Resolution 01970G4401144104 NO. 1970.
REFOLFED, that under the proFfslons oel Section 24, Chaptar 42 Article 4 of
tba Chartax, the Treasurar be and. he is. berate- iirested to transfer add. surplus
abbeys to the General Fund, ex4ept such surplus moneys as. Ray be in the several
interest and sinking funds and in. such other funds the dispositioR of' said surplus
maLess is. otherwise provided 'for; end be it further
RESOLVED, Ghst the Troasurer be and he is. hereby directed. to transfer From the
Library Fund to the. General Fund tho sum. of Eiget Thousand Twc Hundred Seventy-seven
ani 324100 Dollars (8214.32), and. be it further
RESOLVED, that the Treasurer be and he is newneby ditasted to trshafer Eros the
initiative halief Fland tha Gene:rat Fund, the sum of Two Thousand Six Erndred
Fifty -threo and 744100 Golhol4 (42655.74); and the Auditor and the Treasurer ar4
hereby auttorized to melba said tranafers upon their respaatits beaka., as of Jima
0, 1935.
tbs. undersigned, bareby cartify that the foredoing Rbsolutioh was doEy
and regularly introduced. and. adostad by. the Council. of the City. of Alanads in. regular
Fasting saseibled. on Oda 15th day of July, 1435, be. the following vote, to wit
RYES: Cbarbilmoo BroyloaG Lanro and President Goefka, (54.
40)235 None.
ARRENT: Gotscilmen Foshan and horada, (2).
IE 12114E33 ra=arr, I have. heraunto set my band. and affixad the °Moral seal
of said. City thda
33 7th. day of July, 1435.
‚3 4:3_ OF THE CITY ar WILLVIEDA))))) • -44)-4774.).4144444744
:3 :3,
I hereby- caiGdfx tisht the fbregaing Resclutior is a full, truo and correct coty
of "Reaolution. No. 1570, TraasXarring All Surplus Foneya to the RenoIal. Thad", -
introduseh and adapted by. the Council. of tbs. Gity of Alanada in rogalar meeting
aszenble4. on. the leth lay of arra, 1535.
44 4,nd Alamoda.