Resolution 016874) 03 1667., fligNSDEERING $' 13Chlai EROL" THE flIECTSEC LI$111. RUNS TO THE RESOLVED, by the Council of 'tale City of alaianaa, that Dna sum of TAT Snotiodnd One Rundren. inffty -nine Elie. •C/100 Dollard ($3,109.4$0 be ann thn same iS hErnby ordered transferred from. the Elactria Licht Fund. to tbn Cnneral Fund as e divinnen, same being tin amount of the City liFhtirx hill for the ruiftn. ending Dann 111, 197113 The Xunitor add freaturer arn hereby authoriznd and directed 10 xako the necessary transfers on. their resbective booksi I, the undnheignens hereby certify that the foangaiinix Desolation was duly and ragulexiv intseduced and abnetad by the Council of' tfa City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on thn Ilfth. day of •atember, 1b32, by the follidelnR vote, to Elk.: DYES: Council:fen labydeclief, NOr21, 'Schaefer and President Eurrayi. NDE3: Nonni AREENT7 Councilman ahnnly, NIENEEE 11:03300 12 I nava nereiRrto set my hann and. affixed th$ offlonal seal of said City this Stith day af idetareter, 1032. cf ibe City cif flaubla. D. nifii ffsb ind•Tib -711-7775-7,7„ •E nnfeby certify thaX thu foracoing desolation is a hull, trun and. correct copy of "RESOLUTION NO. inSE - $7,132.49 TROY. TER ELECTRIC 'SIGNE TUTS TEN GLANCLIT inRD.7 senses. Ey the. Council of th$ Clad of 2:lessee. in re$slar meetinib assembled on the COth day of Seutexten, 1932,