Resolution 01691'2]ES052JqdfNUI.2522JsLal. AILASSOKLANC. TEE CISIA 02 LLANISIA IS SALIITIOXE b OF WAY FOR ISIS ....,.n 1., 04 A 24'02.25 SEWER. ma h afOLVSA, by the Council of the City of bleasha that the City. Senamor be, an(i be is hereby authorized and empaya,ren to %equine a right of way Car the onnstruntion ash. malendfnesoe of sl storm sewor, wnish nein. inagieS 01' way is heihnow panticulabffy dascribed follats „ to wit: 9Tatut certain piece or bewcal. of land Mituats, one. being in.. the City. of Llanade, 0obity of. nismale, State of Celifcands, as .S.XIlowsn ▪ stna.r of land four f.4.) fast it. width, the center line of. aduhnt, is des5a4bed. as follows, Se wit: ChAJAAALNII at a point sdni oh is 6. i t aht Soeth le 3 ed he s 227 . 4 f5et along the westerly lino of Sixth Streets ptehudod. southerly, sail.,- being the esstunly nhas ef tide snietannty of A; ha Obohaarnahmiht, and. running thence ',South. 66° ISSin' 'West 1.05 feet to a point; B E "On FURTH'S FE SOLVED tit GS the Rayor be , and ha i s ha re b y author zed to s eVic'. cute anb deliver any. agreement or agreement's in connection with the' acablisltion of said riolit of way es he may deem adviondAA and stoner; I, the undersigned, hereby cartify that tbe foregoing 'Resolution wan dul.y and regularly inthoduceb and edotted by the Opensil. of the City. of hiawasha ib regulor mooting assembled on .22s dhy of SenhAnsber, 1932 by the following vote, to sht, SAIMIS; Councilmen. Lexneoher, ISexhis, Ebbsefer abb. Aresident Kuhragt NOES, Casino ilmen; She. ly IN .....11MALESS nin22202, Su:mho Serahsto net hy. astd hue eff,ixed line officinal. seal of said City fib 2e tt. Say. of asp-kosher 103f, eien.540222,22,5 „ I t i 7oC exec.' f naroey aortjfy east ifs fersgeint Ossolubiss is a fall, thee ann, sermons 7,27 fen 'I 2472222222222.312 OS' h SISSEWS SA712:24.' passed 27 tbe Council of the City of _:.I .A.... .2 ti z 572,1 ar ;no at ins?, as sent; le d t 20 ta now 4.2 Se 7 te sbe ; . „, .