Resolution 01812liEsoLnacI." 'A), le22. TdirLITLREING 4,5,000.00 FROG THE ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND TO Tdd DENDEOT FURL. RECORD/ED, by tbo Council of tbo City of Alaaeda that the saw of Fiwo Thousand eiin no/10C Dollars (4,5,0E0.0E0 be, aad the same is hereby ordered tranefoTred from Gleetric Light Fund to the Gang oral Fund, as. a dividend- Tio Auditor and the Tfeasuer are hereby authorized to make tiro necessary transfers on their respective books. I, the undarsigbed, hereby certify.. that the forer)orchh basolation was duly and reGularly introduced add adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regniar oeetihg acne:mt.:lad on the 00th. day. of Deo- enber, 193E, by tha following vote, to ait: ATER: CounciLmen Brunzone, Eschen, LoydeoLoT and President NO13: Rode. ABEEFF: Councilman Torrid, (1). IJ TECTODDEFY DELD202, I Dade harecnto sot ich hand and affixed the 01ficlal seal of said City thaw fist day. of Inicennef, 1033. D. DYER. CitTITJah ,:7—The '.ji ,.i. All:neda. (3DAT OF' TEE CITY 02 ALIFFHCALF I hereby' oortify tbot tro foraroing deoolution is a full, true and. correct copy of "Dosolution No. 1612, Transferring 40,006.00 from the Electric Lig:ht Fund to the Ganeral Fund", - passed by tne Countril od tha Jity of Alameda in regular meeting assertion on tna 20th day of Decerber, 1661.