Resolution 0197322WaLUTina EC. 1("Ed,.
WHEWEAS, it has been. found neneanary to engage eleven. tern:ovary coployeed
for the purpowe of typingu indexing, comparing di:gnat:wren of elecUnre with the
affidavits of registretion, and doing other. clerioultnndU In oonnection with.
the pending recall pwochedings, and
ddEtilIWU3, thh aompensetioh of said. additionel endployews ta. being paid out
of the Glty Manager's revolving fund whichh as a result thhreot, is about dw-
pleten; luta, therefotwu be it
RAEOLVED, that Whe Gity Manager's revolving fund be, anh the sane is
hereby', increased td $1,00.0... in order to meet said additional expenae.
the' underaigned, hereby certify- that the forthttulag Resolution was.
duly and regviarly introduced and adopted by the Counoll of tha City of AlEneda
in entilar meeting aszemblud on the 6th day of August, 1(9359 by the followtng
vote, to wit:
AYES: Councilmen Broyles, Munro and President Roebkn, (3)(
NOES: Coundilmen Enchen and Enwris, (2).
IN WIT= WEEEOF, I have Weaunvito set my. hand and at:fixed the offiudal
seal of Auld City this 7th.. day of August. 10315,
UNUEWAL OF TEE MEM)) atty. of -
-4‘ *
I henebv certify- that forewoing Radolution 18 a full, true and convent
owny of "Bwoolution No. 197E, Inaradding CityltnnEgerts Revolving Fund" -
introduced and adopted. by the twanoll of the City. of Alumwda in linguini: mhet
ins addend:led on tno 6th day of Angvet, 1935.