul:: a C 1o,ell 5000 Van Enven St.
Juame: Ere. Isabelle tight 1506 lcurtrin ki.
61 erCu Charic s Lova 3102 Adeas St.
Clerk: Ms mi e Waterbury 3011 2adi 3;7,
-,ITEc.,3T Ng, 194:437w4:4())).ya). 1244 Varsailles /avenue (kear))
Inspector: Bawold. O, Ward 723 Peru St.
judge: Anna B. MmE2wcy 2240 Eneirda Ave.
C1ark. Edwin It Drown 1315 WmmnP St.
Clerk: 'Denial...) Brown. 1335 Futhd. St.
141LIFIZT REh 12 Gdmegp, 1E91 Mmund Strtet (Rmar)
inmdector: Georkm Stewart 3010 Central Ave.
Judge: lay-err, 1324 Tountdin St,
Clerks Aonw TROrama • 2840 Adams St.
ElbEe LA Broyles 2722 fashimaten. St.
2396)VMBPTEOLA13._f))98()9193:3d_S9631. 7999918Ett816.Lbtats2221
Inupector: Nancy B. Hawkey 2612 San Jose Ave.
Judk18 Mrs. Mary Antel. 1013 Verosalles Avm.
Clerk: Elle I. Dick 1112 Fmarl St.
tiorkw Joseph Bernhard 2713 Galt:cum St.
12121= TqzTL4.—P-T:ET:5t..:(85'9g1
Prank A. Hardwick
Henrietta PABernhard
Otinmzu Eal)mar
Elide alldobrand.
1624-B BroaGway
1324 Tountain St,
1631 Pearl St.
1376 Broadway
L. Lc BaJaL(4.1 2929 Sam.a E144-66o Avonuc4(Eaut)
Inspecter: Rag Pat Clete P901 Gentwel Ave.
Judge: Laura I. Mead 1442 6cena vista Ave.
Clerk: W.f. A. Smith 1934 Trcedday
Clank: Rose H. Raesch alat sante. ()Imre Ave
PjsCiJCI oC„)13 Jatgage; .Liqs, .,,r0,-„,w.,,z
Winifred a. Hygelond
Blavoha HE WErt.
Edlio Wiedumbeck
Ruth. Swanson
ESECTLCI NC. 1V44444.Lapte, 2503 Moble Avenue
Edward. P. Duman
Anna T. Short
Hamra C. ao4(.84
Carrie Macdonald
PRECINCT FS. 18 Store, 2447 Santa Clara Avenue.
Inumectomb John. Eckhardt
Judge: 2Ws. TEa tbkmmmELEE.
Clark: John. L. Cogan.
Cluraw Frederica De Cello
LL12-1-„Ez L2)..)_194),4)54.pfu,42414 OwEtral Avenoa
Anna C. Eckhardt
Francis Egcoff
KatheryE WE 'Ann
George FE Ford
ILIFOIDCE NJ. 20 EtarTI: T.TerTle (4ear)
Imspeciur: Clara A. Schwind
Judse: 'Edward LdPannin
Ol)(41t: Kaman atad -
Clark: Ehrnice Lind
EA2EaCTaqiqt.agl... aitr91.39
260C San Case Avenue qiear
eAsi-ecvAr: AAAAh,e reir&Aa,Acr
Jackm: adele P. norten
telelicA :4 4 -TTr.
Clerk: ATiee L. Jerkins
p.f-§crifeT. Np. 22 Garaa4 1115 Park4Str)9et
inopector. Anna D. Kenny
Jodgm. Edith. Platzer
Clerk: Celina Dm Dalton
Olerbn Marie Sillmo
2F1)99).2.8.E.I.La2q1,... i Mt P5, A.'f5flum.. (...RD8(31
Iropmator: Jaocb Boodt
Judgge: Henry M. Ercese
Thado .9, Freese
Clank: Mary A. LeCurty
2522 Eagle Ave,
1204 (Pearl St.
2625-Deune-Titta Ave
12.12i) Pearl. St.
2208 Noble Avm.
P550 Buena Mfeta A7e.
251V IME4a. Ave.
1313 Foley StE
1529 Broodway
2463 Webb Ave.
1222 Perk Ave.
252:9 Webb Ave.
1529 Broadway
2421 Santa Clara Eve
2619 Webb Ave.
1317 Regent Ob.
2602 Grist St,
116V Regent St.
942 Park St.
942 Park Gt.
1104 Park St.
2606 San Jose Ave.
117 Park Ave.
1021 :Regent St.
1900 Park Gt.
990 Perk Gt.
1996 Park. Ave.
1115 Perk Ave.
2300 San Antonio Ave.
SOD Cedar St.
8.11E Cedar St.
983 Park St.
PRECINCT Rb. 24 Gshdab: 2269 San JossigAvenhe
Lisle F. Ingalls
Margaret Monetti
Guet Norman.
David A. Devini
IT1qpq C8._, 25 Recem1fLor 119cm,_23051.1ameda Avenue
Inspector: Mee-Peterson
Judge: Nellie E. Cullen
Clerk: 0hristeliKleve
Clerk: Isobel J. RoseLberg
PRECINCT NO. 26 Basement., 14.29 Oak. Streets
Hattie Hill
Alice Neyresch
Mayo L. Feth
May h- Rochendorfer
:PRECINCT Na. 27 Garage, 223.0 Buena Vistag.4yenue
judge ;
Irma TR 'Evans
Harold H. Warford
Mervin Forster
Wilheimina Roth.
2207 Cldnton Ave.
1213 Park 'St.
1211 Park Ama.
2221 San Jose Ave.
2209 Encinal Ave.
2220 Central Ave.
2255 Sen Antonio Ave.
1420 Oak St.
2258 Santa Clara Ave.
2224 Lincoln Ave. •
14291 Park St.
2208 Ndnecin Ave.
2121FIT.gpnaigVista Aven(RfLEI
.FREFINILL ACm_25 Garage,
Ce erim
°Mir 1m
MV1dred Farford
Margaret Chabot
Loretta DuFssse
Adelb Schmidt
, 2118 SentempLaza Avem1L_
Inspector: Hilda Simpson
Judge: Marie M.. Gluck
Bengt J. iarson
Clerk: Ida Jacobs
PRECINCT NO. 30Garage, 211B EacineT Avenue
Iftfacter: David. R. Crise
Judge; R. Johenbon
Clerk: Robert J Barnett
0 ghlac11 l, Bbnnett
PRECINCT NI1. ol gObruNe, 2133 San dbAcciaced
inswecter Myron C. Turner
Judge: liagust jbtandeaux.
Clerk: haler. E. Alden
Clerk: Eaith Ja Chavalier
PRECINCT 1,032 Gars _2021 San Jose Avenue
Inspector: Irene Hose
Whidge: Mrs. Elsa Dbdson
Clerk: Kathleen MAnsfield
Clerk: Helen N- Wood
PRECINCT RE. 33 Gardge, 2020 Lnsinal Avenue (Logic),
inspector' Mabel E, Massie
JUdge: Rees Van Nest
Clerk: julist Culberg
lark: Leona Van Nest
PRECINCT NO. 34g Gerhge, 01. Santa Clara Avenue
littherine Y. Borden
Isabelle Cations -
Anne Sobraro
2040 auen 11?; sta Avenue
Insemstor: Albert L. Fostdr
Judge: Marlon Foster
Olerkm Cebelde. Albdmnder
Cldrk: Fanby Purcell
2031 Tacifh Aye.
2121 Buena Vista Ave.
1595 Pacific Avenue
2115 Pacific Avenue
2121 Buena. Vista Ave.
2121 Buena Vimta Ave.
2130 Rsale Ave,
1912 Willow St.
2150 Pacific Ame.
1510 Walnut St.
1507 Pacific.. Ame.
25152, Central Ave.
2120 Alcadda Ave.
151L Broadway
212P. Alakda Ave.
2120 Aloha:du Ave.
9.23 Walnut St.
2111 San Jose. Ave.
2107 San Tose Ave.
2165 Sam Joaa
(1110 01 Len Jose 11 01
2066 Central Ave.
2020 Clinton Ave.
2055 San 0 -1 Alleo
1911 Chestnut St.
2020 E101 ibm5 Ave.
2014 dncinell Ave.
2020 Endinal Ave.
2030 Buena Vists.
2061 Central
1524 Chestnut St.
1500 Buena Vista Ave.
206 Buena Vista Lve.
2061 Buefa Vista Ave.
2063 Bubna Vista. Ave.
1924 Chestnut Lt.
PREOlhOT 2540. 36 (Garage 1727 Lafayette Street MReemytt
Inspector: Florence Bieleak
Malta: Mary Runadde
Olortm W. M. Jokes
Clerk: Mrs. Annie May
4 2=11411; NO. 37 Garage; 1084 Union Street
Olen Lc
0 le rk
Bezel Mo Boand
Flowenoe Conlzer
James MdEeene
Aline 8. Petersen
PRECINCT NO. 38 Garttre, 1307 Union. Street
Ins:Hector: Janes Ts Newell
Judge : Marjorie C. Hewn
Clerk: Florence M. Shad:borne
Clerk: 'Miss Jeanne Smith.
PRECHECT ;Tat.; 3'd Gsranetlt 1202 _Union Street
Louis Fischer
Lena MM Matter
Manta Miller
Ittbmrine. Millar
172M Lafayette St,
1801 Lafayette St.
1528 Lafayette St.
1708 Grans]. St.
1514. Facifin•Ame,
1827 Santa. Clara Smn.
1.520 Grand Lt.
1605 Lafayette St.
1201 Lafayette St.
1004 Santa. Clare. Lyn.
1525 Chestnut St.
1830 Pacific Ave.
1004, Pacific Ave-
1730 Fahifiu Ave.
1722 Encihal Avn.
1716 - -
PRECINCT NO. 40 Garadev •907 Union. 8treeC
Inspector: Richard Mk Smith 1728 Counsel. Awe.
Mange: Byron C. Johnmon 1581 Benton Mt,
Clarde aline I. Smith 172E Candina. am,
°lark: Christens Johnson 1:981 Bennon St.
Pi:RECT.:CI RE. 41 Garage; 1124 Sun joseyAmenue
inspector: Ohne Cloukh . 1013 Union. St.
Junta: Sallie M. McKean 1001 Morton St.
Othrk: Ada A. Stoddard 1311 Sharman Bt.
Clerk Josentine Foley L530 11rtnn. St.
EHMOINCT Ent. 42 tntyaletyti5B5tEnnUthal Avenue_
inmrecton: Nei. 11, datewan 1088 trt.on St.
judge: Cecil Norris 15211 Morton St,
Clerha Ethel To Crook 1019 Baru St.
Clerk: • Pator bjainh, r. 1024 Sonia Clara. 2,7.
12,1, ,L9T NE. 43 GLIattEd, 1611. Siamede. ametdtja
Insnector: :Elizabeth F. Miller 1611 Eneinal Lye.
jUdejaa Marian Cho 1010 Enolual Ave,
Clerk: Charles B. Forsthr 1595 Pacific Ame.
Clm8.8 Gra Forater 1.5915 Inhific Ave.
LBEOT1CT 112.1.„____6ttlenottet; 1557y2tnnnotj2lnlya ATer42.,f
inahnctor: Mansura E. Lee. 1553 Fotific AvaE
jndge: hrs. 011ie abhoman 1548 Buena Vista Ave
C8miRm Mrs. Eliza Morris 1526 Morton St.
Cloth:. 8, Talbot Green 1624 Manta Clete. sme.
PHEITIMOT N.0„, 45 Gatemett 1304nR4afic nvotrae
inspectori David Wilson. 1502 Panitio Eva..
Menge: Mary. nilson. 1502 Pacific Ave,
Clerk': Ruth G. Lae 1553 Pahitin Avenue
Clerku Etta Morse 1417 Baru mt.
Inspector: BeoLa Menke L620 Benton. St.
Judge: Maraeret MThrsburnb 1523 tincoin Ams.
Clerk: Georke RonanotaLl5 1030 Matte Mom.
Clerk: Harry 4. Paterson. • 1610 Say. St-
PRECIMOT Nemytt? ydaynnye,_4401. 'asthma Clara nownnue
Kevoie Oollinn
Ems, Ethel BRieip
Mrs. Sylvia Hamohnn..
Mrs. Alma Peteraan
516169(Mhartt B96. dB a8MMBBUa 2,22.1.,I1=22.1.1Ef.L2L.
Inspector: Mrs. Rdairn Mayer
Juipm. . Soseph. Goodyear
Olorkm Mts, Bernmeinh Pete-vane
Clerk: Irene TS9chey
1 Lincoln. Ave.
1019 Lincoln Ave.
1010 Bay St,
1536 Verdi St.
1147 Ehamon St.
1621 St.Charlea St.
152j St.Charieh 04.
1181212J2L 7) )2E, 49 Gar 4.44). 1412 St . GharlaD s Btrest
nahector; GT C 0 E. Hahn
Judge: Anna Crookx
Clerk; MT S Emnh Lena
Oimak: 0 led re Go I I agh ar
244286.0T NO 4_50 (-441ar ege441)221 . 35)4 *DTA oni o glivenu44
01 erk:
Hattie Hurley
Thiry A. Ideimann
Ethel 0 . Koopmann
Harry E. Nelson
PHE018012. e, 561 Leasewe 424_12914 Syt
Ihiroctor: Max h. Levy
Judge; 1_ (X
Cisrk: btella Flournoy
lee k: Myrtle
• Wilson
P8STITC148C. 42.4Ge4444)4_, 4130 Cents:El AvenEe.
insiaoctor: Mary Dunleavy
Judge; Yrs. Dorothy Eggh
Cloak. Marion Scarave
Clerk; Mares re t Tema:Leman
XEC,I20 T 440.253 al„.22„ae 834 iey 1 olyamven :14 L.
Inspector: (Dave E. Dineen
Judge; Laura E. Fisher
31Jek: Hulda . achiail
CI srk: Adel B He] me r
PILEMMIT ,L,„ 54 CJar444, 248 Lincoln Avenue
rash es t nr Evelyn B. Arshe r
121:1Ge: jacob La 72 t MO
0] ar: Etenhen 8iech
lurk: Delay La Mue
55 Serves , 007 Busuaji ta Avenue
laseahene V. Anderson
Violet 84wier
0 Pouy
Mary E. Waldron
PREC.LECT NO. 56 L1 731 Pacific Avenue g(Recti
Inspector: Mauge R. Zoo MZ
Judge: Mrs. Lti Ilan Laddart
Cla rk May V Tulloh
Clark: Ma:s. 34ra Jacobs
I:4=5CE NC ,57 0411 aggj, 4 0 qTatIlk?leTa D.Eenue
William Moth
Grche Brown
Dorothy- Hagar]
Mrs. Lucille Pt uzzone
1424 Bay St.
1452 Carolin4 Bt.
1452 Caroline St.
1036 Taylor Avenue
1756 Central. Mve.
1410 Bay St.
1406 104nth Street
1409 Bent6n St.
1110 Lincoln Ave.
915 San. Antonia Av.
1031 Central Av.
1225 Ninth St.
1400 0 St,
1218 Ninth St.
1302 Eighth St.
12121 Ninth St.
552 Santa Clae Kvh.
1413 Carolina St.
1327 Burbank St.
1616 Eighth St.
1014 Lincolx Avenue.
1417 Caroline St.
822 Bihar:At Ave.
811 Vacific Ave.
1822 Ninth St.
1715 Bay St.
830 Buena Vista Are.
1723 Ibighth St.
114 Stanton St.
540 LvInaoln Ave.
184Z Woo8 St.
748 Lincoln Ave.
5306 height Ave.
545 Peel hi a Ave.
740 Buena Vrets. Ave.
544 rh cln are.
21414540514444. (38 g tharsayle..4.8.455 1424 Street.
In4N.v14.5:a Ethel•••.G.. 766 Thajor • Are.4
Juhagat haras.•• 3.163.2. riett M. GOTMEM 617• Taylor Ahte
Cleri]t Mrs. Mulder Gorman .1 • • 60.77 Taylor hre
Glatt: hts.. Ete11477an 842(2 152(4- Thied 'Ste(
PRECI.4436422.59 Garume 536 Scgyet0lary:414enue
inchector: Francis M. Dray-
Judge: Ftnnk C. Hyaha
Clark: Mrs, C. Ellen. Johneton
Clerk: Gie ay s Bowl es .
PRECI5C T .710. 60 garage, 601 harcolx24te4444 (D(24E1
insteetork Lucia Ferrero
Judga Clara 14 King
Clerk: Ruth EL Ulrlakser.
Caan1t Giesle Laneteit
22E-EcIlL22 241)444 34242aci ti c Avahne.) ( Kier )
Instanter: Effie M. 81511sy
Judge: Abe. m. vagrua
le rh: Mat 4 ih Ci exit
Clerk: Irene Be auk.
524 'Central.
610 Central Ake.
6on Tarlac: Avak
4ZO Height Ave.
308 Ilhsh St,
233 Llrouln Ave,
55Z* Santa Olare Ave.
551 Santa Clara Ave.
425 HaFght Ave.
303 Cypress St.
ital Fourth St.
542 Pantile Ave.
IREcZcvil_LL!_ 62 n323.11.1122, 354 IES442546 (2SMSLI
Inspector: Padric j, 9inters 425 Centwai Ave.
judges Walter Medley 425 Haight Ave.
Gleigh Dirs. hary Winters 425 Sentinel 107 .
C Theobsre lectiles 1411 ..fourth St.-
Section 12„ This resolution end publication th.enecf in the Alameda Times-
Star shall be and coutstitute nhitice of said election-
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was
duly and. regialarly introduced. and adapted by tbie Council cif the City of 'Alameda
recular meeting abbe:me-Led on tete 1.3th day cif December', 1931. by file followixos
woe, to wit;
AYES': COUTICT ;Men LeTTi Ok er letriray, Schaefer and President Henning (44/.
triEbn Etude.
91321143: None.
NOT OTING: Councilman Brodersen,
IN TEETINIONY 13114NEOP, I have hereunto set ply hand and. affixed tin
officia.1 seal of said pity tbis 16th Say of December, 1S131,
(Seal of the City o b Alameda)
E. E.
City Cf757k77„
I hereby certify' 71:Oat tne foregoing is a train true anS correct
copy of "RE2012dUO3 HO. 1643 - RESDAUTIBN dEing11190, CABBIES, TTOYIEINE PDS iND
ay NE-3'3E23AS, 411E 20TH DAY OE JANUARY, 1932", passed by- tne
Council of the City of Alameda in. regalan meeting asseibled on. the, 15th day tf
hecenSar, 1031.