Resolution 01657RESOLUTION NC. 1657 AWARDING CONURANT FOR RE-SURTAGIND THREE TUNDIG COURTS AT WASHINGTON RARE, ALAMEDA. UTIRCIASh tbs Council. of the Crty of Alameda lid heretofore advertise for sealed bids or proposals for re-surfacing thmee tennis couyts se WhEddhstor Parr, City of Alemedo; and. 7001)15, the bid of Mallett Peterson in the suE. of Ons Thousand ond. Eight0ond and 00/100 Dollars (51001.01 was the lowest responsible bid. IdefivEgi in response to S2i(1 notice, now therefore, be ft REROMMEC, by the Crunoil ofehe City of Alameda, that the conthobt for re-aarfroing said three terydecoured at Washington Park, Aldred..., be, ahl the same is hereby awarded to knilott & Peterson pursuant to their offer of' April 4th, 1932, and the Mayor in hereby authorized and directed, for an on behalf of the said City add. the City Council to enter into a. contract wrth said Mellott k Peterson in accordroop with said notice and bid, I, the remlersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and rabrinfly introdeeed. and adopted by the Council of the City of Ala-0db is. regular meeting assembled. on April 5,. 1932 by the folderdny tyeb, to wit: AMMER Councilmen ibydecker, Morris, Shhnly and PresiRent Murray, (41. NOES: None. ABSSed: Ceunpilren Schaefer, (1). IN 15601730 WHhelD69, I have hereunto set my hand ane affixed tne ciddbytal. seal.. of said city. this 6th aay of Coyle, 1932. (Seri of one. City of Alameda) W„ E. VLIc01). 'City M.)1700 6f7, C 4 7:-,T Alameda. I hereby certify Whet the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of0.1001UtibN NO.M.657 AVARDIM CONTRACT FUR CERCURFSUIR1 1702ME TENNIS COURTS AT WASETIMONNW PERE, AIRGEDAY, passed by' the Council of the Cityof Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 50 lay of April. 1932. baselleteedlebeff 3)g. 6204.5151.7.4150:477tte251579537:7957117-755 -