Resolution 01644LdLETieri. OE Sy:EL, jabeel_ Ot EIKE' SMOCK BID a 0.00.0 irr ca.- I 0 0 0 .0 .00 aa: .0-0 A 0000 EIDE EdE SECKEILLED1 TO GILL r RIVET OD SAM TO d eledialtais E ECH.O.SS TEE 0.0e r c e Lai 0. el.TARE aja. C NOEL lat. WHEREAS, the people of the City. of Alameda have donated to tni baited States Goverrumint, 110c1 acres of lama, moms op less, to he used for ea e purpose of the establashmsct of' an Army Hir Base, ana EMBEA, the War Department has located. Penton Field Dalitary teaservo- tion on. aeon donated land as 011. Army Air Ease, which onsy air base required railroad facilittee awd transtartation, are. dEEDSLE, Alukeds Belt Line, a belt line. railroad, was built hy the people of the City of Alumeea to serne industries during the Ebrid War period, and. WHEREAS, this City. of Alameda Inaa sold to ICio etebison, Toheke. and Sorts Fe Railway Comm:Env ana The Destern Pacific Raiircee. Company, both. transcontinental. carriers, Me said Alasada Belt Line, with the eTevision that it may ne recoptuared. whEnevar the City so desires, and SEEPED:3, the tracks of Alamndo Belt lime are red bairn; extended to the boundaries of in° Army Kir Base, at a cost to Alameda Belt Line of approximately Paci,000, amd SBEREAS, the War Benartsent has naned. to Alamea. Belt Dine, undar date of Morsmber 0,0, 1931, the atmatormary five-year revocable license (which is the longest term whi en OnIn be Er:tinted by the Secretary of War for rignts of way orer militory reservations without, autnority of Congress), to construct, operate arpl. maintain a nsalread track se, an. extension of its rsit lies to servo. said Army Air Bose, in a lacatinn spitelfled. by the Secretary of bar, which license contains. the customary provision of the War Eenarhasmt that it slatEl not he. corm:imbed, ex- tended, or renewed beyond sale term. of five vimns, unless, meunwralle, Alameda Belt Lino Maell have ontaaned Congressional authority to continue the Uaa and occuwaney of the premises for sins. hurncses. which conotruetion. cr. tie Axmn Air Base premises wall be made at the expense of Elacceedh Belt Line, tee cast thereof being saitimeted • et S35,000, anti waaRBAS, it there-fore becomes necessary for Alameda Belt Line, in order to• protect its investment in tee tracks to be constructed. and. now under construction., to secure Oanurressioacal authority' to conmainue tile use and occupancy of the Army Eir Base premises by its tract, beyond said term Can 1? iV (5 ) yearam via, by a bergenent easenent, during the continuance of said. Military Reservation on shai. which proposed Congpessional act is abbot to be introguced into Coisgroso, and biLEPEAS, the City of Alameda nolo that Alameda bei It Lice would. be just- ified in making this ex-tons-ion of its rails to reach the ninny Air Base only by an a Sa.. n C that its occupancy would be permanont 5.3s, lohn EnS Ifilitatry geserratich is maintained a.t fenton Fitajni, and nriffiELS, Alagada :felt Lhne has already expended 'moneys and. er,..ecuted contracts, and the work of canstructing said. track is now in an 0a7.0 atid it i therefore vitally important that, such authorization from. Congress be secured during tile Congress now in SaZSiaa, anal WEEPEUS, the °ley of Alunedai may et some frture esee desire tti eyerpitic its riget in recatiturin the aaid Alameda. belt Line; TEKBErDICE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the council. of the City of Elam-ads, that ceid council. hereby maharcies tee udohtion by ConEress of an. act authorizing the Secretary of Car to erant to Alameda Belt Lire a permanent easement to serve. IlenTon Field Military. Reservakion, Alameda, Cal ifelmaa. DE IT ru frear a RESOLVED that said Council hereby' endorses all activities deemed. necessary. or advantageous by- ElameUe Belt Line to nrcicure tte favo,rable.. action of Compress uwon such. proposed. omt end Bee enactment of the samc_ . nito lbw. • BE IT EURTENR RESOLVED that a deny of this resolution be f orwarded to the Hon. Elbert E. Darter, Lob. Florence P. Kahn, ho n. Arthur IL Free, Ban. Richard J. elch, Bon. Charles F. Curry, Hon. Clarence. r Lea, Ben Hiram. C. Eabason, and Hon. Scrammil M. Shortri age . I, the undersigned, hereby ourtifx that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced. and adobted by One Council of the Oitm of Adameda in n::.gular I:numb:Man assedbled an the 1910 day of January, 1232, by Ole following vote to wit: 101912: Councilmen Scode.rden, Leydooker, Murray, 6ohae0er anti Prosideat Hann:lug, (5). RORER Nene. SESTET: Mere. IN 05153111003 5151115.503 1 have hdretato set my hand and affixed. the ofTicial seal of aaid city this 2Cad day of Ienunry, 19303 (Seal of 503 Ciey of Alameda) ty Cleak tv of Anahotan I hereby ccutify that the foregoing is a. full, true end correct copy of 222ESELTE10E Efo 1344 SESOLUTICE EEDONSIES nItELISATIGM Of 201 010150 SLIT EINE FOR EN ACT OF CORERESM TE XIMESEIZE TEM STIERETRRY 03 1215.1 TO GRnhT A udGIT 010 003 TO TF2 ALEMEEA 'CELT 11E1 ACEOSE TEE SEESEE RSEED 11110101111 RESELVETIOE, MIELMItn, CAlifdREIA", noosed bx. the Sounedl of the City of nlaheda in regular meet rig assembled on the 19119 day of Cannery, 1932.