Resolution 01804RE3CLUTION NO. 1304. DECRFARING TEE NECtESITU ANC ENIOREBIBTF OF PROVIDING CERTAIR ruElac (SDIRIE FOR RELIEF 02 UNEIBURDED RECIDEVTO OF THE CITY OF GIAABBG, SITEhilakETG THE TUBBER WORK TE DE DONE AND THE TCTAL SUB TO BE WITEU DEMSDI WED DEDIGNDED FERS...) ThE "RELIEE FEND" FOR SUCH IFREPORDS. WHEREAS, by reason of the unsettled and unprecedented economic conditions existing throughout thEs. country, many residents. of the City of Alameda are unemgloyed and in. need of financial assistance; and, dHEREES, under the 31) L..0 of Ordinance No. 43 K. 3., a special "Relief Fund, has. been created for the 33 1, of providing relief and employment for unemployed and indigent residents. of the City. of Alameda; and, VHEREAS, in the judgement of the•Sity Council it is necessary and expeddent and fot the hest interest r thm 1313 t' of Alameda that certain public works 13 authorized for the purpose of providing employment for unemgloyed residents of said City; and, WHEREAS, 13 1)0 :interest and necessity demand 1. '3 cscrlation of the (public improvements and. the performance of the work. hereinafter authorized; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that public interest and 100 .1 demand that the .. following public improvements be 0mm:t1 ste1 and the followdng work be porforamii in. and about the City of Alameda, to wit: (a) The removal of fences, trees, shrubbery, and the preparation. 1 the ground for the construction of two tennis courts. in Franklin Park; The construction of a modern sanitary building and pump house fn. Tranktin Furk. (b) The construction. and completion of a new garage storage room, /1// 3, shop, and office builling in the city corporation yard; the wreck- img of old and obsolete buildings situated in said corporatton. yard, and the erection of a new pound yard* (o) The construction of fifts).) 'concrete gattet returns, and the removal of old and obsolete gutter bridgee in the city. streets. IT EURIERG RESOINED that it is necessary and expediewt and for the best interaats of the City of. Alameda that the public works heraina above authorized be rerforwmd by unemployed residents of this City. BE IT FEORAFIER RESOLVED trot the total sum of ((135010.00 be, and the same is .3 '.1)' withdrawn from the "Relief Fond" of the City of Alameda, and. that the said sum. be, and is hereby, set aside and appropriated to be ergended only in the paymant of claims for labor and personal servicms ar. 331131.13 113).... 13,1313 authorized, in. the moaner provided. 13 the lave of thie City. BE IT TIRTSTR RESOLVED that the City Manager, ahall have full charge and general supervision of all work and construction. herein authorized to be performed, including the fixing 0 wages, the hours of labor, the be:shone to be embloyed, and. the manner and tine of performing such work. BE IT laTRITITR RESOLVED that the cost of all niteriala necessary to 01 used for said construction work shall be -said out of the General rend. I, the undersigned, hereby cartifg that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introdused and adopted by th 01 ouncil of' the Sity of Alameda in resiilar meeting assembled on the 7th day of November, 1933, by the following vote, to, wit: AYES: Chunoilgeb 7"L (1 Roshen, korris and President kurray, (A). NSEE: (lone. ABSENT: Councilman Leydecker, (1). IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I haVo hereunto sat my hand. and the official seal. of the City this Sth. day of Noremler, 1933. D. Ilner Dyer. (SEAT, OT THE CITY OF ALAYEDA) 01 k 1 the Titg ol Alameda-. hereby certify that the foregeing Resolution is a full, true and 0101011 061 of daliSOLDETiM. (90 180(1, DECLARING TEE RECITES= AND EXPED- IENT/ oF PRTELDING CERTAIN' PU3LIC WORES FOR RELIEF OF UNENISTOIED SETS OF ISE ST= OF ALASEDA, STHEEIFYIR PUBLIC WORKED) 1 DONE AND THE TOTAL SUM TO DE Wd(TEDRAREN AND =ENDED FROTI 1 "RELIEF FUND" 20.11 SUCH PUTTOST(3," passeE by the Council of the City of Alaneda in regular meeting assembled on the 7th. day ot Nbvember, 1933. (01 ity Clerk of lel ty of Thiateda.