Resolution 02002RESOLUTION ES. 2002
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Alameda did, on the 24th day of
September, 1935, pass a resolution declaring its intention to close that portion
of Eagle Avenue in said city- from the eastern line of Sherman Street easterly one
hundred and fifty (150) feet, more OT less, to the termination. of said Eagle
Avenue; and.
=RES'S, no land was deemed necessary to be taken therefor, or to be
assessed to pay the damages, costs and exoenses thereof, and the exterior boundaries
of the district of landu to be affected and benefited by said work and imorovement
are the corporate boundaries of the City of Alameda; and,
WHEREAS, the Street Superintendent caused to be conspicueusly posted
along the line of said contemplated work and improvement, at not Tore than 300 feet
in distance apart, and not lees than three in ail, notices of the passage of said
resolution, in time, form un(d manner required by law; and
WHEREAS, he also caused a notice, similar in substance, to be cublisbed
for a eeriod of ten days in the Alameda Times Star, a daily newspaper published
and circulated in said City and designated by said City Council for that purcose,
proof Of the said posting and publication bein0 evidenced by affidavits on file
with the City Clerk; and,
WEEREAS, no person interested and to be assessed to pay the coots and
expenses thereof has made written objection to said work and improvement, or to
the extent of the district of lands to be affected or benefited thereby within ten
days after tie expiration of the time of publibation and testing of said notice, and
ten days having expired. after the time of said publication and postinz, and the
Council having acquired jurisdictien to take action in said matter; now, therefore,
be it
RUSOLV-ED, that that :portion of Eagle Avenue hereinbefore described ee,
and tbe same is heteby, ordered to be closed up and abandoned.
I; the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was
duly and regularly' introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in
regular meeting assembled on the 51h day of November, 1935, by the following vote,
to wit:
AYE-So Council:Yen Broyles, Mashers, Morris, Munro and Presided- cabLe,
GOES: None,
IN WITNESS DINNEEN', I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official
seal of said City' this 0th day of November, 1955.
(Seal of the City
* * 1
9 G. 2500D,
Cat irk of the City of Almebe.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution. le a to 10, true and
correct copy of "Resolution 00. 2002, Ordering the Clesimg of a Bbrtion of Eagle
Avenue", introduced and 0 do5ted by the Council of the City of Alameda L. regular
meeting assembled on the 5th ±0 of November, 1935.
0 ity Clo
5f the City of Alameda.