Resolution 02016RESOLUTION 40.2016
NEEREAS, on October 7, 1935, the. United States. of Americe offered to Rid in financing
the construction. cf a branch. public library building in the City o' Alameda, by. caking
a.. grant to sold city of 413,117.00, which offer WF18 duly e.n.6 regularly accepte0 . purslient
to the ?Liles and Regulations of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works;
7,»ITREAs, said city duly and regularly published an advertisement headed "Nctice
t'- Contractors," inviting sealed bids for furnishing all labor, material, traneportation
and servicc s. for the construction of said branch. library building on the southwest
corner of Eighth Street Rini Santa. Clara Aveaue, said city ido to te filed with
the City Clerk of t1 City of Alameda on or before December 7, 1935 at 10:00. o'clock
A.M., and to be opened in public at or about 10:710 o'cleck A.M., of said day in the
Council Chamber of said city; and,
M=EAC, in. response to said advertisement; bids were duly and regularly received
in time, form Rad manner required by the dules and Regulations of the Federal Emergency
Administration. of Public Works, and. publicly opened ETI.d. declared so follows:
T. E. Lyons Construction Cc. Item-A. •30269, Item-B 445.00, .Item-9 $1960 , Item-D
410 , Item6,E. 1 4136, Item-F 4616, Item-0 -4515, Item,h -71742, Item-I 475,
Item-J -4110, Item-K -4600. Total 4-2658.00
442559 427011
S. Grodem, Item-A 423500, Item-B +712o, Item-C 4425, Item-D 1 425, Item-E 4449,
Item-F 4585, Item-G -4520, Item-11 -4375, Item-1. -435, Item-j -401, Item-K -4519.
Total 4-2125
41 110 421375
Monson Broe. Item-A 429850, 4460, 417E0, Item-D 1 4160, Item-E
1. 4148.
Kelly & Tulloch, Iteri-A 028483 Item-B 450, ltem-C * 42000 Item-711 41507 Ite":-F
.4 $135, Item-F -4560, Item-G -4709, Item-4i -4700, Item-I -450, Item-J -463, Item-K
-4515. Total 2566-
233o 425305.
11'.E.REAS, it appears that the lowest responsible biadsr for doin tbb work of con-
structing said branch public' library building WR3
WHEREAS, it further appears tot the bid of said. J. J. Grodem was irregular in
Le foldevihg porticulabs, to wit:
1st. Thet said bidder did hot "submit with his bid e entative schedule showing'
the classes of labor and the number of each clasa . he will require in the performance of
the contract" as required by the "Notice Oa Contractors";
2nd. That the cashier's check required to accompany the bid is less tin i 5)/0 of
the amount of his bid; and
WHEREAS, in the belief that it could be to the public interest to waive said.
irregularities; asv, therefore, be it
RESOLVED by the Council of the City of id:anode trit said 9ouncil hereby recomipendo
to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public. Works, that the bid of Reid J. J.
Grodem for items A.B.C,D. and E he accepted; and thdt his deductions for Items
and 7 be also docepte.ei, and he be awarded the contract for the construction of
said branch public library. building accordingly.
PESOLVE that three certified copies n7 these resolutions be sent to the Branch
Office of the Federal Emergency a'Almiuistration of futile Works in San Francisco.
* * *
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution wdo cou]71 and
regularly introduced and adebted by the. Council of the City of Adamcda in 71014
meeting hosembled on the 9th hey of December, 12 05, by the following vote, to w t:
AYES: Councilmen Broyles, Munro and. President Hoebke, (h).
NOES: None. ABSENT: Ccuncilmen •schen and Morris, (2 ) .
ill WITNESS UHEREDF, I have hereunto set my band and affixed the offHoial
aebi of said City this 90h day of December, 1955.
Deputy City Clerk of the City of
I hereby certify that thx feregbing resolution is a full, true arid correct sopy
of "Resolution No. 2016, RESOLUTION OF AWARD", introduced and adapted by the Council
of the City of Ainseda in special meeting assembled on the 9th day of December, 1935.
City 01.,»JA of the City of iainnei.