Resolution 0172961.1"afLUTIO1( aba. _2272f
iba ONDIONljDE NO. m.o.
.7,DINANC7 NCt 275 7777.S7t, 77Lnwr
AS PSC an...310N ORST.(dhfcCE, ETTISTED half
0237EOTS5 22.07ISINC TCh niaLTEN, 60,17TN,
INCOhhaffl PTINA(0a adhaD COP
CS' 'NTS CITY DITa(605.22Mhao; Sin.S Tii1h 'NTS
ADNINISIdiffIOE OF 2S.101, TD 66 11(7.2ED
TOM2.27.(aS(E(?(frAfjfIriff?S(.1. 1NINC22(Ni-fht(e(.
SS halD IN (hafa (T(7(7 57 ThCahea, fliehfa 14, 1D33.
W1117(.5270, tha Council. of Mho City of .hissiedo, on its hwh.
(motion, desires to scOmift 1n. tan qualified.. eletes of (maid. Cit./-
on ordinance •, amonailog Ordiubnco No. 275 N. S.,
as Nue ....oh Of d'imaric onti Ordinance
for a relief., health, life insurance and. pension. fans don:here
wf fire and poline dportmonto of tne City of Alnwdea also
for tba adimiristretion of send fuhd, "to. be voted. upon at Von
sbeneroi hnudnipol eaectior. TO De heto in fain. City on. Tuesday,
Narch 1A, 1(213. now, therefore,
.1.7,:a by the Counni2 of the City of adiculeds, on
ton own motion, AG tOtiOWS:
N. S., asohCihE Crdirchhe
(So. 276 S.. be submitted. to the qual.ifish electors of ssia.
City at said election is. werds(rnn fibtfares es follows, to wit:
02DINNi110.2( ND.
it(dEND1111C OmfiNnfUs NC. 27S A. S., FS:AST-SID:1
SSA GIGGA„Sit Gtottititt ,
PEESION Nein.) Maainsaf ba inn ThmE (Sea
POLI(175 thitPlifiTtit.1611.6 C ITV C11,-
shas z'OA AlhastriSTRATIMS OF 0SID FtLTD,
No it ofdoined by the Poorle of the City cf
Section. 1. (ejusehtich (a) of Jection 3
of Ohdimarce f(o. 275 N. S. is nereby awended
te bead. as fol.:tows:
(a). Should ady person, while bersna. as.
a member of the reFularly constituted -ffire
or l'atic.e. DecartnentAbacose physically
ablod on a diroct result of bodily injury
received. in. or frbm Cse pefforchee of
dnty, or become p.nysicelly dileabled from.
any illness or disease peculida to thn
'work. of n firemon or holioemns, sold
Pension foard cbc11, upon. tho written.
request of said person, or hdo
or without such request if it doom it
for the good of the servace, order. -haat
such pennon ce retired. fron. ectiwe sershee;
hur. from tha dote of noIhnts sash. order
sae active service. of sash. persor. SSULL
cense. The SO2GOS tSGE retired bhall
thereafter be hada from said funa eft:nines
boie licpsdne, D ahmtbaj- pension to
oco snafu the salary. paio. to me:shahs of tho
hark: which ho held. Gt the time of resets -
ime sash retirement; 'proviaed, -61.,3t in.
hose of nol.segbort hdanse of salary' or .)17Ach.
penision shalN be one-half of such.
sefory as sponged.; providod. SO7GG'OS„ tAGT
if such disability shall. cease, he chp11,
star the recrxhasaarti. on of the chief mf hia
respective department, bo restored to active
duty, with the rank or rotibej sciery
eine.). to that held at-rho time of retire:twat.
faction 2. Subsection (b1 of Section. 3
of Orfinasbe No. STS N. S., is hereby amended.
to read as follows:
Co) Unos the eeath cf earl nersiesax,
if thare he chdid or children ender elonteon
CIO) years of amd ord unmarried, one-half. (112,
bad if no susa chiI4 or childrea, one -ralt (1/2)
of taw salary of the rash yhich he held ot
lts of his retirement bo sal) to
his widow in equal 'monthly isstalments, till
she rbrries nkalen,,and if no slatiw, each caila
under eipbteen (1S) years of awe, ard unsarried,
sabli rocoive, in eizal nbsibly inbrelivehis,
twenty ser cent (20'2:,)-ef tbe ealery of toe rhnk
said benufbner hold at the time of his retire-
ment, out, ir ad caoe shhil ttis anutan'. exmood
sac mhblf (1/2) of thm ssibry of the ratalf stid
pensioner held at the time of hjs retirement;
cad if no children, oho-third ()12) cf tLe
solbrN of the rahk suid pensioner held ht the
tine of hie retirement she'll be pfle to a de m
sender,S metier or fataer, in equal moath)y
Sebtior. 3. Ordinance No. 27;5 NS, S. im hmrshy
aswhded tv adding thereto• now secti0a, to
be knOWT1 bs subsection (d) of Section 3, as
po Thm abstrly nes:sic:no ncyobib under
this ordamence shall nut be additiubbi. to
ony morSdSty comnomustion immerse:me rayarle
to any kbmber of the police or,31.2t1Tiaqt
caso wf accidest rescitiaw in the course
of his emraloykbwt, ehleuertho eampensam
tion. sorefaits are less filbk, one shelf (1/2)
nab salary cf Ifthe fewnber, provided that
whpu fhb non-Taly corpensietion. hasamanse has
teen fuliv paid, tdue mwnthly censicas sill
thereasoh. and. thereaftem be Tbystle,
es harafn. :am:raided.
In case tnp compunhatiat insurance atmrdod
ty tab isdraptriel. rust:lent Sc.:mmission shell
be xbyardu in a inum sum, tha fwnsaca hoard
shell net karb monthly aymears of the rehm
sion to nny kwmbom until thm expiration of tne
pwriod. of •timb covbred. by the narmaptaht
ability rstinkw nrcvibed in tdo evest said.
tkatem be avebdba. cumfporistmtlem tor life,
said amoubt shall be cavardo to said momber
frm the Compwrzatiss. Numa. Tte anoubt of
shwa comperm::Mtion and. the amount of onslon
allowed by the. I:bard shall sot, in ady event,
exceed one-half (1./2) of the nwnlabr's salary'
at the -tts.: of hie injurys
Sottish. 4- Section 2 of Omdinance rb. 2.76
It. S. is reruhy amehried to rmad. as follows:
Section S. Shoserer hay momber of the
Fire or Police Department shalt, after the
lenwra of service stated. hol7.1,rbs, become 'Totally
disabled er dae From try sickness or seciamht
not the result of tro perfeassans of duty,
hb or hts widow, and if no wihun, devendunt
child or childrbs. uniles eibteea (131 years
of awm and urnarried, R1V'J. if no childrem, tis
dependent muthem or father shbil. tb paid from
the Session Fund. as fellisnd
dfter three (31 vsams bar not ad:weeding
ten (10) yearr sonvace, the arurant contriMated
by acid thnhse to 'hand, plus four per
cent (41)1 isterest peer hnsen.
Atter ten. (10) years service, )1,000.00.
:loutish 5. hostler). i5 sf 0-rid:nonce ho. .Th
5. S. fh torahs essadod to roac ts hellods:
Section 15. in addition to roe monhys to
be -paid into said :version Hurd as ofofemou
fjosed, the treasurer ahahl retain nontnly
';1•0;1, ccorseusatiscen of eaten efficor and
e.-iber of the noldme and fire depart:rants two
oeutom (23) of each month's delays ann
deposit the same in said fond, bul. no elan
officer or rember shall ..e se any- vested nitcht
er Interest thmroin by reason cf Nho retertioN
sf suoh ymrcentaye.
dectien Orminsfoo No. fsh H. .o
.t.--2917,', ash:need odalhe ihrmess a ncs
host...h; t. la a s,r os fer fh; ea
'Section 23. This. cardinanse shold. Ise
i n full force and. effect from ern after
ton (lal daym after tno emmisrotion by the
carvasetroo board of tn..: resodt of said,
The City- Clerk is also directed to pundnof once in
the ALLEEDA. filiEE sTLn, a dolly sesspaper of Eenerad.. sircuintion,
bubadsha5. anf. cif:if:dated in. said Cidne, the dab...moo/1 orophoed
Ordinance O.10.L___ Nt. 55; amondinto Ordinance No. 216 N. 55;
ss tho Pension Ordihanme, entitled. "An Ordinanhe providing.
for a relief, health, life inenTanae hnd. pension ftmE. for
:members of" the fire and pmlice doportrimnts ef the City of a:dossed:3y
also for the atisoludatratiou of said. fund." He shall samne boodes
of ;said proposed ordnnanme to be -printed lu convenient rater:let form
and shmiti naii. a cosy thhreor nonfood. nib... Vie sommis ballot to
sCmh voter at least ten (10) dovs sTior to said. trmestion. En
snold also, until. tine day fiaeatfor the sl.fairaly, advertise. in.
tnh fa,regodrei netheapor a hntioe that suc h. soy des rony To .1a. at
hio office in the Cit- Hall, ...Inn application. Ehopefor.
If the preformed. OrhAnhoce Lb. N. S. anohniu)„.
Ordinanch Nh. 216 55 E., frhtm as hat) Penmitot. Ofillaudoe,
"An.. OtrObEacce hravfnha:,far e health, life insrfance and
pehofor. fund nor nosburs of 'She fdru reA police dehertnhtts of
the Odfy of ,l 3; also for the admitistratnin of de. -.randy"
so nohnitted. receipts a maberity of -The rotes cast thnrchm. at
said.. election, send ordinance bb erntsal a6cryc,,ljn,zjy.
ye into effect ten (i0; doom after ahh dmolarotiom by the
eauvamedinso board. of rhsult of said. se:motion.
1, anharodosuce, rafnot fsfenstr:p
hosaltiLisa has holy era reyrdamit incrodscad brh adopted Sy tbe
Jou:laid of .be hito os timmoda la sosoial yeetinte hooesTled ur.
tbe OOth des CT 19Y.33, b7 aro feihroino rote, th nit:
o5bEt- Csahcilten .evhenuar, norris, Ehahtv, Ochasfer
sod rresidasi, Marray, (hd.
affi.ted officini seal. o2 ea
hors borer:ire sot fey-