Resolution 01870RESOIUTION NO, 1870.
WHEREAS on the 1st day of September, 1934, there was filed with the City
Clerk of the City of Alameda a petition for the submission of seven (7) proposals
for amending the Charter of the City of Alameda, and requiring the submission of
such proposals to the electors of said City at the general municipal election to
be held on November 6, 1934, and
WHEREAS the City Clerk of the City of Alameda has verified the signatures
attached to said petition, and hes attached thereto his certificate of suffic-
iency, certifying that the sare was signed by qualified registered electors of
said city equal in number to more than fifteen per cent (1.%) of the total vote
cast in said City at Inc last preceding general. state election, and has present-
ed the same to the City Council, and
WHEREAS under the provisions of Article XI of the Charter of the City' of
Alameda a general municipal election shall be held an Tuesday, Fevember 6, 1934,
That the aforesaid proposal3 for adandiapt the. Charter of the City of Alameda
shall be submitted to the electors of taid City' at Inc general municipal election
to be held in. said City adt Tocetday, November 6, 1934, said proposals, and amend-
ments being in worda and fdgmres as followaR
That Section 9 , Article II of the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended
to rend as 1'c lows:
C. City Clerk. The duties of the City Clerk shall be as are prescribed
by the council and provided by law. He shall hold office until removed by a maj-
ority vote of the council.
That Section 5, Chapter II, Article III of the Charter of the City of Alameda
be amended to read as follows:
Sac. 6. There shall bo a city attorney, who shall be appointed by the council,
5r13 wbo shall be an elector of the City at the time of his appointment, and who shall
be an elector of the City at the time of his appointment, and who shall be an attorney
and counselor-at-law duly admitted to practice by the Supreme Court of the State.
He stall actually have been engaged in the oractice of his profession for a period of
at leaot four years next before his appointment. He shall hold office until removed
e majority vote of the council.
That Section 1, Article VII of the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to
read as follows:
Eles 1. The council shall apnoint a City Manager. He need not be a resident
of the State of California at the time of his appointment. His salary shall be fixed
by Inc City council, but 31511 not be mare than five thousand dollars per annum.
Ho shall hold office until removed by a majority vote of the council.,
That Suctions 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Article VII of the Charter of the City of A. lameda
be repealed, and e new Article added to the Charter of the City of Alameda, to be
known as Article VIIa, and to read as follows:
Sec. 1. The Board of Police and Fire Commissioners shall consist of three
members who shall serve without compensation, The members shall be elected m
, ed sha
hold of+ice for four years, and until their successors are elected and qualified.
Said Board shah. be elected at the same tines and in the same manner as the nerubers
of the city Council, and shall be subject to recall as in thie charter provided.
In the case of the Board first elected, the ore receiving the highest vote shall
hold. office until the third succeeding general city election at which councilmen
are chosen, the one receiving the second highest vote stall hold office until the
second succeeding general city election, and the other one shall hold office until
the next general city election at which councilmen are chosen, and until their
successors are elected and craalified. Anything in this charter to the contrary
notwithstanding, an election shall be held within sixty days after ratification of
this amendment by the state legislature, for the purpose of electing the three
.members of this board.
Sec. 2. vacancies. Any vacancy occurring in the board shall be filled by
vote of the remaining members of the board, and any person appointed to fill
vacancy shall hold office only until the next general municipal election,
at wnicim time a person shall be elected to serve for the remainder of such unex-
pired term.
In case all positions on said Board shall be vacant at the same time, a
conarission consisting; of the Police Judge, the Auditor and fax Collector, stall,
jority vote, make the appointments and fill all such vacancies, Said
ion shall 'make such appointments within thirty (30) days after such vacan-
Sec. 3. The :Board of Police and Fire Commissioners shall have en
and saeagement of the police and fire departments in the City of Alanede, subje
only to the provisions of Section 7, Article II of this charter. Said Board steal
appoint time chiefs of the respective departments from the membership of said res-
pective departments, and said chiefs, so appointed, shall hold office at the pleas-
ure of said Board.
All other members of said respective departments shall be apnointed by said
d subject to the provisions of this Article.
Said Board shall, from time to time, make rules to carry out the purposes of
this Article and for examinations and aepoin,ttents in accordance with its provision
All applicants for employment in said departments shall be subject to examin-
ation, which shall be public, corpetative and free to all citizens of the United
States, with specified limitations as to the residence, age, sex, habits, health,
experience and moral character. Such examinations shall be practical in their
character, and shall relate to those matters which will fully test the relative
capacity of time persons examined to discharge the duties of the position to which
they seek to be appointed. The board shall control all examinations, and may,
whenever an examination is to take place, obtain the assistance of a suitable per -
or persons to aid in preparing for and conducting such examination ; provided,
that all members of the respective departments who are in the City service
at tae tine this amendment goes into effect shall be retained in their respective
positions, subject to the provisions of this 'article, but any such person may be
demoted, if in the opinion of the Commissioners, such action be for the geod. of
the public service; and provided further, that any person sho shall have been
dismissed or discharged from membership in either department within three years
prior to the effective date of this amendment for any reason except for cause,
shall be eligible for reappointment without examination and without being required
to comply with any specified limitations as herein.above set forth.
Sec. 4. Notice of the time, place and general scope of the examinations shall
be given by the eHard by publication for two weeks suoh examination ie a
newspaper printed in said city and such notice shall also be posted by said Board
in a conspicuous place at the City ;fall and in its office two weeks before such
Sec, 5. From the examination made by the Board, 1t small prepare a register
of the persons whose general average standing upon examination for such class
not less than the minimum for such class fixed by the rules of said Board, and who
are otmiruise eligible and sash persons shall take rank upon the register as can-
didates in the order of their relative excellence as determined by their
ions without reference to priority of time date of examination,
Sec, 6. The Board shall, by its rules, provide for the promotion of the
members of said Police and Fire Departments on the basis of ascertainment and sen-
iority in service and examination; and shall provide, in all cases where it is
practicable, that cacancies shall be filled by promotion. All examinations for
promotion shell be cor:.petative among such members of lower ranks as desire to sub-
mit themselves to such examination and who have such experience. qualification or
qualifications as may be required by the Board as a prerequisite for taking such
The Board shall, by its rules, provide for (a) leaves of absence,
(b) the transf er from one position to a similar position in the same class, (c)
rei.nstatetrent t;o list of eligibles of persons who have become separated from
service or have beery reduced iun rank in the service other than persons who have
been removed f
Sec. r3. Subject to the general supervision of said 'Board, the respective
shell have command of and control of their reseective departments, and shall
have the power to suspend, for cause, any member of their respective departments;
vided, "however, that in ti2e event that the Chief of either the Police or wire
artnent shall suspend, for cause, any member of his department, he shall re;oort
in writing, eo the Board ] 1'
m. m. �,�? certification that a cony of suom state -
been served upon time person so suspended, personally, or by leaving, a
eof at his last known place of residence if he cannot be found. :Pith-
('15) days after such statement se- 1 have been filed, the said 'Board.
upon its own motion, may, or upon. written application of the person so suspended,
filed with said Board within five (5) days after service upon him of such state-
ment, shall proceed to investigate the grolneds . for such suspension. If, after
such investigation, said Board finds, in. ariting, that the grounds stated for such
suspension were insufficient or were not sustained, and also finds in writing,
that the person sos suspended is' a. fit and suitable person to fill the position
from which he was suspended, said Board shall order said person so snspended to be
reinstated or restored to duty, If tho laid Beard fihde-mthe Ere-ands stated
for such. suspension were sufficient, it may discfmline the offending person or may
remove the offending person from the department of which he is a member, but no
such person shall. be removed from such deportment except for notorious or conse-
cutive insubcrdination or neglect of duty, or upon conviction of a felony.
If said Board shall order that any person suspended by the Chief 0'f-either the
Police or the Fire Benartment be reinstated or restored as above provided, the Per-
son so suspended shall be entitled to receive compensation from the city the same
as if he had not been suspended by the Chief of said department.
The decision. cf tha said Board upon all matters of suspension, discipline and
dismissal shall be final.
Sac. 5. The Board shall, by its rules, provide for the cstablAshment of and
rover the keeping of service records of all members of said departments, which
records may,be used as one of the bases for (a) promotion as provided by this
Article; (b) lay-offb, throuhgh reduction in number of the said departments,
Sec, 10. Any member of the Board shall have the power to administer oaths in
matters pertaining to the work of the Board.
3eo. 11. Any false statement wilfully made rider oath either in at applic-
ation or other paper filed with the Board or in anv proceeding before the Board or
in any investigation conducted by or under the jurisdiction of the 'Board, or in
any proceeding arising under this Article, shall be punishable as a misdemeanor.
Sac. 12. Any officer or other person who shall wilfully or corruptly, by
himself or in cooperation with one or more other persons, defeat, deceive or ob-
struct any Person to his right of examination, or corruptly or falsely mark, grade,
estimate or report upon the examination or Proper standing of any person examined
hereunder, or aid in so doing, or wilfully or corruptly furnish to any person any
special or secret information fo.r the purpose of either improving or injuring th.e
prospects or chances of any person so examined or to be examined, of being employ-
ed, appointed or promoted, all be guilty of a misdemeanor and punished therefor.
Sec. 13. Pe applicant for appointment in either of said departments, either
directly or indirectly, anon pay or Promise to pay any money or other valuable
thing to any person whatever for or on account of his appointment, and no officer
or member of said departments shall pay, or promise to pay, either directly or
indirectly, any money' or other valuable thing whatever, for or on account of his
promotion. The commission of anv act prohibited by this section shall be a mis-
demeanor and Punishable as such.
Sec, 14, Any person hblding a position in either of said departments who
wilfully violates any of the provisions of this Article shall, after hearing by
said Board, be subject to being suspended, removed from membership in said depart-
ments, or otherwise disciplined.
P1IOP06,11, NO, 5.
That Sections 1 to 12, inclusive, of Article X of the Charter of the City of
Alameda be repealed, and that there be added to said Article 15 the following
Sections 1 to 18, inclusive:
Sec. 1. There is hereby created a department of the City Governmnt under
the name of the Department of Public Utilities. Said department shall be under
the control and management of a board of five commissioners, and Which shall Be
known as the Board of Public Utilities Commissioners. Said board shall be elect-
ed et the same tire and' in tie same manner as the members of the city council
and shall hold office for four years and until their successors: are elected and
qualified, and shall be subject to recall as in this charter provided. In the
case of the board first elected, the three receiving the highest vote shall hold
office until the second succeeding general city election et which councilmen are
chosen, and the other two shall hold office until the next such succeeding election
and -until their successors are elected and qualified. Anything in this charter
to the contrary notwithstanding, ah election shall be held within. sixty days after
ratification of this amendment by the State Legislature, for the purpose of elect-
ing the five meMbers of this Board. The present members of the Board of Public
Utilities shall hold office only until their successors are elected and qualified.
The Board shall hold regular meetings o' the second Thursday of every month
at eight o'clock P. 11., in the office of Inc Department of Public Utilities, It
shall serve without compensation, but necessary expenses incurred by them shall be
o proper charge against the city, and when certified by the auditor, shall be paid.
Sec. la, Any vacancy occurring on the Board shall be filled by a majority
vote of the remaining' members.
Sec. 2. As soon as practicable after the first day of July in each year,
the Board shall organize by electing one of its members president and one vice-
president, which officers shall hold office until their successors are elected,
unless their membership on the Board sooner expires, The election of each succ-
eeding president and vice-president shall be held at the meeting of the Board
during the last week in. July of each year. The Board may fill for the unexpired
term any vadancy occurring in the office of president or vice-president. All
meetings shall be in a public office of the Board, with reasonable Provision for
attendance by the public.
Sec. 3, The Board shall appoint a secretary not a ;rember of tl7o board,
and one chief accounting employee who may be secretary. The secretary shall
keep a record of the proceedings and transactions of the Board, specifying
therein the names of the Commissioners at all meetings and giving the Ryes and
noes upon all votes. He shall post and publish all orders, resolutions and
notices which. the Board shall order to be posted or published, and shall per-
form, such other duties as are herein, cr may be by order of the Board, imposed
upon him.
Sec. 4. The Board of Public Utilities shall have power (subject to the
provisions of this. charter and to such orcinances of the city as are not in
conflict with the Grants of power made to this department of the City govern-
ment elsewhere in this charter), to supervise, control, regulate and manare
the department and to make and enforce all necessary and desirable rules and
regulations therefor and for the exercise of the powers conferred upon the
department by this charter. It shall have such additional powers and perforce
suer•, other duties as may be granted or imposed elsewhere in this Charter, or
by ordinenoe not in conflict with the rrovisions of this Charter. No,.grant of
power by this Charter to this department of the city government shall be con-
strued to restrict the rower of the Council tc enact ordinances under the
police Lower cf the city except as otherwise apecifioally provided in this
Sec. 4a. Trie Board of Public Utiliti
departments of the city at cost. It
, such as the police telepi
police flash light system, and, subject
shall control the inspection and supervisi
anoes for furnishing li,h.t, 'heat or power i
and buildings of the City of Alameda.
es shall have power to do work. for
stall control all allied activit-
ysteas, fire alarm system,
dinances made by the city council,
of electrical wires. and appli-
under, over or upon the streets
Sec. 5, The power conferred by this Charter upon the Board shall be ex-
ercised by order or resolution adopted by a majority of its raerrbers and record-
ed in the minutes with the ayes and noes at length. Such action shall be
attested by the signature of the president or vice - president, or two members
of the board, and by the signature of the secretary of the board.
6. The Department of Public Utilities shall have the power to use a.
corporate seal, to sue and be sued, and to have perpetual succession; it shall
have the Hower slid duty:
To accuire, construct, operat , maintain, extend, menage, and control
works eared property for the luurpose of su olyior the city and its inhabitants
with water anti electric energy, gas, transncrtation, telephone and telegraph
service, ice or ether systems of providing and distributing refrigerating
means, :arterials and service, or any of them; and with any other public ut11-
and ta_c:e, by purchase, lease. condemnation, or otherwise,
name of the city, any and all property situated within or
ithou't the state, that may be necessary or
i'or any and all of such purposes
said indebtedness to be pay-
ity, and
and to hold
without tit
convenient fur su
on terms and con
able only out of ttia .revenue fund pert
account of which epee. indebtedness was created.
2. To re date and control the use, sale, and distribution of water,
electric energy, ,;ao, transportation and any other utility owner or controlled
by the city; the collection of rates therefor and the granting of Permits for
connection. with. _. 'a retar or electric works or gas or transportation or other
x the rates'!to oe charged for such connec n to f "ir
for a term deemed reasohable Ty the
_ ,... • or transportation or a;1 "=
to areccribe the tine and t
.t as hereafter otherwise
utilities; and to
by contract or oth .
charged for • we
utility ar use with
manner Of payment Of the
prescribed, such rates she
shall be fair end •rea.,1nahi
nature of the y .oe, the OU^•_
vided further, t',iat the rates
than the rates outside the city for
r00i aed
uniform ,,
into con5i1
supplied, and tt
.1, To .5111
any surplus water or sue
other utility owned or c
rates to be charged for
prescribe the time and r,
atimn, among o
value of the,
be less, b
• i.lar uses,
be, and
stribute, at rates fixed as hereinbefore provided,
us electric energy or surplus as or surplus of any
led; and to fix, by contract or otherwise, the
Tablic utilities for use without the city, and to of the same.
4. In the discretion of the board, to divide the work of the department
as .many bureauus as the number of public: utilities it controls, and to
us and to consolidate the work of any such. In case
the beard shall. have the power to appoint a general
bureau, in lieu or ooe general manager for the entire
department. iacl1 such general manager shal_1 be the chief engineer of is
department, and shall be diredtly responsible to the board, and shall have the
same Dowers and duties as the department general manager in relation to the
affairs of such bureau and in relation to the board. .L majority vote of the
members of the- whole board shall be necessary to remove such department gen-
eral manager or a bureau ,general manager.
De pa rte'.
whole or in pa
that all or any portion of a utility is acquired by the
lities under a contract providing for the payment in
h_ese price thereof out of revenues to be obtained
from said utility, then, at its option, to appoint ax agent, corporate or indiv-
idual, to have charge of and to manage the said utility, so far a5 may be permit-
ted by law, pending the time that the revenues of the utility anal' pay the full
purchase price thereof. In the event of the appointment of such agent by con-
tract, the provisions of sections effecting the TDOWQTS and duties of the Manager
and of the Manager of such utility, all be suspended. as to such utility during
the tome of such contract.
C. To sure and be sued, and to recuiee the services of the City Attorney
in all cases to which the Board or Department is a party, provided, that the Board
may employ other attorneys to assist the City latorney.
7. TO lease, for a term not exceeding five years, any or all of the lands
under its control for agricultural or other purcosea, which shell not amnflict
with the beneficial uses of said lands by the city for the purposes for which
they are held by the Board; and except es otherwise provided in this Charter, to
sell, from time to time, such personal property, placed under its control, es
shall not be longer, necessary or suitable for the use of such department. The
Board shall have the right, in conjunction wit h. the joint use of pipe lines,
poles, or pole facilities, with other utilities owning and maintaining pipe
lines, polea or pole. facilities, to buy, seli or lease fractional interests in
pipe, lines, poles or pole facilities owned or controlled by said other utilities
or by said Board. Nu real property nor any rights or interests in real property
held by said Board shall be sold, leased, cr otherwise disposed of, or in any
manner withdrawn from its control, save as above provided, unless by written in-
strument duly authorized by ordinance of the city and a roaolution of the Board,
and duly executed by the city and the Board.
No water or water rights nor any of the fallowing property now or hereafter
owned or controlled by the city, to wit: gas, eleutric energy, or the right to
develo p electric or other power by means of any water or water right now or here-
after owned or controlled by tie city, shall ever be sold, leased Jr disposed
of, in whole or in part, without the assert of two-thirds of the qualified
voters of the city voting on the proposition at a General or special election, at
which such proposition shall be lawfully submitted, and no water shall ever be sold,
supplled or distributed to any person or cornoration, other then municipal, for
rental or disposal to consumers or other persons. Neither shall any electric
power or gas ever be sold, supplied or distributed to any person or corporation
other than municipal for resale, rental or disposal to consumers or other persons
without the assent of two-thirds of the qualified voters of said city given, as
aforesaid; provided, that nothing in this section contained. shall be construed to
prevent the ordinary sale and distribution by the city of water, gas and electric
energy, to its iuhabitants for their own use, or to prevent the supplying or dis-
tribution, by the, city, of surplus electric energy or ga s to consumers or municipal
corporations outside of the city, as elsewhere in this charter piovided.
8. To control, and order, excent as otherwise in this Charter provided, tie
expenditure of all money received from the. sale or use of water, or from any other
source in connection with the operation of said water works, and all money received
from the sule or use of electric energy or from any other source in connection with
the operation of said electric works, and all money received from the sale or use
of gas or of transportation or of an other purlic utility, or from any other source
in connection with the operation of any of said public utilities; provided that all
money pertaining to each of said utilities shall be deposited in the city treasury
to the credit of a special fund created for each of said utilities; and the money so
deposited in each special fund shall be kept separate and apart from other money of
the city and shall be drawn only from said fund upon demands authenticated by sig-
nature of the chief accounting employee of said board. Any interest or increment
received on the money- in any such special fund shall be paid into such special fund
and become a part thereof.
Section 7, None of the money in or belonging to any of said special revenue
funds shall be appropriated cr used for any purpose except the following purposes
pertaining to the municipal works from or on account of which such money was rec-
eived, to wit:
1. For the necessary expenses of operating and maintaining such works.
2, For the payment of the principal and interest or either due or coming due
under contract or upon outstanding bonds, notes, certificates or other evidence of
indebtedness issued against revenue of such works, or bonds cr other evidence of
indebtedness, General or district, heretofore or hereafter issued for the acquisit-
ion of such works or parts therecf.
3. For the necessary expenses of constricting, extending and improving such
works, including the purchase of lands, water rights and other property; also the
necessary expenses, of conducting end extending the business of the department'
pertaining to such works.; also for reimbursement to another bureau on account of
services rendered, or material, supplies, or equipment furnished;. also for ecpendit-
urea for the purpose for whiCh bonds', or evidences of indebtedness shall have been
authorized, sub ject to reimbursement as soon as practicable from moneys derived from
the sale or issuance of such bonds or evidences of indebtedness.
4. For defraying the expenses of any pension system applicable to lira employ-
eee of the department that shall be established by the city.
5, For establishing and maintaining a reserve fund to insure the payment at
maturity of the principal and interest on all bonds and all other contract obligat-
ions now outstanding or hereafter issued or made for tie purchase of municipal works
and such other-reserve funds perteining to such works us the Board may provide for
by rasoiuti_on. The none, set aside and placed in such fund or funds so created
shall remain in said fund or funds until. expended for the purposes thereof, and
shall not be transferred to any other fund of the city, Any interest or increm-
ent received on the money in any such special fund. shall be paid into such spec-
ial fund and become a part thereof.
Any balance may be appropriated for use in any ensuing fiscal year or
be transferred to the general fund of the city with the consent of the
erri of Public Utilities, and not otherwise.
ieetion 8, The Board may provide for the cost of acquisition. of a public
and /or extensions and and /or betterments of said public ut 11th- from funds de
from the sale of bonds, secured by revenues, general_ or di.s- ;riot, and /or from
revenues received from said works to which such acquisition extensions and bet
wants pertain, and /or from the proceeds of loans contracted in aoeordares with
provisions of this Charter.
Whenever in the exercise of such power to provide for the cost of acquisition
of a Public utility and /or extensions anti /or betterments from such revenues, the
Board may deem: it advisable to make any such acquisition, extension or hotter-
mane which cannot be provided for out of the appropriations for a single fiscal
year, it xi.a7, at any time adopt a special Budget and make special. appropriations
therefor specifying the amount of such appropriation for each fiscal year during
which the cost of such acquisition, extension or betterment is expected to be paid,
and when such snecia.l_ budget is so adopted said Boars may incur financial obligat-
ions and :rake expenditures as authorized thereby; provided that no such special.
_.. cation for a future fiscal year shall be made unless, on report of t'r e
anac..r of the bureau having charge Of the works to which .rich ir1r .c e_ ..r_t
or extension_ pertains, or the general manager of the de pa.rt.:rents, it shall find
that the reasomelly expected revenues of such works in each fiocol year fcir which
such appropriation is made wi:l_l. be amply sufficient to permit of the making of such
appropriating in addition to tne following.
1. Appropriations to cover the necessary expense,
ing such works, and such payments of principal j inioresi OD,
as, under the .provisions of this Charter, and or air s or resolu
therein, soid Board is rc.r °_ed to apportion an
2. Appropriations to ccv
?de, notes,
wider the provisions of this Char
Z. Appropriations to cover all
budget; and -
4. np?rr
ecial budget shall be sub
like report ar:d finding. It wall be the di
ual denartmental budget for each td scal year
each for which an appropriation for that
sal budget.
ire said year for
or other evidences Of srdeb °led
ovided for
aati ohs made by any .prior s.recis.l
tad expensee .nor
o .rodmfieatioi or extension upon.
y of t e i oard in adopting fie ann-
.() include therein appropriations for
year has been made by any such spec-
oection 9. The Board shall each, year apportion and set apart out of Ita
revenue fund in the city treasury pertaining to each sacra municipal works an amount
aunts sufficient to .ray at maturity all sons core sng due in. said year for
'pal and interest, upon all cutstandind bonds, and/or other obligations issued
1rzrposes of the works, to which such revenue fund pertains, and also all
sums coming duo in said year for
trict bonds, issued for such purposes,
carp: be ,raid from moneys in said fund no
Board finds are not required to meet ou
able out of said funds, including the pr
and /or other obligations; and said anoun
special fund in the city treasury, to be de
1 and inter
such part of
nding oblig
d by
or purpose of such special fund, and the money i}r such special fund stall be sub-
ject to apportionment by the Controller or Auditor as may be required In make such
payments or,: the principal and interest of said bonds and /or other obligations, and
for no other purpose. Any interest or increment received on the money in any
such special find shall be paid into such special fund and become a part thereof.
The foregoing provisions of this section shall apply to all such bonds now outstand
sng or hereafter issued; except as in this section provided said Board may, in its
discretion, apply the moneys in such revenue. funds to such purposes permitted by
this Charter, and in such order and such amounts, as in Inc exercise of such dis-
cretion it shall determine. Balances remaining unexpended in said revenue funds,
and all sums receivable into said fund from unpaid bills of consumers and other
similar sources at the close of any fiscal year, shall be available for appropriat-
ions .for, and expenditures in, succeeding fiscal years in like manner and for like
purposes as revenues received during such succeeding years.
Sec. 10. The roard shall appoint and shall have Inc power to remove the
general. manager who shall be the chief administrative officer and who shall not be
subject to any civil service provisions of this charter. Such general manager
shall not be e member of the board nor shall he have been a member within one year
prior to his appointment. Failure on the part of the general manager to comply
with the instructions of the board, or incompetency, dishonesty, discou.rtas.y, or
neglect of duty-bin-his-part, as determined by the Board, shall constitute adequate
grounds for his removal by said board, provided that the person affected shall be
given previous written notice of the grounds of the proposed removal and oplortun-
ity to be 'heard by the board.
upon all outstanding dis-
last mentioned sons as
other purposes and the
ions or liabilities pay-
of general bonds;
red forthwith into a
indicating the nature
Sete 11. Subject to the provisions of this Charter, the rules of the de-
partment and the instructions of his Board, said general manager shall have the
power and duty;
1. To administer the affairs of the department as its chief administrat-
ive officer.
2. To appoint, dischargee suspend or transfer the employees of the depart-
ment, other than the secretary of the Board and the chief acrunting employee, of
the department, and to issue instructions to said employees, other than the sec,.
retary and the chief accounting employee, in the line of their duties. All
subject to the civil service provisions of this ccarter.
3. To expend the funds of the department in accordance with the provisions
of the budget appropriations or of appropriations made subsequent to the budget.
4. To recommend to the Board prior to the beginning of each fiscal year
an annual departmental budget covering the anticipated revenues and expenditures
Of the department, conforming so far as practicable to the forms and dates pro-
vided in this Charter in relation to the general city budget.
5. Tb certify all expenditures of the department to the chief accounting
d. To exercise such further powers in the administration of the department
as may be conferred upon him by the Board.
Sec, 12. The General Manager of such department; at least once a month shell
file with the board a written report on the work of the department.
Sec. 13, The Board shall provide suitable quarters, equipment and supplies
for the department. It shall create the necessary positions in said department, aut-
horiZe the necessary deputies, assistants and employees and fix their salaries and
duties, and fix the salary of the general manager of the departmalt, and may re-
quire bonds of any or all such employees for the faithful performance of their
Sec. 14. Whereyer in this Charter provision is made for the discharge of
specific duties by a specific appointee, the appointing power of such appointee
may designate en employee or employees in the same department with full power to
act in niece of such aepointee in case of his temporary absence or other inabil-
ity to act; and in other cases upon the written request of such appointee.
Sec. 15, The Board shall, prior to the beginning of eech fistal year adopt
an annual departmental budget and make an annual departmental budget appropids-
tion, covering the antelcieatee revenues and expenditures of said department,
Such budget shall conform as far as precticahle, to the forms and times provided
in this Charter for he general city budget. Such budget stall contain a sum to
be known as the "unappropriated balance", whieh sun shall be available for ape-
ropriation by the Board later in the ensuing fiscal year to meet contingencies as
they may arise. A copy of such budget, when adopted, and of every resolution
subsequently adopted making appropriation from stud unappropriated balance, shall
Promptly be filed with the Mayor and Controller or juditor, No expenditure Sean
be made or financial obligations incurred by such department except as authorized
by the annual departmental budget appropriation, or appropriations made subse,..
quent to said annual budget, or an otherwise provided in this. Charter. Provided,
however, and anything contained in this Charter to ehe contrary notwithstandinge
the Board shall have power, at any time, to pledge said unappropriated belence, or
to contract with reference thereto, for any of the Purposes set forth in this
Sec. 16. 10 money stall be drawl from any fund under the control of such
department, except upon warrants authenticated by the, signature of chief aceopnt-
ing employee of the deportment, who shall be directly appointed by the Board and
shall be directly responsible to it in the discharge of his duties. The board
shall file with the controller or auditor a notice giving the name and signature
of the chief accounting employee authorized to Sign its demands as aforesaid.
The Board by resolution may- authorize a temporary subseitution in the case of
the absence or inability to act of the person whose signature is herein required.
A cony of any such resolution of substitution shall be filed with the controller
or auditor.
Sec. 17. Any action by said department authorizing the eceuisition or sale
of real property, np,roving of contracts which obligate the city for a longer
period of time thin one year, or weich involves values in e-ecass of two thousand
dollars (S2,00(.00), or whine involves a rule of general eer2fcation to be follow
ed by the public, stall be taken by the Board by order or resolution. Every order
or resolution adopting a rule of general anrincetion to be followed by the ruhlic
shall be published once in a daily newspaper and shall take effect upon such putlecee
Sec. 18. (1) The Board is hereby authorized to borrow money on the scontite•
of revenue lends to defray' the expenses of construction work in the Department. The
principal and interest of such borrowed money all be eaid from the revenue fend
pertaining to the meniciral works for or on. account cf which such indebtedness was
created, and the principal shall be repaid in rot more than forty (40) years, but
no paymeete of principal need be required during the first three (3) years following
the date of any' such loan.
2. The Board is heroby authorized to make contracts providing for expenditure
or incurring financial obligations to be Paid IL wncle or in part in seacceeding fisca
years, for or on account of tee acquisition of any public utility, eed of extensions
and iMprovoments of the works under the control of said Departmeat, all hayments
under said contracts to be Made out of the revenue fund pertaininm, to the munic-
ipal works for or on account of whitn such indebtedness was created.
That section 20, Article XIII of the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended
to read as follows:
Sec. 20. Unless otherwise provided by this charter, any officer or board
authorized to appoint any deputy, clerk, assistant, or employee, shall have the ri-
o t to remeve the person, so appointed. Members or erteinteea on boards or com,
missions, created or appointed by the Mayor or City Council, may be removed by a
majority vote of said council.
That Section 34, Article XIII of tee 'Charter of the City of Alameda be amended
to read as follows:
Sec. 344 The expressions "majority of the council" or "council majority"
shall be interpreted as requiring the affirmative vote of three members of the
council. The expressions "four-fifths vote of the whole council" or "four-fif-
ths' cf the council", Or "four-fifths of all the members", shall be interpreted as
requiring the affirmative vote of four members of the council.
* * *
DE IT FURTHER RESDEVED that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby directed to
cause such nroposals and charter amendments to be published once iT the Alameda
Times-Star, a daily newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in
said City; that said City Clerk shall cause copies of said charter amendments and
proposals to be printed in convenient pamphlet form, and shall also, until the day
fixed for said election, advertise, in the aforesaid newspaper e notice that such do-
ries_ may be had at his office in the City Hall upon application therefor.
1, the undersiEned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly
and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in
regular meetina assembled on the lath day of September, 1934, by the following
vote, to wit:
AYES: Councilman Bruzzone, Morris, Tiedemann, Esenen and President
Murray, (5).
10E9: None.
0 WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set My hand and affixed the official seal
of said City this 19th day of September, 1934,
((( (SSAI 07 IME CITY))))) City Clerk of tho City of Alameda.
I hereby- certify that the foregoing Resolution is a fall, true and correct copy
of "Resolution No. 1170, Submitting Certain Proposals for Amending the Charter of
the City of Alameda at the General Municipal Election, to be Held in said City on
November, 6, 1934", - passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in re&aar meet-
ing assembled on the lath day of September, 1934.
City Clerk of tnel pity of Alameda.