Resolution 02137NESCIITTION NO. S127 DSTABLISFERS THE POSITICEI OF "SPECIAL CENSUS Ell721SIRAP2OR" AND ?DUNG COMPENSATION THEREOF., WHEREAS, it is contemplated that a special cenpus be taken. in the City of Alameda pursuant to the provisions of Chapter Statutes of 1943 of the state• of California. and. in accordance with the terms 3 a written agmeement to be entered into between. the City. of Alameda and The Dimector of the Bureau of the Census of the United states; and WHEREAS, Tee Direator of the Bureau of tne Census requireu, as a pliers- quisite •of the taking ef such srucial census, that the persons Qtployed as enu- merators •in connection with such. special census shall be emmloyed and paid directly by the City of giatuda; NOW, THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED BY THY °CENCI'. UP THE CITY OF ALAYDA, as ollows: That the position of "Special CellSUS Fhmmerator" be and is noreby, created end established in the General Administrative Department of the City. RESOLVEI 7iPiTIPER, that not to exceed fifty (50) persons are hereby authorised to be employed. in such position at apy one time. RESSIITED, FURTHER, that the duties of said position of Special Census Ennmaerstor shall.. be as follows: to porsonallw canvass from house to house in defined areas within.. the City- of Aliamede, to enumerate tht residents therein and to make inquiries as shown on the precmored schedules of the. United Stetes Bureau of the Census; to perform otter related. work as direct0 d. in connection with such. enumeration undem the suparvlsion of the Supervisor of the Nensup dmsignated. by The Director of the Bureau of the Census to be in. charge of such specil l... cannus and to fEtblow the regmlations anemias procedure prescribed by. The Imitgtor of the Bureau of the Census. RIBENNWED, FURTHIE that the compensation. for such. Special. Census Enu- merators is hereby fixed on a. piece rate basis of five cents (.51. for sect person enumerated. and included on the official scheduler properly retumned to and accepted by the Supervisor in. charge of said scouloi. census. PaymenM of such. compensation shal1 . bp made on the basis of periodimoB. seml-monthly certificates to be mado by- said. Supervisor specifying the numter of persorp enumerated in the official sche- dules so returned by each. enumerator for the preceding semiummiNtly period- 5>1 * * * * * * * * I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced. and. adapted by the Council of t City of Alameda. in regular meeting assembled on the ist day of May, 1945, by the following vote, to wite YES: Councilmen Jones, Osborn, Sweeney amd President Branscheid, NOES: None, ASSMITIM Conmailmen gowg, M. TN. givINDSS WITHECE, havm nereunto set ay. hand and. affixed the offi cial seal of said City. this 2nd day of Eay, 174"5„ P. CLARK (SEAL) City Olmirk of the Crty of kishwnia8- ***** v***e* hereby' oertSfy' that tbe foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of -1 >3>- No. 127, FSTABIISHINC• TEE POSITION OF tCPCONel., CENSUS ENEEJSRATOR" AND SEEING DERPENSALECU IFPNBCP" intmodsced and. shapted. by• the Council. on the ist day' of IRcYa "7 E City Uai,fas of the mity of Pme"TiTe--- ye"