Resolution 02022RESOLUTION NO. 2022 AUTHORIZING A GIFT OF LAND OR FELTZ:IDE BOULEVARD TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FIR THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF AM ARMORY. WHEREAS, tbe Adjutant General of the Stute of California hau nctiTic the Mayor P' d the City Manager that it is the desire of the to to erect anu . maintain an Armory is the it cf Alameda on condition that the City furnish a site therefor, AND 7IEERILAG, the City has an available site on the north side of Feraside Roulverd. between Liberty Avenue and Central Avenue, ART WHEREAS, the Adjutant General has written a letter to the Mayor stating that the proposednstructure will contain other then armory requiren.«nts, incindinz an audi- torium 75, x 100' with. standard stage, dressing room, kitchen, and supply room for use of tie community; also, that it will be arranged for recrontional purposes, vith an opportunity for the general tublio to use the building every night in. the. week with the: exception of one night when it would be recuired for ti purposes, AN/ LAS, it would be to the public interest to secure such 9 building for the City, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda that said City grant, give and donate to the State of Callfornia for use of the State as an Armory, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being an the Cary of Alameda, County or idamcda, 3:tate of California, and more particularly described as follows, to wit; Commending on the eastern line of Fern:Ade Boulevard, distant thereon 131 feet southerly from the southern liose of Liberty Avenue, thence southerly along said eastern line of Firnside Boulevard 120 feat; thence at h right angle easterly 1ED feet; thence at a right angle resterly 110 feet to the point of commeneament. The donation of said parcel of land is hereby nude on condition that the State of California construct ea Armory thereon costing not less the Seventy Five Thousand Dollars (1.75,000.) and have the same conTleted by January 1, 1937. The donation of said parcel of land is made on the further condition that the State of California keep said building and surrounding grounds in good condition and repair sad without any ex tense whatsoever to the City of Alameda or the taxpayers of said 0 ty, end, provided further, the building will be available to the general public every night of the reek hut one, az stated by the Adjutant General. * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and Pau].: ly introduced and. adopted by the Council of the Gity of Alameda in special meet- ing assembled ou the 50th day of DecenbeT, 1935, hy t'e following vote, t mit: AVEC: Ceuncilmen Eroyiess Eschen, Morris and President Roel(ke, (4). NOES:. None ABSENT: Coumeiloan Canoe (1). IN WITNESS WEERTCF, . haus hereunto at my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this e2st day of December, 1935. 5. G. 31,010 (SEAL) 77-7771777it Clerk 0f the 3 3 * * * * * * * * * 1 hereby certify tia&t the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of 'Resolution Ne. 2022, AUTHORIZTHO A GIFT OF IA= ON FE:INSIDE BOULEVARD TO THE STATE 0? CALIFORNIA FOP Ta2 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF AN ARMORY', introduced and adopted by the Council of the City or Alameda ia special meeting assenbled on the 30th day of December, 1955. City Clerk:),ol the City 6f 41amede.