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Resolution 01808REsoLriTne.I.,!. NO. 1 REQUEST TOR CANOBLIATIOn OF TAIYA6 al...J: PROP:W-51'Y ACCIDIRED BY CITY OF 25fOrdld FUR (EARL 1 UEJ33ES- EEL:RDAS, the City of Alameda, a municipal. corporation, is nrw the drner of the followinw describer real. property sett:ate in. the City. of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, mare particularly'. describer er follows: All of Lot 5, ip Block J, as said lot. an5. block are delineated and sr designated upre thet certain rap entitled "ap of Oah Park Encinal of Alakada," filed October 1,2, 1676, in the office of the County Recorder of Alazeda County, Califtriewre, in. Book 6 of 'Laps, Pagpe 11, which said real property was acquired by. said City for park purpooes be. deed of shaft executed. by Ernest TI. Crook and Etbel • Crook, and recorded in the office of the County' Becorder of Alameda County on Faverlder 17, 1936; and AREREnB, prior to the trhe said. real property was acerfred by' the City of Air:mere, ae aforesaid, certain. county- taxes for the fiscal year ending, June 30, 1934, had beer. levied. end assessed aeriust said real property in. the aegvegete sum of (656.71, as. it arheers from the recorde• of the dounty Assessor and County Tax Collector of' said Alameda County and by tam bill Do. 99521, icsued by the fax Collector of said Alarrda County; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by' the Council of' th,.e• City of Alaseda that the Board or Super risors of the douhry of, and. it is hereby requested to make its order and to take such other and further proceedings as may- be necessary to. „Blue° ale... taxes isvied and assessed. agairst said real pronerty by the County Of Al6nede foh the fiscal year 1933-34 to be conrlied, and that a record cf sadd cancellation be made by' the officer or officers having custody' of• the raterd thereof, in. accoriane udth the provisions of Section. 3B34u of the Pelitiral Code of. the 'State of Califerni6 I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the forewente( Resolution wee duly and togularly introdened and adopted By- the Con:aril. of the City of. Alameda in rexelar • meeting assembled on the 2Ist day. of Movember, 1B63„ by the. following rate, to wdt: 11753: Cou:kWelelen ETlIZZOlie9 lecher., Leydecter, Morris ann fresident• hurray, (5). ITOS:d: None. ABC7005': (Vone „ IT1 '=1:Tre011YenhEIEWJA, I. have heradhlw, set ry hand ehd affixed trn offieidl. oeal of said. dity this 22nd. day of Cove:mbar, 1933- (SEAL OF THE di= OF ALA61611) D. ELWAR CTIR. •-------,7-7,7 . 7";,7-='. , ., 4 --... . • , du .._ City ',..;.,....02Z- OI 1,..J. oite o2 Arrsube. ereby. certify. that tele rdregoine Resolution. is a full, true and correct. crufw of "Resolet5on he. 1305, heinwst for CareolWation of Tereen on Ikkrxdrty deo:aired by eChoy of AJAhmula for herb fUrposes", - passed by the CounciS., of the City of Alareda in regular' redefine ersorheed an the 21st Joy of Never:bah; 1935. of Iddl.wer:.(3,:bre.