Resolution 01682RE EECINE OENEELLAT.NE. ritir 3aEE ua fahtLE Of ONI NIEPLONEES .
OF . elliff (If rErArEEE/E LEL:flETED III .7i EIELI.TY Ertb. "INECY OF
HafrilENE, .NOC:OST 6taβ lir31.
RESO5VED5 tr....NO the Ca ty of Elarreria aba a ne Toby foribero. ttria aanco 1 lati of
that co r to i bona otapputea by -OE Eidra la. ty anb NE:firs at Coatreny of EirrylorE, rib::yost 6t
β co i orifro Oar iOUS off i ceEs and.. elialoyees fn' One City. of Nia,meday sal d ca.ncollatb or:
to bo orator: tr: on tae Eth. day of Auq;uot 1,E52.
, the under i orned. 'boo et: v oertif too the f ono &To s lut ion buly
reEul, ably trroduc ad am 0..op I, so oy tn e UOUT101.1 C7,, trie lftOF Of NE one coo re 7,:afie.r
ettinr: atiern.b d err rare Ui1 dray f Sey to rob , 1932 'by 'trio f ,12,510,ar.r rip ars: to t
LI:ES C a on lora rt ycle Ea: r fror ri s9 Scharr:fa .... "7.iarly a EN Irrre a it dr, bat
Ear ra ( ,
.NOES: None .
None .
...71:21.EEE itEENEOF , a. ave hereunto t obi a End. t: oar ;red e official. se al
of a al. C try alba 13th a y of Septa robe :32
1:0LY:10 ..E7O7
(Seal of'. the City o C Eliaroada C 'NEON i tO.:7 0 f
rre by cart f y that. ha foyrerpo i is a Curti , r rind c or re t rye:, of
No so 1 di ifin fro . 1C E:2 "ItrifIrfriff ENG CNN OE LENT ICE OF BONO ON HE OENE CE
/EON Ctia , " amal:a toe , passed. tay the 0 o 11 of tire :City of L.10010 da gula0 moo rig
te on o ay 0 f! ,233 322 β 3,3.2