Resolution 01754COPLOISIDOTIES hi ATELIIPLE ELECTION drm SPECIAL STLIE ELECIL N TO BE HELD JUNE 27, 1.933. 6JfEhl4U, thb Hobnail of the City of Alageda has called a stnnial municipal election on June 27', 1933, to sohrilt certain heasppes to the voters of the City of elateden now, therefore, NE IT REEDIETED by the Council of the City of timedede thnt the election. precincts. for the holding of said special stabicioel election are. hereby ordered to bb and. shall be the sane as those estaMlishen by the Board of' Suhervisors of Albeeda County for the Belding of the special state election. on June n7, 1933, and the polling places for said precinnts and the election. offiners thereof shall..be toe same as those annbinted for the conduct of thb stancibel state election to be held on said dny. BE IT FH2TEER RESOLVED thee lie City' Clerk be ann he is herebp' directed to procure all supplies that masy be necessary' to properly and.. lawfally condpet said special. municipal election. I, the undersigne eeeby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duay nnh. regularly introduced. and adopted. by. the Council of the City of Ilamene, L regoler meetihg absembled on the 16th day of Ehy, 1933, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Eschen, Leedecker, Bhanly and. President nUrray (4). EVES: None- aBSENI: None. IE TESTIMONY ELhaLDIF, 1 have hereohsto set my hand and affixed the official sL al of said City this 17th day' of ley, 1933. (Seal cI the City of ilaneda) Elm 011 Ds iriify Di e riTo 11 faybee. hereby certify that the foregoing Desolution is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution No. 1754, Consolidating Special Municipal.. Election with Speciel State Election to be held. June 21, 1933," - passed by the Council of tbe City of iladede in regblar fleeting assembled on the 16th day of May, 1033.