Resolution 01667RESOLTTIIN NC. 1/137
(Clay Street, betweem. Versailles A Learl St.)
RESOLVED, by the Council of the CAty of Alameda, that the deed. or
grant, exocutob. by TOCIE F. JUSTICE sehU MARIAN E. JUSTICE, his wife, cmuveying
to the City of Alameda, a municipal corporation, all that certain lot, piece or
parcel of land, sltuateglyAng and being in the City' of Alameda, (County of filembda,
State of Collfornia, and komnded and particularly dbscrlbed as follows, to wit:
BEGINNING st a point on. the Westerly' line of Verabilles
Avenue, distant thereon 212.2 feet northerlyb(rom the
intersection thoreof with the northerly line of Otis
Drive, formorly Ray Island Avenue, as soid avenues
are shown on thmt certeln mem entitled "Plat of the
Towelling sion, Alameda, filed. Oct. 18, 1887 in.
LAber 19 of Maps, page 37, in the officio, of the County
Recorder of said County of Alameda and running thence
Northerly. along said line of Versmilles Avenue 42 ft.
1/10 inch, more or less, to a point distant
thereon 170 feet southerly from. the intersection there-
of with the southern line of Calhoun Street; thence at
right angles westerly 281 feet to the eacterr. line of
Pbari Street; tOthlme southerly along said line of Pearl
Street 42 feet 1/10 of an irbh, more or less, to a
point intersected by a. line drawn westmrly from ths
noirt of beginning and at right angles to said line of'
ferabilles Avenue, end thence at right angles easterew
281 feet to the cornt of beginning,
REINS a hmrtion of Lots 7, 8, 9, and. 10 in. "Hoek , as
shown on acid. Map,
acquired by said City for atreet eurposes, be, and. the same is hereby accepted
and said Council, acting for and in behalf of suid grantee, hereby consents to
Age recordation of said dmed or grant, and orders this reeolution to be attached
thereto, am regmbred by Section. 1158 of the Civil fade.
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly
and regularly Lutsmducbd and adopted by the Dounc11 of dhe Witty of Alamedm in. regw
ular mbeting essembled on the 7th dey of' Jure, 1232, by' the following. vote, to wit(
AII5Er Cmuncilgon Laydecker, Schaefer, Shanty and. President MMrray, (4).
.AEOCE1FC: Counsibmn Morris, (1).
IN 1281911RAVY WeEPROF, I have hereunto set my herr and Er:1'i xeri the official.
sent of' said city thAs 9th day of Aunb, 1932-
(Deal etf' the Alaue5a)
(RI clerk r u_ C.;.-;i-TT5T-TTTE'5Ta.
I hereby certify thmt thm foregoimg is a full, ((rum. and. carremt copy of
Street, between. Versailles A Pearl St.)", rammed by. the Council of the. Cgiy of.
Almmedo in frerImmr meeting assembleb on toe 7th dwy of Tune, 19.2fu