Resolution 01774REILIZTIOal Ep, 1774. DECIAREDC RESULTS OF SPEC:1EL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF' GIANFDE ON TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1033. _ma UPPERS, the City Council of the City of Alameda did, on the 22n1 day of Ray, 1933, on. its own. mGtion, by Resolution No. 175i, Gall a ,43 31 municipal electiOn to be held in. said City oh the 27th day of „Tufo, 1133, for the purpose of submitting to the quallfied electors of said City Gmrtaih proposals to amend the Charter of said City pursuant to the provisaons of SSetiop 8 of Article XT of the Constitution "1 tie State of Whieb SEld proposals read as follows, to wit: 326231'232.131i3(6 - 'it' That dection 3, Article II of the diparter of ttb City of Aleneda ne amended to read as foll- ows: dee. 3. dearph. Three Abhbeho df tho. Council shall constitute a et:h.:ohne, but a less number way adjaern from, tihe to tihe, and. boy compel the attend- ance of absent. members in such manner and ardor such penalties as the council. Ass. prescribe. Absence fadd. fear _4 ,41(3 regular Avsetings, uhless excused tiy. the Council, shall ore-rate to vacate the seat of any hhalbse so absent. PAITMAIII0h hp. 2. That Section 6, Article II of the Charter of the City- of Alattuda be =ended to head as follows: eew. 6. Counwil Meetings. The Coumcil.. meet at eight ohalook on the third Tuesday of the mmnth nekt succeeding the raorat in which. the gmacrwl. Ahnicipal election i3 hcle, ard shell hold regular meeting5 twice in each munth and at such other timws as it shadl fix by. ordinance. It shall not convene at any place other than its regular place of meetinnt Its meeting:a shall be befaic. [Special heatinas may be 13 called by the tjayor or by three couneilhan. by serving the dcabers personally tMnAh written. notices, 02 leaving the samb oh jalabas demighated by the respective mohers et least tnree hours heTore the titb of the pr,ypcsed meeting. ..L.lajjath Oh MO. 3. That Cection 2C, Articio 1" of tns Charter o2 tho eity of. Aladede be owended tc read as follees: tlee. 20. Vacancies fa the Oduacil. Any vacancy in the Citp Council, frets whatever couso arlsibg, except us otherwise provided ih the chanter o2 Chmrter relatins to Pecan, shall. bo filled by thm City Council, brosiasd, however that Guy peEamb uccaihted to fill sue:a vacancy altual hold dbfice only until the rent general aunicioel bloction, ow which tire a 3',3:3C;-.;SS,:',:i' efell be sleeted to serve fa2 phe rentsieder of the uhexpired term. If, fur hop- reason the seats of a majority uf the Ccuacil shoal Toceie vacant, the City dlevk snarl coll a special. electica la fill the vacancies far the unenhired portions cod the terms. arsh clocIlon shall lho cehducted es nearly as possible 32 hedain pnovides for ceaerol .FIU.L- icipel elections. In speb ah event the City Clerk shell have full rOW"2.,...; to ajnJint ala. election oficmis inclu- ing a cahvosoins board cohsisoits cf three electors, mma to as Imhhonh all acts raduired in connection with said cheetion. PRO0CAIL110b G, 4. That there he adnbd to Chapter III, of Article IV of the• Charter of the City of Alameda a new sastion to he known as dection 15-a, sone to read an follows: ee. 16-a. At :any tivG after the first tlay of Cents:fiber end not later than the third Tuesday in Septenter of each. ybab, the Caul:ell sball deternine the rate of chty taxes to be levied and collected uben tha property assessed for taxation within the Ilnits of thG city es the basis of tba valuation. thereof as Whown by the assessment roll in the office of the City Assessor; ouch rate offer allowing one and ons-half per cent (14,e) of the assessee valuation. for delinquer4 clue, west be sufficient to IlAS3 the 3.;.,3,333.331a3,.: 13370131e fob the City of alstroda for the current fiscal year; pro- vhddi, ..113313'2,Vr, tne osne for general revenue purbases srall net. exceed tre linGt of 'taxation provided for in thdo Charter, anG tne. twevisiera of lax' in. relation to the scam. ill subh rats ths 4ouncil shall fix tbG oane by dasiwnetinx tha °number of cents levied on each. one hundred dollars (61.00.00) of aseasoed valust- dab of towable propert7h ofebtfpinx tha portion. of the whale, alichr ahall belong to eby particular fluid of the city, asn dasixnatinx also•the huxfieb. thGreof appreub fisted fox sada spacial burboas er obeedal bonded indeb- teiasos of tLe ditwG Hayins detervAned on the whole rate. te he ibvie, the Council.. shall ther. levy. the tow to provide for faisinx the necessary dararre of tre 1ify for fhb suforsot fiewal yaat. ftWOICCIOIGICA h0. C. cI t Cectien 12 Aftislo VII of tbs dhartof bf Als City of hionsda be onehdce te rsaa ae follows: des. 1. rho C:wheil scab.: e,motat f City Aanager. he 'kw:ad rht he 2 re-tit:chi: of the State of Calffernia at t.d Abte of his aybeintuent. bis endue, shall be Aloxed by tho Isty Council :sad shall bat fnersafter be rsdhaed exceet br the affIrcwinvs rots el four _ekero theibxf; her is. exxst shall said solar: be i3:30 than Giros, Idtassnd Colloro per ...bon:- As shall Ifeld hntil ready:fa hy tie arfirfative vete -f fonr he- bens °I thu C.. amiI. AUALCJIXICA TA:. G. t deetion IC, Article 711 sf tee Charter of the flaoesds. anundied ta osai as follows. tbs.; -enlace dei.dirtfieht or fibs dere-J.:fide:it, ens nue beef. ih tIoa neradoe (of the Citr for five y-oadd, datall be. heard by- teo Lainutd..-rt, aaa fe snail abternene tae u..ri5heiset vo sfefultv to be sirier it the: case. tbm ovexi of a dhow:too:el, but ebt otherwise, Set beetinevuy- ea. ushoon shall have the r.rat to s.c:Optsul. froli tbe drder ef diee.e.ese]. the Y3.31.i..C33 anU. tire board of atipeals, '5 eeterlissea. Sala suardelall stridlot ef the las-yur fond olectere of the City, orb shall... 03'3133 "vithout oemrensatiou, and. be ars:oil:tea Tut the douv.oll, said. ....s„,..n.aintadrst fslu a. 3. of t'vo Otiate, county. ob dity official srall las eldiptle for a.itssintidesit. I. the case of tite flfoi two a-dIudetel 133i3;3....33331:, 10tJ aaall drawr. ler a one year tetya ans. a. two -ysar t613,1, 3.3(i tnere after ons rev-Oder shall be iarairteji each year. It majority vote ehall cabtrel. The board nay afloat ite own rulee dr bAceeduwe. abtesi 7,0 3,32:3. 333'2,.a seull Se taidar by tnw urittee inDtice di" et.rtaal, Lufy 3337;3.. hersen net!. stating tte u,rourde 3331t33 330:3 :fit:real 12 ti.:teh 3nde. ddtico filed with. the fity .suragar and. 3. 3,3-3-,3 thecae./ 8er3"CIU. 3.30n. suid boarii within ' froh.,.. the date cf talc uraer of disnissat. If such motico is not Piled and served bishin duch tias, ceder tf dismissal eaell becore fihci a btot tdo riling of one apeln tbb doy fer tho asaiaMbt unistofs. ihe ataimst appendant shall be tried answ by mein hoard dui a decide's.. of tbb beard :Pell be rendered aletbin tnree mohtha date sysn adyeei is PSOPOSIT,I013 TM. 7 That Jestion 2, nrticie X cf the ehartes of the dity of Alameda bt osenbed to mead as fellows": Bee. 2. lha Board. shall consist of five members. The City- banager 3hEal bs, sm-oldlisio, member of said board. The other four members shall be apseinted by thb Xayor with the approval ahb. con- sert of the City Council. At least one of such appaintess shall be a repsistssed civil mechanical or electric-me. ensineer. Thb four aprbintive maybe-re shall each's, "Loll office, for a tern of fbpr years and until %ebb asb ointment and. qualligieeticui of a. seecessor. Baer terse shall becln on the first day- oT bey and. shall alternate so that the term of one sxnfber shall e- pire on tho thirtieth. day of April of each. year. Any. td:dray occamming priur tO 'C.:AL' expiration of a term. shall be filled by speemiothart, sade as hpreira abuts provided, and such aessointee shall.. Jerre for thp unexpired term. The members 3f tne Board of Public Utilities in office si tbd di we tXis sestiob, as amended, siell becoia alfective, sball camnif id. nefice rani. the skriratioa of the tern fos maims_ they were roorectively ayssintod and tatil their sten - SlaOTS arc eppoihted end ansali87- shsh this sectiob shall becose effective there edall bo esssinted two abeitionol i--Off032 on said oard, oae of Ithok shall be abreinted for a ters ending sr Alsil 30, 193P, end owe for a tare, ending os aysil 30, 1936. LedPefen"181883"3 That Beath= 3, Article X of the Charter of the City of Adarede be axendad to seen as Schlass: Sec. 3. TXs board. shall orbanize annually at its first regular meeting in Bey by sleeting a President and VPresident, and abbeintins a • asoretary. Three shall constitute a quorum,. They shall old. a regular seething on. tha eveains cif the sauced Xednesday of sash month. at eight o'clock io. the office of the Department of Public Utliticia, and shall hold span otbbx meetings as. they shall determine. LTD,SOSITICA. al. That Decision a, Artidle X of Inas. 'Mertes of the City of Alameda be amended to read as followab ec. 4. The City Treasures shall keep the fund of each aXility. aedbrate. Any stsplus to the dimXt of fifteen per cent of the book value of any utility Any be inyested by direction of the board in bonne of the City of Alameda, OT ix state, county oe xhxdoipan bones OS_ thiS stabs, or ahoy bs trexaferree. to the cenaroll fund 3f tbe Ufty by absolution p2 thb board bf public utilit- ies, Cobv of such rboolution shall. be trabs oxitted iuxbdiatals: oftbatits sdoption by. the board to tho dity douhoil. hale furb so trans - frgsd BY shah. resolution. shot, ehbasupoh essodie boat ef the gensub8 thud of the citoy of biodedo. ,-....08!)3:82.100:_p_ That Subdivision 2 of Jection 6. Xstlels X of the Uharter of ths City of ndbxeds bo sr:ended td rood ao followd: Tdo. ac edy and 1 3, tnd sn_alied ircieettal so tbe eyeration of usch utility sithib the liaitatibub us seasinofteb stxtes. PO2i83IX1eagbod. 11. That Rectiou. -, Abtlei, ,J 1 - 3 he City of sladeda be agended to reau ao followo: 3, . hll sbull be davesited with L. '2:dead:urea os beou as haooticagla. bousbds or asy copo sPall be sighed b: the President dnd adsg2taav o2 the Board. Ia ths evens t:at the Iresidsnt be tehyorsaily ob.:or:A or urtibli to boa-Parr his ;12-80J001 dtties, the Vii7.3-PpoLloiPle,P; shall dign duo:: :1st r: es. That Sostivh U, hgtiole 0:: lhe Plsateu sf tha Uitr of 11orxds be ads:visa to read as follows: Sse. g. Thu beard of teblic utilities stoll obt inovb any ogyo -Slt gat, 7)- bntsu ,ttt sap contbot for soutiebe or for the dale Jr ydadhngs of vdayLava tf oletsoeseh batdas involving a :bra id sicsos co rhabb abousond bolisas hits:dab tbs asuradal of the City boancii, egsyt as othbugise baovidad ih Suctions le abd 11 of ',W3 on tub le . Purchases ba contracts otnob tnan inshbanse bgesed- ing one thousant doxlaro ln aichht shovl be advertised by tdb. board abd shall. Os awardsa to .tho dogs:3S resp- onsible bidder unless t81 hlds aro rejosped. ihvg:satv, except be heroin otherwise pxovidsd, exceed- ing oub I:hos:sans balithrs vasub dhotis he advertised by tbs bosrd 0-ha'17 be awarded ts the highest reobons siblb. 'bidder: unissa all bids are L,:jectehl. PROB13:810.1; That tabbc hb addse to Article X pf the 08808ter of the bity of blasted:2. a sbotibs. to bu kLiacTla as :abet - ich. lb, to read as follows: ires. 12. The sabring:Iva oho:dot:be or ths board of bablie dholl fur each aspulthr tudatigo attsbees reseida ths shad of ten dollars:, provided, howsdba, tbet tab total. corgandoblen shoh dexbbb shall noS excese tee leilars shv one south. flIS4POSITIOa nO. 11. 'het these bo added Mi Artidie oJ the Chafer o4 tha City of ildn'efla a acetic.. fro be kuown as hohen 12, te saai ad asaion; Moe. fa. thq mumbeks of Public Utilities oholl SC2v0 feu. Loaf.; of dokaohecta halt :auction 1 edi aectiou 3, ancefor 7, Artful° bf the Cheffao uf the ditv of Alameda Cae. 1. Cameral noniohal elections sash. be Sell oh the 21sef Tueodus affek the filial ,0110,,,jf,1 in aotanUer of eau]. even nu:abused year. Teo first alectiat itta02 ihis Charter enoll bo dote od foesday, ,hvenhof 6, 1934. itCittc 32 aleative bOficeas. Ilactivb Officers shall hole ihice Oaf a itariOU of feed' vests tro., asd oftet eight oTolocn b.n. the third ofeaday of Deuefbea folldrimg fhe dat of alcontian and until their StOttC-CotOri3 eloated end qualified; mrovideS, aoeavar, frst tha officers elected Lf tie gonaral shoielpel election Laid in nbvesbos in the yeare 193a and 1936 for fhe full ',Lone enain, on ike tnird haiday if Ceso.Ieb ia the years 1955 ene 1C40, reoveatively, shodi not rake office until ino third Monday in Aeril foiloving elcaties. deb elective hOffooti et CI-) City ic efface at the five this section a5 asonaue dfaid beeps.. effect- ive, sholl refain ih office until the evadootier of tie fora Coe chwo. tity weaa sandoctiyely elected an.; until tacit COOCCitctit ass elected sad qualified. ;PCPC3III,Lato That Section 15, Chapter I, Artials XI of' the Chartoa of the City of oithado be emondo4 to road as follows: dec. 17. Publicity of analificatidno. At donut 'thirty doeys before the due of election each. candidate must deliver, at his own coat, to the City Clerk a verified stethvgt vita inoLsted sobnes there- of eanal to the sumber of sualifiea electors. tach copy sfqiit be painted on whiffs panes four inches eade by• ;oln iinehas long, and shall nova the candid afaM's pnotoeeforavive; tnhreon, followed bv• his hake, the office foh shish de is a. candidata, • mid a statement as to O.:LB residence, place of birth, yresent occueotion, whthow or not he bad been convicted of a folsny or a misdemeanor involving moraintereituda, and vnat -public office he bss held, and whether he is a faheaves in the City cf Aladeda. He 'fey nive 2UOt1 other irforeotion reivardins lila - pariehue oh cadlificetiohs as might enable tho tO estimate has fithass to fill the office. Cush stoaehnt shall ado.. confoli the smith of nut more than twenty residents of tau City of niartha to whom. he safehs. One copy of such otatesaat oraLi be mailed to each qualified. elector nibs the sample ballet. herein. hall dlchalfwe candidata from beldonv any lefflda in. this city. 1120PO3ITION NO. 17. That Chapter II, Article Xi of tho Charter of the City of hiamods be art:when to read as follows: e,NahlibIN 7fh. dec. 1. Recall, Thu holder of auy elective office of this City. may- be removed or recalled from office at ant tine by the &lectors; trovided he has held his office at least six mouths and no recall. petition has been. filed .,,c,ovinst hir. withln a like teriod. The ersvisions of this chapter are intend- ed to apply to officials. now in office, no well as to tfose hereafter elected. The. procedure to effect such recall shall be ow nereinhfter set forth. Notice of late. 1- Necall proceedings sae-a. be instituted , .ae filing the City. Clerk of a. Notice of Inten- tion. to circolete a petition for recall. Such notice of intentisf. shall be signed by three or more sualifled electors of the City and shall state the naus and office of the officer sought to be recalled and shall. farther contain a. general st- atememt, not exceeding three, hundred words in length, settins ferth the grounds or. which. the recall of such officer is sought. 'Sold stateawed, ancd thw ansfwat thereto herein- after provided foT shall be intended solely- for the haformation of the electors and no defect ix. the form or substance thereof sh.aal in any :assailer affect the valddity of any ouch recall proceedings- infory person whose name le signed fa sect. petition. wnst state his or her address therein. Each person siEning such setition rust achnowleass sihatura before an offices' autewrized to tent, acknowledgments ih this state, and thw certificaXe of acXhdeaodgnent of sued. offices' shall be attached to send notice 02 endorsed thereon. Open reociyt axed filing. of said notice the City Clerk. shell. endorse thereon the date of. such. fildng. :dec. 3, Service ot_ft ' tithin seven days from and softer the filing oi e notice of•intentiwn iactided for le. tiu next trecedins section, a true. copy of mani hetice shall be personally sexted on thsp officer sought to be escalled, er hailed ta each offieur, by registered mail, by. depositing the same the Undted• ltotes tost office in this in a staled envelope, pestago prepaid, addressed to such efficer at his theta:hoar. aelsess in toe city. If kaie ty mod', service shad/ es deemed cue:plots at the titre og the depwsit of the. copy of said notice in the United States most office. The affidovdt of the party. theian suck service shall as filed fortetitp. with the City Clern„ affidavdt shall. deslych1s the fate eksf, the plase there, ana tne manner in whfch seri/fee vlas Jos. 4- „_ersher. ,bitebieb fourteen days atter the nnUftl, df the notico cf :titbit-fon, the officer. e.detnt to he esealed. sous thth the City Cleft. an ansnr im. whfch. he rug set. forth. ir. ceneral.. state- ment 20 thiise handred 61iO officer,o antwer to the general statetheit contained. in. the rwtich cT iatowitisn, oi" ouv other justification of kis course in office- dUCh anent:at emet be signed ore actnesiedged by the officer seught to be recalled before an officer adtnorizes to take eeknobledgents ana the certcate of actalosledsment of ouch. officer shall be attached to said ausser 02 endarsed.tnsfson. signed )�l' alified a:test -- ual in. timber to at least twenty-five ive total number of persons 00 t•100 ipal election nest preceding the may e resist 0 se rerai, se. orate sections and each such separate section may conaist of several sheets of _pap r. attached toi'a t` e s arovi rI however, that each such. separate section shall con a full and ecc ,.ate copy of the title and text of tha ;petition, :lac. d, hall s :izs his or her name to such _ -mature p, giving street or either exist, and if no such a designation of Wm Ole the location. to be read .shall also add the date 0 name. ad in igna the the he the oen to be the city Ater to each as a fida`tii. sworn to het oaths., stating 0 to that particu1 s appearing th tion and belief of the subscribed a O de by a qualified elec a: officer co; ;etent 1 ;o at the aff'iantusollcited r section and saw written rant;, and t. at accordant; to of the 616372, each. i s fats me pure. and of elector o Sec, demanding may not he City for th the expi re.1 notice of ...nten Sec, ye a petition for recoil rsay revocation of lle siE'.nadire, ed with the City Clerk before to b;;,, h m, he shall cancel such d among the cuellfled elec of obtaining signatures t (teen days after the filing _� tee City Clerk. a to r€ tor of Sec, 10, days from the for in s an recede Clerk he and J end Lane r be d lec. 11. ....thin ten days section 10 hers, ecords of re not eture, I.r of etitit of fi link o the not ti.cn 2 hereof, all see ;iaY1 moot be filed roe on such petitions of the person or neroi • Thereafter al:.. 161600 oons1Clere(i a ed iii itili.l. forty -'five ice ct intention tione conpris- City Clerk. ate of estiug rem and inall;, determine led by the requisite number of qualified electors and shall forth- with attae to such petition his certificate, 'roped;; dated, o. x Er the result of ouch exandn -- atlone _l, ec . 12. Clerk's Ce tit., t' by t from su'1 lerne_ with the .ginal petition, but containing add The City Clerk shall endorse or. date of filing and the ram of _e 1? e stlr:C the filing of same. dupliea YY}Tl �� ':lC G }. ions. f, by ion is s:-.UWfl sin:)i lemel? ted n fifteen der.. additiora , of and identical the text of the tures • the rersons ., ti ter days from the expiration of the time t as set forth in this section, the City Clerk male like examination of the supplemental f the original lretitton and shall x't. i`icate thereto, properly dated, e0' It of such examination.. Sec. 156 ins 'f'icienc-r of Petition I1 the 7s ce fioo shall slow that all the valid ;arcs on. said 1 ,ti,110 , including those con- in the supplerental n-tivi.ans are still in- anal ant, no farther act ic *r shall be taken thereon, but tie petition. shoal remain on file as a public record, The failure to secure nuf f ioicr.t signat- ures on such petition shall be without prejudice to the i.nsti.tuticn of new proceedings s for recall. by the the C1er' ularl-r em Ci o err;: 1_o loyad by as may be necessary tick. and supplement for the compensation Sac. 15. as originally t 1 found J be suffi sane to, the City • ate thereto 3.ttac said Couno11 after tte d such sufficiency'. The rl[}UnCl- a srecial election to be held wi thirty-five nor more than fart; -five .ate of the order calling such election, whether the electors will recall ouch of election shall be sufficient for the reca.L.l {'ti o,.,. of 001'e officials. 3hould a regaled. municipal aal 0100 Occur not mare than. sixty days 1106 less. than thirty- five nays from the time of the recent of the petition by 'the Council from tha Clerk, t'i e Council shall provide 0r 4[_C submission. of the question. of 511.11 recall at such re '1_ar election. At n' such regular election, when the cia03t;J )r of the recall 'of an officer is s:ih -- ratted, t o ballots for the recerding of the vote on the question of uuh recall. must be separate from any ether ballots 111;111 i'1 such e1. ectisn. a: ou n dditior his ofi'i0 ami pia t1on and '_2n _l provide be paid such person. Ii rer;,.li. red authorize sons reg- Or S sub.1d t, his coat or .,i£3111 eo It recall: e'lecii4x' rents: e ballots at such the folmawing agai. ^Ss, wham 'Gifu' recall from the office of the Following d' ' I on. sepa3: in which i 1, j his than' one e-' election,.. for 11' 'ii person lo, aas filoil be reTMoved £..°.7 by be the u: ^ads "Yes" am. b Lan1x spape at the i.1 recalled ad the Seem 17, :iaYTC';i.3 T shall.. cuuada to of he city- at election, a sample of the ballot election. ._me. le. 'van rm 65.E lot • -05ndm,.v�r._.i'.a ..ztiG`ce it appears th voting recall of any- i incumbents shall be deemed' removed from office zna) vacancy or vacmmoles, Xi:> T i., .. I'r'.�Uv k)t., >hal..l be deem, officer otl ld camxtgr While lirreedings are mending, cauemd by recall. or resignation ,.r,.ry ,:*fana_m�'l.;e filled In tam event that Y',23. ;i all eh until the tg cad, provisions. contained in the any such , _N t .t ire:: shall. Co succeeding rT. • , i petition. may be filed that ( special election be an incumbent OT incumbents Plasm of the person or ceTr:s recalled or resi i.. 'i; petition shall be addressed to the 1 state the. officer or officer., sough'T, vu al r,Is 3 b e do shall be sign Any bmtiti and each s a.e sect attached together; provided, $eetion shall contain a full and sec and text of the petition, several at .,u The signatuxus on such. the u,everrz i. sections thereof vu:i'1 ?'x T +'3ovidad for reG:z!l petit tins ix. see fifteen. clays from the day :? rl a, if any such petition be she.11 e'ra„zne and from the records of rel;is):ret whetter or not said -et:i.t oT; is sign by the requisite _}amber of qualified electors and. shal 1 forthwith attach. to such petition. his certificate, ru *;erl tz =Led, showing the result of such examination. be affix and Chou); tazo Y_;eti.tiorz he found to be ff i.cient, i3 Te Clerk together with. _3. " car- . City Council at its date of his cent- .I e l forthwith. than.. t'" f the order elected to an. office for the. balance of the. .rev1CJ'aslmV :x;.4111 sFici Thare mot 1 e action a s a'fdar and .dha resigned or was re Nothing herein contained shall bar an appointee of the Council from, becoring a cand idate. at such election, Sec, 22, Special Commission. in the event that a majority cf the City Council shall be recalled at one and the same electi0 n. 1' C3 in 16t case the ity' Clerk shall forthwith call and conduct a special election to fill such vacancies, which election shall be hala not leas than thirtafive nor more than fcrty- five days after the date of the Clerk,s order calling such. election. In such an event the City Clerk shall . have full power to appoint all election officials. and to do and perform all act1 required in connection with maid election. Tbe City Clerk shall name three. dis- interested electors who shall act as a canvassing board to canvass. the returns of said. election and who shall declare the result thereof. efore entering upon his duties, each member of the canvassing board shall take the constitutional oath of office. If a. regplar muhicipal. election should ICCUP not nolms,. than sii:ty days nor less than forty d1y5 from the. date of canvass- ing the votes aforesaid, the 91erk shall provide for the filling of the vacaneies at such regular municipal election. Sec. 23. 11 recall elections and all special elections to fill any vacancy created by recall or by resignation pending recall proceedings shall be conduct- ed, as neer as muy be, as 01 this charter provided for general municipal elections. aec. 24. A person who has been recalled from office, Jr was has resigned while proceedings for his recall were pending, shall not be a candidate 161 his name must no appear on. the ballot as a candidate fcr the same office, at any election at thich the vacancy caused by his recall or resignation. will he filled. Sec, 25. Inteuretation, This chapter shall be liberally- construed to promote the objects thereof, and no error, omission or irregularity not affecting the substantial rights 5f any citizen or nublic official shall ever be held to invalidate any proceedings taken hereun- der where the requirements of this chapter hove been sub- stantially complied with. PROPOSITION NO, 18. That Sectioh 5, rtole XIII of the. Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to read as follewe: Sec. 0. The Mayor shall have poweT to fill vacancies on ail hoards or commissions., except in such cases as this charter specifically 011615613 031 apPoint- ment to be made by he City Council or other authority; rovided, however, that any such appointment rade by the Mayor shall not become effective for any purpose until and unles5 the Sarrva be ratified and confirmed. by the Umity Couhbil, Any such appointee shall hold office until the appointment and qualification of a successor. PROPOSITION That Section 20, Article /III of the Charter of th. City of Alameda he emended te read O5 follows: Sec. 20. Unleas otheraise Provided b' this charter, any officer or board authorized to appoint any. deputy, clerk, assistant or employee, shall have the right to remove the person so appointed. Members or aaneintees on all boards or commissions. created or provided for by this charter 16i 50 removed by the affirmative vote of fn mambers of the City. Council, anything in this Charter to the contrary notmithstanding. P2OPOSITI0P NO. 20. oat there te added lo Article XIII of the Charter of the it of Alameda a sectiente be known as Pection 32, to read as follows: Sec. 32, When entering into any contract for labor or hiring any labor for public contract work, preference ahell be given to local contrabtors, mechanics, artesians or ottbr laborers of any class, who shall have actually resided in the City of Alameda for a. period. of six msnths precedinu the date of their engagement to perform labor, quality and price . of wort. being ell oi, PROPOSITION NO. 21. That there. be added to Article XIII of the Charter of the City: of Alameda, a section to be known as Section 33, to read as follows: Cec. 53, Vacancies. A vacancy in any elective office, from whatever cause arising, except as otherwise provided in the chapter on Recall, shall . be filled by the City Council. Provided, however, that any person appointed. to fill. ouch vacancy shall hold. office only until the, next general municirbl alection, at which time a SUCICSOT shall be elected to serve: for the unexpired term. In case of the failure of the City Council to appoint a successor within. a period of seventy days. from the date ally such vacancy shall occur, the City Council must thereupon call a special 01 001 to fill ouch Vacancy and all cause such. election to be held not less than forty days nay more than forty-five cloys from the date of expiration. of such seveaty day period; provided, however, at in case a generad municdpal election shall take place not more than sixty days nor leas tha1 . or days from the date. of expiration of such seventy Say berdol, the council shall bromide for fill;" the vacancy at such generalbiactien_ PROPOSITION NO. 22. That there be added to Amticle XIII of the Charter of the City of Mlamoda a section to be known as Section 3, to read as followsi Sec. 34- The. expressions "four-fifths vote of the whole Comnori" pr. "fourfifths of the. Council" or, "four-fifths of all the members," occurring in this Charter, shall be interpreted as requiring 0 0 1 ffirnmtive vote of roux members of the Coumail. PROPOSITION That Section. 1, Chapter 1, of (1 211.. V of the Charter of tha City of Alahmda :be amended to read as follows: Sea. 1. Board of Education, The control of the school depmrtment shall be veste, . in a Board of Education which. shall consist of five members, emoh of wnbw. shall.. hold office for a term of five years, and until the appointment and qualification of a. successor. Sl ch. terms shall 'begin on tho first day of May and shall alternate so that the term. of one member shall end on the 3.0 day of April of each year. The wembbre of the hoard of Edmcation who shell be in office at 1 time this °Porter abnall tale effect shall ramoin in. office untrl the (0 2330 of their respective term Therourom and thereafter the vocanmies occurr- ing by exhimation of the terms of the incumbents shall be filled hycappointweht made by the Mayor with the approvbf and consent of the. City Council. Any vocomby occuvring prior to the expiration of a term. shall be filled by appointment, made as hereinabove pro- .. vided„ and such arfbintee shall serve for the unexpired ternm Members of the Board. of .11 1. shall serve withont compensation. PROPOSITION NO. 24. That Section 9, Shatter of Article V of the Onarter of the City. of Slameda be. amended to reed as foldowss Free Library Trustees. The Alameda Free Library shall be under the control. of a Board of five trustees sho shall receive DO compensation. The members of the board who 111 1) in office at the tihe this charter shall take effect shall. remain office until the extiretlen of their ruspective terms. Thereupon and thereafter the vacancies occur- ring by amparation of tne terkb of the ihrumbents shall. be filled by appointment made by the Mayor with the approval and consent of the Cdtgy Council. Su(3 h. terma shall begi3 . on. the first day snaky and shall alternate so that the term of 03 trwstee sha1_ l. end on the. thirtieth day of April of each year. Any vacancy 355 (31 crior to the extdr- atien of a tern shall be. Tilled. by appointment made as bereinabove provided, and such appointee shall serve for the anexpdred term. and UP4444H4 said special municipal ele1 tion. was, pursuant to law, duly anb regularly cunsolidated. with the special. state election to be held on the dame &ay; and, ELEFILES, said Resolution No. 175Ii of said City- of Alameda, being the resolution calling said special.. munialpal election, duly and regularly. autherisso the Board of ihrpervlsors of the County of Alameda to canvass. the returns of said special municipol. elect. on.; and, WHEREAS, the said special =edited elevation was duly and regularly hold in aaid Cdty on the 27th day of Pune, 1403, and the returns of said citation were, io accordance with law in suet case3 . made and. provided, duly sat regularly canwasted by 1 Huard '3 Supervisors of the Coutty of AiticmgLag anb the County Clerk of said County having certefied to the City Clerk of e City of Slumsda and to this Council, and it hating been duiy '1 nd. regularly found and determined and 3, (3131 by said Board of Supervisors that the vote -stun the said proposed chakter amendments. were as follows: Propouition No. 113 4635 Votts in favor of said. proposition. . Votes agednaL said prohosition. • 1767 ProposAtion 'Potts in favor of said proposition— . 4903 Votes against said proposition . 1293 Proposition Ho. 3. Votes. in favor of said proposition . Votes against said proposition 4• 1‘1:31 Proposition Rotes in furor of said Troposdtion • . 4168 1808 Votes against said pkoposition 01 33 No. 5. Votes.. in.. favor of said proposition . • 0279 Votes against said proposdtioa . 24E6 Proposition Votes in favor of said. preposition . 347479' Votes a shid proposition . 2103 Proposition Do, 7, Votes in favor of sadd. proposition . 38b6 Votes against said. arnnosition 2021 Proposition Db. 8. 'Votes in favor of said proposdtion 4027 Votes t" 03-3! said proposition .•. 1081 Proposition No. 2. Votes in favor of Said proposition . • 4213. Votes against said proposition 1711 Proposition No. 10. Votes in. faver of said proposition • 3824 Votes against said proposition . • 1974 Proposition No. 11. Votes in favor of said proposition • , 438V Votes against said proposition . 1452 Proposition Do. 17. Votes in favor of said proposition . , . 4264 Votes against said proposition . 1500 Proposition No. 13. Votes in favor of said proposition . • N754(/ Votes against said pro n positio . Proposition No. 1.4. Votes in favor of said groposition • 4313 Votes against said proposition . • 11.18 Proposition Dc. 15. Votes ill favor of said proposition Votes against 3011 proposition • L.1tZ Proposition No. 10, Votes in favor of said Prbfosition • 4734 Votes against said proposition . 1277 Proposition No, 17. Votes in favor of said proposition . • , 4226 Votes against said rrepositior . • 1608 Proposition Ho, 18. Votes in '11-03 of said proposition , • . 4247 ✓ otes against said proposition. • 1748 Proposition No. 10, Votes in favor nf said proposition.. 4003 Votes against said proposition . e o 1777 Proposition Wo. 20. Votes in favor of said proposition ,,,,5113 Votes against said proposition . • 1167 Proposition No. 21. Votes in favor of said proposition 4199 Votes against said proposition . • . 1011 Proposition No. 22. Votes in favor of said proposition • 4270 ✓ otes aainst said proposition 1602 Proposition No, 2.3. Votes in favor of said proposition • • . 4438 Votes ('3 30. said proposition . 1532 Proposition No. 24. Votes 1 favor of said proposition . . 4553 Votes aeainst said proposition . 1471 now therefore', DE IT airSOLVED, that thhs Sounoil finds and determines that a majority of thc; qualified electors votdne on said Propositions Nos. 1 to 12 and 14 to 24 inclusive, voted in favor thsreof, and that sald propositions are 115.3353! 1.3311.303, ratified and approved; and. EH IT NORTHER RESOLVED, that this Counsil finds and determines that 1 majority of the qualified electors voting 0 n said Propositian 1,7. 13 voted. against said Proposition No. 13, and the sauna is hereby declared not to bave been ratified and approved, and to hays been defeated. I, the undersinned, *hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was dkiy and re,71arly introduced and adapted by the Council of the City uf Alaweda in special nee:tine assembled on the 10th day o2 July, 1933, by the following vote, to wit: ANDS: Councilmen La:tacker, Morris, 5tanly and Vice-President cnen, (4). NOES: one. President Murray, (1). IN TESTI= ELEIREOF, I have hereunto sat my hand and affixed the official seal ofkiaid. City this llth day of July, 1.933. D. Elmer Dyer. (3EAL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA) City Clerk of the City of Almiada. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution is a full, true and correct copy of "Raseluton No. 1774, Declaring Results of Jpebiel Municimpal Election Meld in the City of Alameda on Tuesday, June 27, 1933," passed by the Council of the City of. Alameda in. regular meetine asoar-=1$J or th.e . lOth day. of Judy, 1.933, -•APpo .,o 3F.F„ H m City Clerk, pf-, Alameda-