Resolution 02035RESOLUTION NO, 2035 A RESOLUTION DECLARING TEE RESUIT 08 THE SPECIA1 ELECTION HELD IN TliE CITY O i3DA, ON TUESDAY, .12t= 28, 1936, ON TNE QUESTION OF GRANTING 929.33 ACRES OF 2222 DM SUBMERGED LANDS TO 128 'UTJITED STATES FOR TIT IITEPOSE 01 A NAVAL AIL BASE. WHEREAS, a special election was called and ordered to be held in the City of Alameda, State of California, on Tuesday, the 28th. day of January, 1936, for the purpose of sub- mitting to the qualified electors of said city the proposition to give, grant, convey and alien forever to the United States of .4merica all those certain tide and submerged lands, filled and unfilled, situate, lying and being in said city and heretofore partidu- larly described in Resolution Ho. 2020 of the 0ouncil of said City, calling, ordering and providing for said special election; and, WHEREAS, said special election was duly and regularly' held and conducted, and the votes cast thereat received and canvassed, and the returns thereof made to the City Council in time, form and manner required by law; and, WHEREAS, the Council of the Gity of Alereda assembled at its regular place of meet- 82 in the Couneil Chamber in the City Hall of said city on Wednesday, January 29, 1936, for the purpose or canvassing the returns of said special election, and said returns having been canvassed by the Council in the time, form and manner required by law; now, therefore, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND DECLARED, and said Council finds as follows: First: That said special election was held and conducted, and the votes cast thereat received and canvassed, and the returns thereof made in the time, form and manner required by law and said call; Second: That there were sixty-four regular election precincts provided for and used for the purpose of holding and conducting said special election, and that the vote cast in eacb of said precincts was as follows, to wit: Precinct YES NO Precinct YES NO Precinct YES NO, Ho, No No 1 54 2 22 124 5 44 106 5 2 106 2 23 115 4 45 127 8 3 167 15 24 117 3 46 155 2 4 129 18 25 119 9 47 162 4 5 141 13 26 96 4 48 107 4 6 126 10 27 136 8 49 114 11 7 126 4 28 94 2 50 123 11 3 135 2 29 119 12 51 162 4 9 132 10 30 130 0 52 146 0 10 123 5 31 122 3 53 108 2 11 100 7 32 130 6 54 130 1 12 91 1 33 '132 13 55 99 10 13 172 5 34 13? 4 55 200 5 14 107 11 35 110 1 57 148 2 15 135 4 36 106 5 58 144 4 16 110 4 37 149 6 50 175 9 17 120 7 36 133 4 60 105 1 18 124 1 39 129 8 61 169 2 19 160 3 40 142 12 62 156 7 20 126 9 41 150 9 63 152 5 21 110 5 42 150 10 54 113 0 43 119 4 That the total vote cast in said city and in all of said precincts therein for and against said proposition was as follows: For the proposition, 8284 votes Against the proposition 378 votes Third: That a majority of all the electors of said city' voting at soda special election voted in favor of said proposition, and that said proposition has been auth- orized and approved by said electors, wherefcre the Mayor cf said. city is hereby authorized pad instructed to rate, execute and deliver, for and on behalf of said city, a good end sufficient deed giving, granting, conveying and alienating to tree United States of America forever, for use as a naval air base, all those, certain salt marsh, tide and submerged lands, filled and unfilled, situate, lying and being in the City of Alameda, State of California, and more particuIrly described as follows, to wit: CO=NCING at a point on the United States Bulkhead Line, said point being distant due south thereon 202.1 feet from Point "El" as said line and point ire delineated and so designated upon that certain Map entitled,"Herber Line Survey, San Francisco Bay, 1910" Sheet No. 6 on rile in the United States Engineer's Office, Customs House, San Francisco; and running thence north 73 deg. 58' West 409.95 feet to a point; said line being parallel with and distant southerly 122.7 feet measured at right angles from center line of tbe South Pacific Coact Railway Compe.ny's right-of-way; thence North 63 deg. 26' West 342.0 feet to a point; thence north 76 deg. 05' West 500 feet to a point; thence north 61 leg. 15' Vest 660.0 feet to a point; thence north 69 deg. 50'Vest 1687.88 feet to a point on the United States Piorhead Line; thence South. 47 deg. 50' 63 West 482.14 feet to a point, which point is the inter- section of the United States Pierhead Line with the southwesterly line of the City of 4i1ameda; (also, easterly line of the City and County of on Francisco) thence South 27 deg. 80' East 11829.0 feet along the southwesterly boundary line of the City of Alaueda to a point which point is the intersection with the westerly line of Benton Field; thence North 16 deg. 02' East 6344.13 feet to e point; thence North 73 deg. 58* West 4160.05 feet to the point of beginning, containing appToximately 929.337 acres of land. Provided, however, that at least 1'111,000,000 be expended for, or contracted to be expended in the actual work of development of said naval sir base by Decerthar 31, 1939, otherwise said lands shall automatically revert back to said City of Alameda. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in adjourn- ed regular meeting assembled on the 26th day of l:andefy, 1036, b, the following vote, to vat: AYES: Councilmen Broyles, klunro and President Roebke, (3). NOES: None. 41O6SENT: Councilmen Esclien and YuTT18, (2). IN WITRESS USERNOF, I have hereunto set no hano . and affixed the official seal of said City this 30th day of Tannery, 1936. (SELL) . FLOOD City clerk of th ikaarde d I hereby ceTtify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct cap y of "'Resolution NO. 2035, A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE RESULT OF YHE 3PECIAL ELECTION UELD IN IEHE CITY OF ALAklEA, CN T3ESLIZ, ,T=Ry 23, 1936, ON THE QUESTION CF GRANTIM,, 929.33 ACRES OF TIDE AND EUDYERGED LANDS TO TED UNITED STATES FOR TEE PURPOSE OF A NkVAL I6 1103", introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda on January 29th, 1636. 2t Q)€2' ot the City of Alameda.