Resolution 01646TEahLUTIt1 le13
TbED 16 111.1 0,,1111111110N ITStbartaE eabe.
tiE6CLVELi, by tas aouncil of tea of. Aaalreda, thrt there be and.
therb is berbby tranureffed fron. the ZiectrTe Light Fund to the Conttnertion
Insurerhe TUne.1, the sun. of Too Thousand, Fi70 Hundred. erd. 00/100 Dollars, .2'.,.325C0.00).
The Auditor enT the Treasurer are hereby asetrtrizah to nants raid trnnsfer
tbtir reepectiat books.
the anatrained„. hereby certify' tart the faretina Resolution eat
daily and n...habatiday introduced. end attittea by the Cat:nail of The Carty of althede„
in re9iler mertin.E asseTbled on the leih. day of January, 1932, by the followirg
vote, to tit:
2,YES: Coantlinte Brodersen, Leyhoc1cr, hurray, arhaeren ana President
liT.Tritua, (5),
'tee'ENle h:bet
TEalitittra WhATE051, I haat bbreunto set ny hard. and afu,fed. tee.
eificial sera. of stria ciTy eiis 2326. day of January., 1C22
(0.41 0: of raatere; - -Certta-UT:Dflt .01
I hereby certify that tae foreaolag is e full, true and.. correct copy
Uf "RESOLUTION' NO„ 1646 - ,1,;2500„00 FROM. TEE 1.tLECTRIC LICHT :213:11
a'a abbe eaanabbbefiUr iabTneeCE Billq,Dh, passed by the Council of the City of Alameda
in reelur neetiby assantied on the 19th day of be:nes:Jay, 1972.