Resolution 01725„ REECE:STICH NE. 1725_ RE5SIOSION GM AtACETJMVEE MO CONSIN” TO 23SGRIITTION RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda, that thv deed. or grant, executed by A. 2C54,1;4452, (a singJe woman), cop- raying to the City of Alameda, a nwhisibal corporation, the following described. read, property situate in the City of Alamodv, County of ahmmeda, 1tate of California. ETGaIal..2. at the most western. corner of Broadway, as sere. street is described in that certain. decd. of Codicotion from. ht. L. Justice, et al, te. the City of' Alameda, a. munheirial corboration, dated Haren 4, 112e and. recordch. Larch 9, lt26 is. fiber 1554 Official Secorns of siamvda County, at page 12, running. tennne 8outh. 56° 411 East Micorg the emith - westerly boundary line of ten above described street ami along: the southwesterly bomodory lirrs of the certahn parcel:a of land deserihnd in. tho certain deehe, first, fren Noble F. Juni-foe, et al, to J. I- Oblmbnn, and Adm Johnson, his wife, recordod jenuary. 7, 1929 in Libor 2082 Official Records cf Alameda'. County, at Page 44F, as, secon, from . F. justice, et al, to Oh En Enmal, et al, dated. Febrile:my 20, 1931 and record.- ed February. 231 19311 in Libor, 2554 Official. Aocords Of Alameda County", at pagn 136, a distance of 157.62; feet to the northwesterly boundary. lino, produced, of the "LEREEMENN STITSIONT a. mno, of wboien tract was filod. Cbtober 18, 1387 in Liber 17 ef Daps at nogn 67, nismeda Coonny Recordn, thence along the last mentioned itho South. 33(1 11' West 51.72 feet to the northwesterly face of ar. endsting concrete sea wall; thence along sole face of said wall North 57' CO' 40" West 197.92 feet to the prodootion .2nuthanoterly 2f the northwesterly ldrp of Broadway, beraintofere rebtioned, and thence north 339 11' Fvst along the production. of maid line of Egodway OP.O9 foot to the point. of he - ginninpm To ba known_ as "Lo Jolla Drivo." 2 OLVED ETOOTSE20 that the doed. or grant. executed by c NCO .i,L:-....1N .a. OWOnICE, his wire, conveydng to the City of Jhamphia, a municipal corporation, the folhiseing described real... property sitonte im. the Gity of dlorndv, Coumty of Alameda, State of California, LECIHHILL at the moat western. cebruer of 95roadway, ain(saild,strnotedStdeaoribed iurthnt certain. deed of dedicetien from N. F. Justice, et al, to the City of Alameda, a municipal corporation, dated :March 6, 192R and recorded Larch 9, 1625 in. Liner 15(54 Off- . lcial nocords of Alameda County, at. page 12, running thence South 56" 19, Enst ainng the southwesterly. boundvgy line of the abovn described street and along the southwesterly boundary' linns of the certair persele of larbe. described in the certain.. deeds; first, fram Hanle F. Justice, et el.., to J. L. Johnson era Adm. Johnson, his wife, recorded january 7, 1629 in. Edber 203.2 Official Records of Alameda Oonnty, et pogo 447 end, second, from l'..' 2, Justice, et al, to J. le, Ewmal. et al; dated Feb:sunny 26, Ei311 end recordvd February 48, 1931 in Miser 2554 Official Ref:coda of.. Alenneln County, at negv ES1, a dhatance of 197.12 teet to the Northwebterly toundory line, produced, of tho "112:1RELINS- DIVISIONT a MRD or anich tract was filed. October 16, Ic.i8,7 in Libor 19 of linps at page 47, felamadd Countx Records; thenco along Moe last mentioned ifsp South 35- ilt West 51.72 feet. to the northeasterig fece of sn existing conorehe sea. call; thence along said. face of said wall North 57" CO' 4.0" ,inst 167.4d feet to the mrednction southcosterly og' the uortncesterly lino of Broadway, hervirlofere mootivnvd, and thence North ',O13° 11R East along the production of said. line of Incohway 52,39 feet to the point of beginning. to be known es• "la Jolla Drive." HASOLIFB FURTHEH, that the deed or grant, executed by j. B. EMMAL AND FUEDA SEMAL, his wife, conveydng to the City of Alameda, a municipal corporation, the following described real 'property situate in the City of Al...mega, County of Alameda, State of California: "BEGINNING at the most western cornor of Broadway, an said street is described in that certain deed of dedication from N. F. JUSTICE, et al, to the City of Alameda, a municipal corperation„ Casten Parch 6, 1928, and rocordad. Mnrcf. 9, 192E in Liber 1954 Official Records of Alameda. County, at beige 12, rufffng thence South 56" 42du Nast along tte sontba westerly' boundary ifne of thn above describeb street and along the soufawesterly Immnagry lines of' the certain parcels of' land. described in the certain ;loads, first, from Nomaci F. Justine, et al, to J. L, Johnson, and Ada Johnson, his wife, retorted january 7, 1629 in Libur 203,2 Official Recordn of Alameda Connty, at Page 4.47, and, second, from Eh F. Justice, et ot, to 1U H. 'Nodal, et al, dated. February iht, 1631, dog. recorb - en February 23, 1031„ in Lifer f!'irl Offfeial Becoras ' . of Cileameig ounty at paga 139 at distanao of it".92 feat to tba northwesterly boundary linepproduced, of the "LIWEIESBC DiviLiacy,, a. tap of which tract was filed Octoben 1E, 1387 lb. libber 19 of Yams at..3062e 67, Alameda "aunty' Nucords; Mnance along the last mentioned. iine South. 630 llt Nast 51.72 feet to Nis northwesterly face of an existing conursto sea wall; theube elung said. face of' said. wall. North. 598 00, 4.0" West 127.S2 feet to the oroduution southcasterly of the northwesterly' line of Broadway, hereinbefora mentioned, End thence Barth 33" 11' East along tha production. of said line of Broadway 62.39 feet to the point of' be- ginning. To be known as "a Jolla Driva." RE.SOLVEE FURTHEE, that the deed or grant,. exacened hy CE. Lo JOHNSON, also known. as JA.19FS L. JOHNSON, and ADA. JOHNSON, his wife, conveying to the Ofty of Alameda, a. fmnittaal. conpur- gtion, the following described real propethm situnte in the City of Bilameda, County of "-lambda, State of' Californian BENINNAMO et tte mast wastere corner of Broadway, cs said street is described. in. that cartelf deaj st dad - icatton from N. F. justite, et al, to tini City of "tornado, E marlicipaM corporation, dated March 6, 192S, std. re - corned. Baron 2, 1E28 in Joiner 1654 Officdal. Recafaz of Alameda County, at nage 12, running thente SouVh. be" 40' East along the southwester:thy boundary line of the abave abscribed street and. along the southwesterly boundary lines of the. certain parcels of landn described in tne certain deeds, first, from Labia Y. ;Instate, et al, to 1, I,. Johnuan and. ASA Johnson, his wife, recorded 1annary 7, 1922 in fiber 2032 Official Recorda of ntemags. County, Et pagQ, d47, and, second, from Nh Fo Justice, et al, to j. B. Emma, et al,•gated Etbfutty 26, 1931 ana. recorbfa. February MC, 1931 in. fiber 2504 Official Becorfla of' Alamedo County, at page 1PE, a dfatance of lfTNIE feet• to-the northwestarly 'faunae-ay line, produced, of' tea "LEAHILIBM. DIVISIONT a map of Which. trabt cas filed October 18, 1387, in Enter 19 ef Yaps at poge 67, Alameda CoLnty Recorda; thence along the larit hertiongh. line South 239 11' Cast 51.72 feet to the northesotarlm face of an existing concrete sea. wail; ttence along sohn face of said wall North 59v 001 40" chMst 192.92 feet to tta eroduotion southwesterly of the northwesterly linn of Proadwey, herminbefore imurrehavA„ gbh tience Earth S33 11, haat along the production. of said.. line. of Broaawfy J2.39 feet to the faint of beginning. To be known. as 'Ls aal Ia. bribe," lanCOMbilia AuCfniShM thet the dean. or gfahtm eft:anted. ice to tan Silty of Alaxadb, a muunhnfirA. um-actuation, tug following aosoribaa real property situate in tte catty of Aishtab, County of ;Manage, jtate of Cal:Ito:rubes NURERREA, a: the nRht western senior of Bps:Adman as said street is daub-fined that certain dean. of dedication from II. F. Justice, etaal, to the City of Alomeda, a rhia1pal. corporation, dated March 6, 1928, and baosheed Rarah 9, 1998 in Liner 1954, Officdal. discords of Alameda dainty, at paen 1S, rnanim 1110E0=0 South 56° 49" East slang the sonabwestonly boundary lins of the abhve dehorfhad strest ard slang the nobtavestAhly boundary linhh of the certain 7-darnels of' landh deshrAbed in Mad (der-thin deeds, first, frau F. Juntios, al, to S. Ishmhou arR Ada Johnson, hdh vAfe, nacho:Red Candhoy 7, 1929 in Libet 2032 Official Records of Alameda County, at pavh 442, and, seconR, from R. F. Shatice, et ad, to B. Bs acted, et al. dated February. 25, 17.2. and recbdadan February 1931 in Liner 2654 Official Pecardh of•Aladinna Comity, at page 139, a. distanos of 127.92 fhet to the northwesterly boundary line, produced, of the "IBWELLAF2 DIVISION' a rob of which trust WaS filed Ostabar le, 18957, in Milder 19 of Mhps at page 67, Alomhda Connty. Shcorrdnd thence adong the last mentioned line South BS' 11' Ihst 51.72 feat tc the novilhnnaMachy face of an ea-hating esmannafe sea wall, thence aiong said face of said wall. North 57R co' 402 Bost 157.92 feet to the nrcdoction southwesterly of the nortbsesterly linehof Srendvny, here a inbefare nertioned, aid theuRe North 33f 11' EAst along the production. of said. line of Broadway Cr.CW feet to the point of beginning, aosnbred by waiR. City for stroet bornomes, ba and the sane is hereby, accepted. and Bald. Council, acting for' and. in herhlf of said grantees, hereby consents to the recordation.. of sold deedh or grants, and orders tadh rosolutihr. to be sttaRreb. thereto, rn required by Section 1158 af the Civil Code. I, flea anahrsigned, heroby certify that the foregoing. Resolution who duly ass. regularly intrcrobed eT.d. adopted: by the Council of tbe City of Alamedh in. Regular meeting assembled. ou the 7th. day. of February, 1929, by the fcAlosUng vote, to wit: ANNB: fionrcilmhn Loydeckera, Bashefer, Snanly and Inesident Murray, (11. NOES: NOM. ASSENT: Councilmen 'Morris, (1). IN T1CIFIXONCI WEESE02, I have hareraMai aet ny hour and affn2hd the official. sehl of 2aid city this Sth day of February, 1933. EJJER DYER UTT7H, 77rk 0 t C V of Ala:mesa. (Seal of the City of Alameda) I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution is a full, true and correct copy of "RESOLUTION NO. 1725 - RESOLUTION OF ACCEPTANCE MID CONSENT TO RECORDATION." passed by the Council of the City of Alameda assembled in regular meeting on the 7th day of February, 1933. City Clerk of the City of Alameda.