Resolution 01806BE3OLUTici aG. 1006. 11 .1 DRAT REC.:DEBT BE LADD OF TDB BOARD. OF SURE3. ISO3 3 OF ALWEEDA 03NNTY 2.00 ITS ORDER ERFEOTIEG 00LEOLIDRTION 03 9FECIAL habECIPAL BLEBTIOD OF TE CITY OT' BELYED3. WITH SPIECIAL STANE ELECTIOE EC LB HELD OR DHOERDER 1E, 1933. THEREAS, the. Souhall of the. City of illamada did, by Ordinance No. 513l, REw beries, adopted arE passed on the. 21st. day of November, F933, eall a special municipal alectiar to he held. on Tuesday, December 192 1033, for the purtase of submitting to the qualified electors of said city a protasition. to incur a bonded indebtedness by said city for the acquisition, construction sad complation of a certain municipal imkrovement; oad2 DBEHEAS, a spemial state eleation has beer. called. to ba held on tre same day ana fa the same territory as sabd special municiral election hereinDefore raferred to, to wit, Thesdaw, €3L 13 19, 1953, fh the County of llamado, State of California; and, BEEREAS, it waa farther 5rovided in sand ordinance that said special wanicipal election be consolidated with said special state. election, and. that the election precincts, boiling pieces, bating booths, and the officers of elastieawho shall conduct said special rahiaipal election. be, respectively, the same as thayaleetion precincts, pulling places, voting booths, and. officers of election as were designated, established and appointed by the Board. of Butervisors of the County of Alahede far the purpose of holding anE conductIng said. special state election within. said city, and tnet said eteetierna he hela in. all respects as if there were only one. -election and only one tichet or Wallet es. used thereat; new, therefore, BE ET RESOLVED by Council of thE City of Alameda 1111 h Beard of StNEREvis- ors of the County of Alameda 3ta1 E of 3.31 be, ehd it is hereby. Tormented to make its order, and to take sucft. other and forthap proceadinge as may- ba necessary to effect the coheolidatioa. of. said special municipal election with said special state election in accordance with the laws of the 3tate of Oalifufnia reguiwting and provid- ing for consolidation of elections. Elt IT FURTHER RESSINED that a. ceriffiea oopy of this resolution, togEther with a certified copy of said Ordinance No. 513, New Series, be forthwith deliyared to the Clerk. of said eeard of kuservisars of Alameda. County. I, the undernigned hereby. certify- thaE tha foregoink Resolution was .daly and.. resDiarly introduced and adoptea by the Council. or' the City of Allameds. in rawalar meeting 113 31 on the 21st da.y of Notapther, 1933, by- the following smtey to wit: RYES: Councilmen Erhazahe, Fschen, Leydecher, 3.3 and Fresident FaTray,(5) NOE3: Hone, IHEDIFT: IN TESTI:SENT WEERBEF, hive hareahto set my hand arm affixed the official seal of said City- this 22nd day of No7E:akar, 1953. D. RESER DYER. (3Bie 00 TB2 S1T7 OF .EittLEDA) City rmerb of the Clay of Alaeda. hereby certify that tMa foregElhg BaEolutior Ls .a full, true and aerrect ashy of bi Resolution. Doh 1906, Rasolhkion that remuest be made of the Board of. Supervisors of 'Hamada Caeflty for its order 13 3. Sonsolidatior. of .3.13 piani banicipal Elecaion of the Citynof Alarada with Special Saute Election mo be held on Deeerber 19, 1933", passed by tne Cothell of tbe City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 21st day of Nevember, 1933. aGya )(Pb --avec. c• ER mausacs CiliveGlieth.(of Tale caty of .chT(i):701 RESOLUTION NO. 1307. TRANSTERNIUG 5p3, 59D.6 FRON DID ELECTRIC LIGHT FULD TO TUE GENERAL FUND. asoLvED., by the Council of the 9i1 y of Alameda that the sum of Three Thousand Five NunEred Thinoty -nine and 3E/200 Dollars, G.(575O9.8E) be, and. the sumo is herebv ordered transferred. from the Electric Light Tinind to the General Fund, as a dividend: sunD being the account equal. to the CSty LiyEt- ing Bill for the. nenth of September, 1933. The Ludt-ter and the Taeatuter bre Terety authorized to nahe the necessary trsnEfers on their mespeotive books. I, the undersigned, hereby certify. that the foregeing feesintian was • duly Dui retclubly inerodueed and adupted by' the Council of the City 02 rtermtle ir. reculen meeting bosenbla1 on. too 21at day of Novenbef, 19314. following vEta, to Eit: EfES: ConnalinDn BEezzona, Decker, Eev5eokeb, 9trris and. Presideut herray, (5). beE3: Nene, ( . TESTI:TOTE IL'02:, I have nerennto set my Sand bed affixed the official seal of sCid. City this 22nd bey of ibranEnib, 133E. Tnn C111( CT J,LAL,,a-,) D YER. 77:71.775 e r':777 1.7 I hereby inetiT, that the foregoinE Resolution is a. full, true sham:al:rest copy. of "Rssolution. Ke. 1307, TrEmsferribg (:(3.599.36 frac. 5he Electfie Ri*t Tune to the General Lunde"- passed bp' thE Council of. the City of Ulaneda in begnlEr neetinc ameebdtiad on. the 21st day of Noyeiter, 1933. .4.4. 71 .1 of 'FT; 774 y