Resolution 01726PESOLUTIOD NO,_1726, UUBMITTIEG CDRYAlb 33AFTER AMENanENT ITT ARDODINTOMSCE FRevIDILr FOR A. TEUDION TUFT FUR ETTITTEES cw TEE TOLIME nhO FnnE DETARTNENTS OE TED CITY OF OLARITA, SAID CHI:STET. ATEMDME0MD MUD PENOIOn caplu,INcE TO DE VOTED. Whieli AT "TAD GESERAL MONSUITST TO ET FITT IN EMIT OTTN ON dillb.DAY, Ltiltbh 11, 1633. TILDTIAS, the bounuid. of the City of Alamo:Os, on. its own motion, desires to suhubb to the qualified electors of eajd City • certain chartes whabbampte and a pension. ordinance entitled "AT. ordinance. providing' for a pension fund for merters of the halide and Sire Depapheasts of :Me City. of Alameda, also for the adminu Istrutiou of said futd, and repealing all online:apes or parts of ordinances in conaliet herewith, " art a abbr. of said proposed. ----orlisbnce huu been. filed with tde City Clore, to be voted. UpOD. at thereof:meal municipal eleution. to be bbld in. said city Oh Tubsday, DerCh 14, 16333 hoot, therefore,: DE IT RETTOLVED-by the Council of the City of Ilan:oda as follows: That thw chbrtar ansubmants and pension ordinance be submitited to thb assdified electors of said city. at said elactdon in words rand figuTos es follows, to wit: TROT:COITION h0. lbet Section 2, Article II of tha Charter of tbu City af Alameda be amended to reed so follows: See. 2. The Council. The ccbmcil sacil consist of five ;cumbers. Eabh member of •--the egancil. shall. receive as einpensarbin the sum of Tbn Dollars (410•00) ger mueting; phovidud, honeywr, that the total compensation of each. eumbor shall. nbt exceed Tweaty Dollars • (320.06) in any one month. TROE001TIO: h0. nbat dectdon 3, Artiolu II of the Charter of the. City of Alanonb he amended. to road. as Sec. 0, quorum. Threb, mehbers of the Council shell cohotitute a quorum, but a less numheT may adjourn from time to time, end may compel the attendance of absent maulers in. such. manner and. under subh. petal- -ties as the counwil. may prescribe. Absence from four conssettirb regular meetings, an - laws excused. by the Council, shall. operate to vacate thb seat of any mumter so absent. ideOPODITION NO. That Section 6, Articlu II of the :Marten of the City of Alameda bo amandeb. to read as follows: vr... 000000 Sec. 6. Council Meetings. The Council shall meet at ailedit o'clock. p. md on Mhe third. Tuesday of tae month next succembing; the month in which the general reminikal election is held, and shall hold. regular meeL. gs twice in each month. and at such, other timed as it shall fix by ordinance. It shall not convene at any plane other than. its regular place of meeting. Its meetimis shall be public. Special laleetin,g3 may be called by ilhe mayor or by three councilmen, by" serving the members personally with writU en notices, or leaving the same at places designated by. the respective members at least three hours before the time of the proposed meeting. N,S.OlCSITIOh Kn. 4. That Section S, Article II of the Charter of the. Cit• of Alammda be amended to kesd es follaws: 040...omao.0 dee. 9. City Clerk. The duties. of the Oity Clerk shell be such as are prescribed ........... by the council and. provided by law. he shall hold office until. ramoved by the affirmative . NO. vote of fouT manners of the council. aaaa.00,0a. PROPOSITION NO. , That Set:tied 203 Article Il of the Charter of the City of Alameda. be avvvided to read. as follows: Sec. 20. Vacancies in the Council. Any' vananry in, the City. Council, froraWhatever cause arising, excebt ES otherwise rovidnd. in. the chakter of this Charter' relating to. Recall, shall be filled by the City' Caukcii, provided, however, that any berson. apointed to such vas:shay shall hold office only' until the next general municipal election; 'At-Which. time a subcessor snarl bee:ie.:tee to serve for tho remainder of' the. unexpired term, 6006000006.0 .„„ If, for any reason, the seats of a Tetml- . YES. tg or' the council snail ndoorn vacant, thn ........... City Clerk' shall call a special. election. to fill the vacancies for the huexpired portions. . WO. of Mie Manns. Such election shall be comduct- ........... ad as nearly as passible. as herein previded for general municirel einctiona. In ouch an. event the City' Clekk shall have full:powers to avvoint all election, officials, including a camvsAsing board. consisting of three elec- toks, ard to do and rerform add: acts reel:Area in onanaction with sadd eleptien. PROTPSITION NO, 6. That Section 223. ATtile II of the aaarter bf the City of' Alameda. be amended to read. as followa: 2-ec. 26. The coureil shall not sell or convey 3.33.5'' portion of any water front or tide lands. EP lease or sale af real eslete shall be smihorizad by the council amcapt by ordinance massed by the affirmative Votie. of faux. of the Maabors and. he Masse shall be madm for a pariod longer than twenty-five yeakm, provided, he-curer, the council by affihmalve vote of four members may authorize leases of tee city's water front or tide laded fcr tmdutyefive years with. tae ridht of renewal fer a further term ret excending twenAy -61re yeers, in accordance whth the peevish:ins of the :Attitude by Ithich. said water front and tide lands sere grarted to the city. NO ordipanhe for the lease or bale of real estate, or for the laane of WEACT frOYA Ti;HrjltS, or tide lands by the ccencil shall take effect before sixty aays bem the date of massage. 6 6 6 00..0 0 F5 filOSOSITIIN NO. That hes:flea 6 Obseter II, Artible III of the Chanter of the City of hinmeaa be sideneee to read as faXildfos: deo. O. Thepe ahnii de a cat:y attorney who shall be ahhointen by tan couroil and who shall be an electox of the Qi1,7" oz the tiwn of bin appointment, she shell te an attorney' end counseled-at-law duly au:- nutted to practice ty tto Aft:rent; court of tCe state. he ahall huve actualAy bosh ended-fed in the practice of tis thextession for a period of ut lennt years nowt before bin apreihnsiont. ile shale held. nf fie:a unZil revoine by the affirnallve voZb of focr momfers of toe council. ILLL" CIS IC2 Thst there be. added to Chapben Ili, of ealfendo IV of the Charter of the: City of glamena. u new section to te known as Section 16-a, sate to read as follows: dec. 16-a. AM any tine :after tee first new ef. September. and not later ttimai the third Tuesday in deptawfor of each year, the: Cennail shall hoterxino the rate of city tames to bn levied ond collected upon the pnoperty assessed. for texonice. within the limits of the city, on the basis: of 'Eno vialuatice. thernef ao :shown by. tha seriessfent roll in the office of Noe ciff- assessor; canh. rate. afteT salowitsg-one: anf. one-half per cent 1,1,:A of the assessed valuation for Celannunnalee, must be sufficient to raise the necessary revenue fews: the City. of Alameda for the current fiscal yeaad pro- vided, however, the: sawn for general revenwe purposes shell act exceed thn limat of taxa- tion provided.. fnr in thls Charter, ahh the pnevielons of law in. reattach. to the sawed Tr. fiwinis ouch rnte the conrcil shell fist the same ny• dot-digesting the inixner of cents invied on each CTle hundred Collsra fd100.00) of anonssed valuation. of tandhle property:, snocifying the nertion. oe' fee enole, whanh: holorit to. any particular fund of Nes city, end Ossignatiph also the nnrtion there- of sperovnintod few. each special purpose or special bondsd. ineehtenneas ot. the: city. Ending. antermant,a on the whele rate to he anvieh, the Cnencil shall. then levy- Mon tax to provide few:. raising the necessary revenwe of' nue city for the current fiscal. yeaiw ithdPOSIIfbid NO. C. Thxt Section 1, Arthcle VII of the Cherter of the City of Ulameda in adeunon to resd As yetis:vs: SO0000..0,76 wil Sec. 1. The counoil snail appoint a City. Ihnugen. Eo neeh not be a reoldtnt of the State of California at the titan of his ap- lyttestethed emiary shall be fixed. by thn ........... atty. conncil, nun shall not thereafter be re- duced except by- thn aftarfative vote of four . YET. nembers thereof; nor iD. any event shall said. ........... salary te ions than Enron Thowesnd Collo-on her annum, de shell hold. office uneil by thn affirehtite Vote of four nexnern of the council. That Section 10, Article idai of the Charter of the City of' Alanodo be amended to read as foliewb: Sec. 10. Any charwe broadsht agalsof e. member of' the' police iopmdtnent er. fire departnnnt, who has been fn the service of the city D7,T Mime seems, Maall be heard. be the dity Manbger, and he shall determine the dmaaMmuent dr penbity to be giver. in idle case. In. the event of a. dismissal, but net othert4 wise, the discharsod person shall have the rigMt to appeal from the order of dismissal to the police and fire 10eari of atipeals, -which board is hereby estahlished. dada. board ebbli oonsibt of the mayor ann. tub electors of the city, Mio shall serve "iLith011t conbename time, bnd be hubmintei by the council, said :cube:et:tent being for a. term of two yenra. No atbte, coubty or city offibiol shell be eligible for appointment. In the case of the first two. appointed. hereunder, iota shbil be drawn for a one year term and a two. year tern,. and there- after one member shbil be appointed ebch year. A majority vote shall. control. The. TeamS may adopt its own rules of procedure. Am abbeal to shah. boamd. shall. be taken by tho filing of a written notice of mgeehl, duly signen dy such. discharged. person. and stating tbo gronrds upad which such appeal is taken, Such notice shall be filed with the City Manager ard. copy thereof served hymn said. hoord whthin. thirty datm from the date of the order of dismissal. If such notice is not filed and. served witbdr. such.. time, fad orbor of diso missal shall beoone final. Uron the filibg of any such. oboes' the board. shalj.. set a. Smy for the heaming there:di. The chamgms against abyellant shall be tried. anew by said hoard and a decision. of the board. dhal].. be rendered. within three morths from. the dbte such. appeal is taken- fh0lOSI2;cX 11,% That Section 20 Article X of the Charter of the City of Alamedo be amended. to read as follows: bjec. 2. The bbarn shall cosmist of' fjvm members. The City Monagmy shall be, emoofficio, a member af maid board. The other Toff members shall be appointed. by tho mayor, At. least one of shoh. appointees oba31 he a 'registered civil nrolomical or elect:fit:al enydneer. The four apbeintive mexeors shall each hold office for e term of fhum years and. until the appointment and qua:rafter:than of a.. successor. anch terns shell began. on the first day or Xby and sholl alXeinbte so that the term of one merber adall.expire on the. 30th. day'. of April of each year. Any vacampy occarriag prior to. the expira- tion of a. tern. sheall be filled by appoint- ment by the moeor, the appointee to •serve for the tatembired. term. The nereers of Ono board of putlie atidities Ian office at' the tine thhs sec - • tion &B amended shall. become effectlee, shall remain. in office natil the expirotion. of Mae term far Which they were respective- ly appointed. and.. umtil their successerm are abbointed ann. Tr:edify. dhen this section a:held becone effective, the mayer Shall. hopoist two additichad... meme hers on sada beard, one of whom shall be wppointeb. for a term. enbang os. April 30, 1934, smO one for a t,,,TM ending Aymil 1936 TDOXODITE9N That Section 3; Erticie X of.the' ;Chi-peter of the City of Alameda bo Tmended. to read as followe: Sec. 3. The boand shall organize annually at its first regolar meeting in May by electing a presidont and.. 4obe...was.“ mace-president; ahP appointine a score- tary. Three shall constitute a sacrum, . YES. They sholl hold a. reeplar meeting on ............ the evening of' 'Mae second Wedueoday of each month at eieht e,cleck in the . NO . office of the Department of Pulite Utilities dud shall hold. suet ether meetings as they Ahall deterrAne. That Section 4x Arthale X of the. Charter of the City ot Alameda be amended to read ao follows: Sea. 4. The City treasurer shall tees) the fund. of each uttlity sepateste. Any - surplus to the limit ofXfifteesa per cent of thb book vdlue of. any utility may be invested by direction. of the board in. beads of the City of' Alameda, OT in state; ........... sochXy or municipal bonds of this stets, er-aay be transferred. to the ealM.PiteXa fund . YES. of the city. by resolution of the boated of bpielle utilities. Dopy of such roselutiou. shall. be transmitted. immediately after its . NO . adoption by the board. to Lhe city- counaii„ ........... 3cid fund so transferred by- such resolution shald thereupon becone pGrt of the general fund of the city pf Alameda. - 22,;(;14;;SATICE NC._ 14, That Subdivision 2 of Sention 6, Article. X of the Chanter of tee City of Alameda be xmoneed to read. as. follerau Two. To bay and sell npterialo and mapplies inaideutal to the operation of each. atility withia the limitations as buceinefter stated. That Scotian. 8, Articio X of'"the Charter of the City of Alaxpdp be amended. to reod as follows: Sec. 8, Aal money collested sPahl to dettsited with the treasurer as soon as proeticahto. Demands on any fend shall. bp sighed by the. president and 44.04,0.9"” seeratury of' the board, in the event that tip president be temporarily absent ser nuedie tO perform. his official dinDyes, ........... The vice-president Gasid mien moot derauds. PACTD8iTION NE. 15. That Section 9, Artlele X of tho Chartox of tho City. of Alameda bo amended to read as follousu Oeo. 9. The board of public utilities shall not LOCOT any e of the city council, except Ex othernese prpoildeS in onetiens 10 End 11 of tiis article. PuTchases or contracts exceeding; One thopmand dollars fp amount shall. hp afyertis - ed. by tte hoard. and enall. be aparled. to the lowest responsible hiMder, nblees all thdx are.. rejected.. Contrexts for the onle of equipment or other property. except so har, jx. otherwise froyided, exceeding one tnownpnd dellars in value shall be adveintised by the board an shall be nwarded to trot hAhhest roofen- sible bidden, unless al l. bide to rejected- glifAllidiSITI 09- -191,079 That there be adhed to Article X of thn Shorten-of the City of Alanpdh a section to be known. AA Section 12, to read. as followsw Sec. if. Thu expoirtive memlons of the board of pvtlic utilities obeli!. for each regular mee3 ing. attended receivn fee eam ef ten Sellers; provided, WicheYdr, that the total combevesTion of' eaco member shall. Act excee3. tnr. dollars ix ony One month. 1211.0313.11,N Thct Section 1, Chatrter Article Xi of the Charter of the City ob Alanesde. be amended to read os fellonx: Jec. 1. Sefervl nunicipol elections oneel be held on the first Tuesday Adter the first monevy in November of coch even number ea year. fne first eirction osier this Chester ehall be huld an eguesdEg', November 6, lajcs, prevAdedithat this axphfsert shall not bcoomp effective for any purpose unless the broposed anannOmont to Section 3 of this obcoter shall be adopted. PSOPOSIDT0Sit.o. Thht fectien 3, Cho-ctn.,' 1, Article XI of the Charter of tbe City of Alarmadp tu annTded to rend nx fellows: Enc. 3 Terms 01 Elective Officera. Elective offibers shell hold office for a -period cb "feen years from eta ofter eight o'clock pi s. of tne third noticing of December following Vic day of election and 0990999 their nnenCeSnOne are elected and opalifient; provided, Sop-even, filet the. officere elehted. at ',JIG gSheral.. elections held in November in. tido years 1334 and 193C fo3 . the full terns endlnis on. the thliod tenday in. Decemeer in. the years 193S nor 1910, respectively, shall not toke office untie the thine fended/ in April fols thpir election. Tbe elective officers. of the City' in. offioe nt the time thio seofior. ao asunhed shell become effective, shaMi remain. in of- fice Extil the expiration of the te1° m.. for enich thpy were respective:1y elected an ontli their successors mre elected. and. c.ualifled; provided, that this amphdmuht shall not become effectivm for any prnosse unlues the proposed ariundrpft to eleetlOn of this. L hapter shall be aluoted. a 0 0 0 0 00 0 * . NES. team.. a a a 0 . NC . That Chapter II, Articio XI of the Charter of thh City of alameda be markked. to road es followsc CRaPTIIR IT. Rec. 1- Decall, Tte holnor of any.. elective oisice oy city. may be removed CT recalled. from offico ot any timo by the enactors; abovnded ho has hold his officp st. least tix bornbs and no recall Ibt.abioh has been filod. moonrbb blk. within. o. libo period- Tha pbovisions of this shooter are intended. to apply to officials now in.. office, os well as to those here - often elected. The procedhos to effect such recall shall be a;i7 hereinafter sot forth. Cho. E. 'filing of Notice_of Inbettion, Recall procesannwo shall be instituted by the ing with the Citaso Clerk of,_a Notice of Intention. to circulate a petition for recall- Such notice of intention mhall be migned by three or more qualified electors of Mae city ond snail. atote the name and office of the officer sougbt 16 be recalled and. atoll further. conboin a general statement, rbt exceeding three hundred 1702(10 in length, ;3ettaliG forth the grounds on which Vie recall of such officer ........... io souGht. 3aid statement, and the answer inmost° hereinafter provided for, shall. be interned solely for the information of the eloctoors man no defect in Mse fotm 02 substance Score of shall in mtv manner effect tbe validany of any such. recall procoodikze. Every per- son Whose name is migneb to ouch. hotitior meet state his cr her address therein, Embh person. signing suck petntior. rust sokbooledye his signature before on officer adatnerizod to tsko ockmoshedgmento in. thns state, mad the certificate ct coRmomiedgnont of such officer shall be attahhod to said betide ob enhoroed Creston. Tiger receipt and filing. of said notice the City Clerk shall endorse thereon tho dote of subh Seo. 3. Service of Notice. Mainain seyen doyo fihns and. mfter the filbhg of bko notice of intontion piknkbted for in. the next ore - ,codjbav schthon, a true cess of onwbd notice olo011 be personally serwed. on the officer shkundt to he resealed, or mailed .to much of- ficer, by registebed motif, by depositing the same in the Indtmod Stetto post offihe in this city, in. a scoled envelope-, with. posteso ?20 - paid, addlubssed. to ouch officer at his last known address in 'Ohs city, If made by moil, service oPatil. be &wowed paykilete at 'Mho tbke of. the des:emit of bus copy of said runr1ce ba. United. atates poet office, The affidavit of the party making: such. service shall be filed fortIbttn with. the City Clerk. Said. affidavit shell. desibnoto tae oton, the hhaoe where, ond the mahnor in. nbEch service was made. See. 4, er. Within. fourteom. days after bre TU. f the notice of intetaMbwk, -Moo °flan:hob sought to te recoiled msg.- file with. the City Clock an answer in which he may set forth in genebod statereht not exceedEhg three hundred wordo, suph officertM..anooer to the goners:I otatenort contained. in the notice of intention, or mny other justification of his course in. office. «mw ton deicanafi office y y » city c1 a awi me «= o< arperto to be y 00 dotermino Altothcr the elActord will rocoll such offTcer. One electhcp shall be sufficient for the recall of one or more officials. aniculd a regplar nrnicippA. dibxthMAn rrt more than sixty Wayx n.f.)r less then thirty -fUvo days from tha tirc of the receipt of the. petition by tho council from the ciewh, the copTchni Whtfl rrovide for the ruatission of the huestioh. of such recall. at ouch. regular eipptict. At scup Bush regular electich, when the quasi:AGA of the rdaall of an officer is submittcd, the ballots for the recordlng of tbe Vote on the thios tion of such recall mitet be separate from any- other ballots used in such election- Sec. 16. hijIorm of fiallot. The ballots at sucb recall elysinkc.-7.771 contort' to Voe following resniremonts. There shall be printed Tbereor the follow- ing upectionx ddfall Manme of person ageinst whcm the recall petition wee filed) ba removed Tref tha office of (title of the office)by reaellIT iellosium which '-0'17 be '40.7:;a8 67ead and "No' on sesamate lines, with a bAbfk specs at tta right of each, An which tfc electop shall Ash:Damao by stamp- ing n CTOE (X-) his vote for or against much :recall. in ease hare tbaf one person is muimbf -to re recoiled Ft th.,(;` SanC cnestfor of rocall 3:cid be month:Waal for each person separately, Sec. 17. Sample Eallat. The city clerk shnill cause to be printed and nciled to each elector of -Tie city at least tmulasc prior to any. recall election, a samale of the ballot to be uped eT such election- . Coe. 13. Canvaes of Votes. Tbe votes shall be canvassed on 'Monday nexi-succeeding hbe day of 30.11('].. election, and if it appearp thet a majority of hbose voting at span. eiceilms. voted. 7Yes" and in favor of the. recall of any incumbent from office, such incumbent or Anaumlcutts shall. be doomed removed from office and. a broom-Ay or bacanclos, as the case ncy be, shall be deemed to ()Mist therein. Soc. 16. Mannar of Filling Vacancy or tochaitchies. the eveft that fess than a majority the members of the city council shall. be te- aselled at one and the same election, the Council shail forthwith. fill the vacancy or vacancies by appolctmett. "Any. person ar rpm:sifted shall hold office until lime west meccral municipal_ election, at which time the person. er per2CT2 2,211.Ela he elected to serbc far tbc. remainder of such unc expired. tern, Sec. dre Coradaslon. In the event that a majority hes city council. shall. be recalled. at ono 2131-1 the same election, then and. in. that case the city ciprk shall. fciarchvitT1 call and. conduct a ancciai election te fill arxT. vaorneles, whiCh election. shall be held. not less than thirty-five.nor more than. forty--five daym after the date of the clerk's order calling such election. It such an. event the city clerk shall have full power to appcitt eal. eloptian officiels tO do and perform all sets requiems). An connection with said. election. The city clerk shell name three disinterested electors who shell act no a canvassing board. to cauxass the returns ef said elec- tion and who abc.711. denore the result thereof, Before °T.-tarifa upon him duties, each member of the canvassing board shall take the constitutional oath of office. IT a rogylar finadoinal.. election.. shculd GCC-J.1' lact more than sixty days npr lass than forty dusts from the Sate of canvassing the votes aforesaid, the clerk shall.. provide for the filling of the. vacancmes at dech regular manallral eieotion. Sec. 21, Zlostg• stiOnoof Officer'. ..Pfdoesed Ingo for repel: of any' officer sholl De deemed to be pending froh the date of the filing of the notipe of intention to circolote a. petition for the recall of such offinem. If such. officer ohcold resign ot dny time subsequent to the firing of ssid. notice, but. before the petitionh for his recoil hove been filled. with tbs. city clerk', thon the city' coumoil. shall fill the vacancy caused by such resigna- tion. by oppoirtment. The person. so appointee. to fila sect. vachoop shoal. serve until the 'next general municipal election; provided, hosbver, thht iT a. sheedol election be called. as hereinafter providod, then curb. appointee shbli Sold offipe only until. tie person eaected 2t such sheciai. election shell qualify, IM, rot,ifthothuddrc such resignotich, Ppd. tifthi the Lino litited in sections 10 mid. 12 hereof, the proponents of the recall fias sufficient petitions for rho rebottle then the city council, prop. receipt of tjto petition occonnanied by' the clerk's certifiobte, as prevhboo. in section to hereof, shall fortorUth call gripe:lel election tO clubt a succepsor for tho unexpired term of the officer rhos resigrod, rhioh election shall he bold not loss. 'clump thirty -flue days nor more. thau. noty -rive days titter the ordor caliiimg such election. In the evert thht %Po officer unose recoil i3 stonle resig after the faring of recall petitions, but more thoc twenty days caforr tle rite set fob f,a rocal, oaechier, tho °Sty Pees:ell shall forthtOth call n special election to elect h Luce:Poser for rbe urerpired term of the officer ttoo resigned, she ff a mescal elactits bhh leer called prior tC.) E, re 13 the d eh:I-ling tufa re eon 1 election shall he resofrdol„ Shouts surle ordicerts phsigrhtior coopr before the hay set foh the recoil eapetion amd rhtOin twerry heyo from tha doe's set ars the: sahs, such electton sLoll is Lela nothithstomeing such residnation. See. 22. All recold. elections and all special slohtione to fill aim; nntrifluf gfhttud by recall or by resiEnution penOhnst recall proceedings shall. be conAunted, as hour as men be, ho in this obbrter proviipd for energli 'municipal elections, fec„ fti„ h pappen who hos hear repeltad. from affise, er goo hop resigned onlio pro - chcajffs for cis ',cher were pereinh, shall not be a ceneideate ohs his hums mnst not dereon bn thb callot es a onndidsto for the rure offfro, at any election which the vacancy cabued by his fecal] or resippotion ba filfaid. Sec,. 2.4,„ Ifftes iamtion,„ This oho:fifer shut!. se liberoJdy corntruse to promote Ise objects. thereof, rhd no error, cmichifon, or irreyblerity not effecting tho sabstantisi rijitc of any citiroh. or public offilefol shell ever be bbli. to throlidote any proceedippo taken. bbreunder Pihare the redretemento cf this chapter hove been shipatartially complied.. with- iIL Thbt Meetj.on Artivie xala of the Otisrter of' the City of Anarnriu be amonded to heed as reale-ph: Bac. 6. hio mspor shult L8,Ve the power to flit. vhcancios avue-yt as this chortgr o thorn iss provildes. Such appointee she'll hold. for tbe unerpfred tern abr. the Lna sousprichtien of a. successor. PRORTILLIITON LIR,. • That Shatista Rt.t, Article XIII of tile Uharter of the Otte' of Alameda bo art:heeled to read ah faiNhakt. eso. CO. Unions ottdoetios ';',2GVi.,,AE:',1 be ?C. to encibt oey faTaite, cierk, esnistiet 0 0 0 8 0 0 00 tho Tenant e.. acateirtoa. Lex:bees of •tt- ,ti-hritees as all rooron kr ostraiesions cheated co trovieca fte I, talti ,..",-111:::.2 f.A'..',;: . NO . ta Ter.:acne by t.Se offirtatife voUe of four ...T.,,ao...* refehers of anc -ity fackhl, ahytaira lh thin ancrief to the bocincry notwithetonerh. FRO?OSITICIN 2q. That ttere les ahead.. to Article XIII of the ChaTter of the City of AlarticAN a nection to be known ac Section. 22, to resd as folloNTR Leen. 52. When. enterine into any cortract inr labur or hirir„s aay lebur for public contract Nock, parfonence sneak be ciyon. to locel cont2eatorsx ecelhalcs. artisans or ether lahoreus of any class, uho seolT have actually resiTed. ir. tto City of Alameda knr a. horiod. GT diX 1;.101]-0.,13 traded-tea the Clete of their seeduseirent te purfora labor, curilith tarn urine of wank beitec esTalk PITOIROSITION That thurh 'co added. to lorttele XIII. of rna Charter of the fits- of Ilmenia a eeetion. to he Reionia E6 xectleh 53, fa read as foleons: She. 33. Uacencisc. A vhseT.cy of ary clechtfee office,. freer utteatemer souse akisenkt, ehaeht. az oterwles proviCed in the chantar en. Recall, sedli be killed.. be tha city cocnole, Pro-vies:C., however, that ehy her - son„epalktei Th fill. ouch shaccuy hole. office only until ila aanerhi fateateN1 election, at which. tdrou s coaches - sor seal]. be elacteh to serve for the nh- okitised tettal. In case of tno failure od too oith cod Lei:. to a pcoint, e toes sc hair, a 8 000 0000000 . . r e r i iri. c, f ::r.ir CI:. 7,:',1 .i a :7,73 fro:1 -7,1-, o ci a t :•, cr. r,,,, t. deu. euon vacancy obeli occur, tae totitn ........... ottNholl test thorcucon oasi e sfecial slecNua to fill twee faconch aad sCell . NO . . ctinso sror cloctdor to be held sot lest, tree freh the Sete of expirst==oa of ache 7.,..-7',"70.P.7,y day forted; nectided, ToThroe, That le onse a aaeore-, aurifinai elsotelloe shall Natto rf:I'DC,0 not acre than sixty daTa Nor lean taon esys ice dare or aRtiustior of sthe seventy fay ooriod„ eoheoll afovide hor ft! pa tto vsoaccy at such ashore' oihetion. PROPCITTINU NO, 25. Tnet thero be ahcioe to efticle of tho Chafed.' of tha City of Ilamedo t soction to bo ksowf as I:entice UCh to ftad sb foiichs: aos,oa.atroao Roo. 54. Rennet/Jr it tees (No-error ffnuf -fifths vote of Nte whole council" conned, ft seull be ........... ietachretet os recnisiec tha offi22htive vote of fon- frehlahh Ile orbocii- .ro 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 )1.1..a21.1 aencian ordihnnaa del- dttf.ad. Ida" one Cocchi]. of The CiT7 thf . YES, hihmeda be abletyta: M0,440040* The City. Clerk is also directed to rubldhf arca ih hiaredn Tribe'r Ct al, o daily hr waredirr of (.7(thatc(1 cireakatioa, thjrlishett end circulatoa in safd City, tf.: afore- hard. drafter arka(rbm..(kflfs toad arorosa. ordinnnha. Ho shnJi cause dories el' said charter amendsrer ts and saikl akayradd orjaharre to be phinted in corverAeht parapraea font and shall anpy ehnhkof enorbsed with the serTie rhalot to noel( voter tt leaet ten (10) days. rTior to (taid election. He shall hind, until the) day fixad for the election, adrertiae in the fore(.,...(oihg fletteepeepOte Tt notice 'dhcat (duch copied may be hod. at hio uffic in tha CiLy Hail, upon d'pb1Chrattirn1 therattnr. If tn.e rarToddd ordinnee so aultlitted. rceir'ed majority df the (thter cast bkerrah at said electlhh, caid oddrihrrha cardd ba raddcted aacordlntjly anal co ln,to affect ter. (.1()) dnys after the declaration. by. th...e can:dnrrAn(z boarr of the retault of said. etertjnr, I, tha. cianersiKned, hereby reTtify that the fora(toinn fiesolution. T(C8 ettlite and raidriarly intrndhaed and hadordad by the COULCii of the Jity of Aitthebba in. regular xeetins rderble. on the, 7ttl. fol.( of 2obrff)ry, 1C33, by the fol.:1071re: rnte, td wit( Th(thhe t1f)on L..fp1oolfe:::, (1). 0.3af.cilocf, Oorri P ( L) of":re() tlo cfflof).1 -fr ))..i. D. (flork of (Seal of the City of Alameda) DER AletheTle. — I hereby certify that the foregoing esolution is a full, true and correct copy of "RESOLUTION NO. 1726 - SUBMITTING CERTAIN CHARTER AMENDMENTS AND AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A PENSION FUND FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS OF THE, CITY OF ALAMEDA, SAID CHARTER ALENDMENTS AND PENSION ORDINANCE TO BE VOTED UPON AT THE GENERAL MUNIC 'PAL ELECTION TO PE BELO IN SAIL CITY OF TUESDAY, MARCH„ 14, 1933."