Resolution 01678PleSOLDILION NO. 1678
112SLEFIRRING 813,1C0.603 FROL 8621 NLESTRIM 1(2thlf
ODSD TO CHI (6671dint, PUND
RESOLVDD, by the Couneil of the 0ity. of Siamedeg thst there be and there iz
arreby transferred (from tre fiestrie Liyht Auld to the General Yund, the sum of Tinder
Thousand. Ohs heimared add 66/100 Dollars (83,100.68) at dividend, the same being equal
to tne city lightidy bile fop mer month ending, one aft, 17568
The Phditus end the Medan:der are Sereby authorized. to mane eaid transfer
upon their respretive becks(
• the undersigns:6 tieemby certify Mat tbr. haregoiny (escalation. was duly
and rescdarny intscbseeh. and adopted by the Council et the city ef Slaideds regaisr
meeting assembled on the 16fa day of august, 1932, by Via following vet e, to witd
ADES: Sonnsilimen (Parris, Sobarter, Shehly ara Vide-President Isydrukar,(Z)
• ,
SBSENT( Council-president Murray, (1)
D2 IPSTIMINY 21122206 I have Seneuhts set my hand and affined tte official
seal of said city this 17tic day af any-8st, 1232.
1 of t 01 or .L1,o_000 ) loA,LE r000,as
te,m o! EAt, dity of nistrda.
lieroby certify that thr foregoing is s full, true and. sorsect ;dopy of
RESSLUTION NO. 16786178M0YETTING 23,100866 PhD)/ TaL egittentalti LIMUT hriAD TO TEM ciaLajud.,
2162D6, shadan by Me Conseil of the City of Slaneds in regaIir meeting szseLbled on
the 16th 1 of huguat, 1932.