Resolution 02151RESOLUTION NO. 2151 APPOINTING ELHOTIUN OFFICERS AND FIXING TIFFIN COMPENSATION, DESIGNATING POLLING. PLACES AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICES TO BE GIVEN. NHEBEAS by Hesoliftion No. 2150, adobted by this Council on March 12, 1937, e special election was called. and ordered to he held in the City of Alameda, Ltetb of California, on Thursday, April 29, 1937, for the purpose of submitting to thb electors of said pity the propose or the adoption of the broposed Charter of the City of Alameda, framed by• the City Council of said city on its own motion, in accordance with the provisions of section 6, Article XI of the Constitution of the State cf Cal- ifornia. • TEEBBFORB, BE TT RESOLVED IVX THE COUFOIL OF THE OITT OF ALAEDA that the board of election for each election pgeoinct at said special election shell conbist of bne• inspector, one judge and tyr clerks. 1303 1J 2137 l, that the compensation to he paid to each of the election officers for conducting said special election be, aild the same is hereby fixed at the sum of 45.00, provided that the additional sun of g.00 shall be paid to the election officer who delivers the returns to the City Clerk. H ISSOLVED FUNTHBa, that the City Clerk be, and he is heeaby directed to file, post and cause. to he published, the notices of said election, and to mail notices of appointment to ench inotector and member of said election hoards, and to dc and per- form any and all acts required of him under the. Charter of the City of Alameda and the laws of the State of California in respect to said special election. RESOLVED FURTHER, that toe location of the polling places in and for each of said election brecincis, ond the• menhers ef the hoard . of election to conduct said. special election in each of said precincts, be, and same are hereby appointed. and de- signated respectively es follows: PRECINCT OFFICE NAME ADDRESS' 1 Inbpector Edna Cnthierine Oakes 03 Carden. Road judge Jennie L. Heinehe 139 Maitland Dr. Clerk Ty'lerjorie Helen Fraser 57 Maitland Dr. Clerk. Bezel E. Lease 39 Carden Eoad POLLING FiCE: Room, 39 Garden Road, Inspector Theresia Schmitz 3224 BriggE Ave. Judge Rose Estes 3200 Briggs Ave. Clerk Anna S. Hansen 3240 Briggs Ave. Clerk Hose F. Delventhal 3276 Garfield Ave. POLIING PLACE: Garage, 1226 High Street. 3. Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Maybelle Hutaff Anne M. Patterson Mary A. Howell Charles A. Wilhelm 13.30 High St. 3242 Central Ave. 32S6 Sterling Ave. 3275 Brigas Ave. POLLING PLAGE: Gar ago, 3210 Sterling Ave. 4 Inspector Clara Isabel bonnet 3237 Liberty Avs- jubge Letitia UM Monson 3240 Liberty Ave. Clerk Annie Galloway 3219 Garfield Ave. Clerk Mary E. lIetthew 3211 Liberty' Ave. Garage, POLLING PLACE: 3200 Liberty Avenue, in rear on High Street. 5 inspector Hazel L.O'Brien 3.320 Monte Vista kVe. JudEe Bailie Rose 3231-A Fernside Blvd. Clerk 'Desiree O'Toole 5235 Fernside Blvd, Clerk Eva X. 3locom 1722 High St, Garage, POLLING PLLCE: 3200 Fairview Ave. 6 Inspector Jean Muoso 1620 Harvard Dr. judge Tracy Viss 1828 Harvard Dro Clerk • Dena H. Delfounc: 1610 Harvard DT, Clerk Cornelia Grunerald 3026 Gibbons Dr, POLLING PLACE: Garage, 1730 Cornell Dr. 7, Inspector Rose E. Warford 1827 Lloreland Dr. Judge Elizabeth T. Stevens 1831 Harvard Dr. Clerk Norma E. Eisenhart 2975 Sihhont Dr, Clerk Ruth. E. Evans 1842 Fremont Dre. POLLING 'PLACE: Garage, 1626 Versailles Av innnector Judge CLerk Clark Coe E. Lessig Elthel E. McMurry George D. 3eird Helen M. IOeilzsl POLLING PLACEi Garage, 2660 Santa Clara Ave. 0. Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Willie Louise Cutte Myrtle E. Johnson Leona L. Marshall Dose Martin 1419 Mound St. 2658 Santa Clare Ave. 1427 Grove St. 1075 Fountain St. 3013 Lincoln Ave. 151U Court St. 3111 Santa Clara Ave. 3005 Central Ave. POLLING PLACE: Garage, 3101 Central Avenue in rear on Fountain St. 10. Inbpector Flora .J. good 1425 Mound St. Judge Julia C. Powell 3000 Van Huron St. Clerk. Haien Logge 1318 Mound. St. Clerk Marie Waterbury 3011 Madison. St. PULLING PLACE: Garage, 2910 Madison Street, in roar. 11. Inspector Judge Clerk Clark Mabel Alderson Marguerite M. Peak Vagn E. Hansen Maude E. Cook 1306 Pearl St. 1141 Park Ave. 1041 Broadway 1202 VerssilGes Ave. POLLING PLACE: Garage, 1244 Versailles Avenue in rear on Encincl. Avenue 12. Inspector Avila Mae Crane Judge Carrie D. Maedonald Clerk john J, Armstrong Clerk. Mbry Ansel PunaNG PLACE: Garage, 1101 Mound Street in rear. 13 inspector Harry L. Davin judge Max Claussenitia Clerk E. Iva Dick Clark Leon Wilkins 2340 Adams St. 1100 College Ave. 1229 Ohllege Ave. 1017 Versailles Avc. lue Versailles Ave. 2826 Calhoun St. 1112 Pearl St. 1109 Versailles Ave. POLLING PLACE: Garage, 2723 Calhoun Street, in rear on Versailles .V 150 14 ins. eter Judge Clerk Clerk William M. Dean Cecilia T. 'Hazlett Elsie D. Groyies Jessie P.Tilesten .13 PLAGE: Garage, 2612 San J030 Avenue, 2600 Otis Dr. 2025 Washington St, 0722 Washington St. 1109 1131T1 St. Inspector Ethel B. Martin nee aent St. Judge Margaret Powers 1092 Park. Ave. Clerk Julia J. Schumacher 1100 Park Ave. Clerk- Margaret Monett 1140 Park Ave. POLLING Pki$CD: Garage, -2500 San Jose Avenue, in rear on Regent Street. 1 0 '.9' 1" Judge Clerk Clerk Bertha Mobled 1161-A Park Ave. Minna F. Ralph 1115 Patk St. Elbert N.Clintsman,Mr. 1193 Fork Ave. Helen Lyon 950 Park St. POLLING PLACE: Garage, 1115 Park Street 1? Insbeator Elmer M. Kenney 1000 Park St. Jude Anna D. Kenney 101313 Dark St. Clerk Morella Mackey 1117 Park Ave. Clerk Gertrude A, Dart 1151 Regent St. POLLING FLACEM Garage, 2452 Encihal Avenue, faces Regent Street, 10 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk George Edwin Ford Alicia 0. Ford Jeannette Kilham ,it.' ie Froling 1317 Regent St. 1317 Regent St. 2508 Central Ave.. 2420 Cer4ral DO.., PINM. PLAGE: Garage, 2452 Central Averhe, faces Regent. Street 19 Inspector Marie A- 1 1375 Pearl St. Judge Dorothy F. Hagan 1309 Pearl. St. Clerk. Alice A. Hildbbrand 1376 Broadway Clerk India Switzer. 162S Broadway POLLING PLACE: Garage, 20 Insneeter judge Clerk C$eck POLLING fh33 E: Garage 1.04. Pearl Street, in rear. Emily C. Whitehead Lena Hardwick Fred Jahmann Violet E. itienv 1626 Broad:way 1624 Broadway 2701 Central Ave. 260B Buena Vista Ave. 2669 Santa Clara Avenue, faces Pearl Street. Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk John F. Manson. Christian Knopp Albert heysr Lillian Y. Nonteiro POLIdt1H TISCH: Snore, 2424 Santa Clara Avenue 2522 debe Ave. 2524 Santa Clara Ave. 1e05 Broadway 2421 Webt Ave. 22 Inspector Herma C. Iiieenti 2517 Noble Ave. Judge Edwina Meyer 2518 Ecyle Ave. Clerk Mhrgareb M, Jenklbs 16,09 Braadway Clerk Emma Tiolon AndArson 1705 Everett St. POLLING PLACE: Garage, 1705 Broadway. Inspector- judge Clerk Clark Julia T. Wiedenbeck Jacob Boos Hazel 1 Nesse Fred A. Coy DOLLING BLACE Darago, 2625 Eagle Avenue 2625 Buena, Vista Ave, 1511 Pearl St. 2628 Eagle Ave, 2023 Buena Vista Ave. 24 inspector Dora j. Belvel 1822 Mulberry St. Judge Florence E. Eleleck 2129 Eagle Ave, Clerk Barbara KAhler 2114 Eagle Ave. Clerk Anna Jones 1800 Elm. St. OLINS:1 PLACES Easement. 2223 Buena Vista Avenue. 25 inspector Ina Y. Ntilone judge Mary H. Itochendorfer • Clerk . Jessie E. Hartley Clerk kary j. Watt POLLING, PLACE: Garagw, h10 Lea Cot. De Inspector Bettie Elsie hill. Judge ilmbwl C. Smith Clerk Alma L. Somers Clerk Daniel F. Dwyer POLL1ING PLAGE: Phil. Inspector Judge Clerk Clerh 2305 Alameda Avenue. Jacob BoodM Nettie M. Laboock hazel Alice oo Margaret Eaton paTzEm PLACE: Garage, 2300 San Antonio Avenue. 28 Inspector Rose E, Addington judge Elizabeth McGinness Clerk Alice Reid Clerk Adele L. Tyllemen POLLING PLACE: Garage, 2244 Cldnton Avenue, in rear. Iuspecton jUdge Clerk Clerk Vida B. Thosus August Jountdoux Htlen E. Allen GladYs j. McCarty 2303 Pacific Are. 2208 Lincoln. AVe. 5234 Buena Vista •Ave. 1854. Elm St. 258 Santa Clara Are. .1438 Walnut St. 2200 Lincoln Ave. 2110 EagJt Ave. 2304 San Antonio Are. 2225 San Antonio Are. 1014 Walnut St. 2261 Clinton Ave. 22MA• Clinton Ave, 914 Walnut St, 2206 San Jose Ave. 2233 Clinton Ave. 2115 San Jose Ara. 2111 San. Jose Ave. 2107 San Jose Ave. 1021 Walnut St. POLLING. PLACE: Garage, 928 Willow Street, in rear on San jose Avenue. 30 Inspector judge Clerk. Clerk' Sadie horn Edythe Lawrence lizabeth. Coward Robert H. Blake POLIdN4 PLACE: GaragE, 2007 Clinton. Avenue. 31.. inspector Judge Hortense E. Messenger Joseph r. Thompkirson Clerk Henrietta Mehrtens Clerk Harry O. Tenney 1111105: Store, 1124 Chesbnut Street. 32 Inspector Alfred j. Messenger Judge Juliet Culberg Clerk Margaret S. Clark Clerk Hannah E, Morgan 2007 Clinton Are. 2054 San Jose Are. 20211 Clinton Ave- 2408 Clinton Ave. 2017 o, 01 Ave. 029 San Antonio Ave. 2226 San. Antonio Ave, 2052 San 44 ''.4 2017 Alameda Ave. 2.01'- 2. 1011 Ave. 2031 AlamAda Ave. 2040 Central Ave. PoLLma PLACE: Garage, 1919 Alamhda Avenue, faces Chestnut Street., 33 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Marie M. Gluck Katherine E. Morten Marguerite Hawkins Eli R. Deming POLLIN2 PLACE GaraFe, 2141 Central Avenue Inspector judge Clerk. Clerk Matilda 3. Priestley Ethel N. Spann. Grace M. Lange W. H. McMichael POLLING PLACE: Garage: 2149 Lincoln Avenue. 2121 Alameda Ave. 2049 Alamwda Ave. 2129 Encinal Ave, 2161 Central Are. 2124 Buena Vista Ave. 1432 Walnut St. 1428 Walnut St. 2527 Clement Ave. 35' Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Christal L. Love Willia m Weaham Anna Polizzi Barbara Dronin 701 220 PLACE: Garage, 2026 Santa-Clara Avenue. 36 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Joanne M. de Berne Cora E. Schumacher Irmo M. Evans Carrie M. Corice 2253 San Antonio Ave. 2007 Lincoln Ave. 2050 Santa Clara Ave. 1142 Post St. 1712 Chestnut St. 1915 Willow St, 2031 Pacific Ave. 2050 Buena Vista Ave. POLLING PLAGE. Garage, 2540 Buena Vista. 'Avenue, in rear. 37 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Esther S. Crooks Edith L. Hardy Harriett M. Thompson Florence Goelzer 1512 Lafayette St. 1917 Lafayette. St, 1.307 Eagle Ave. 1820 Santa Clara Ave. POLLING PLACE: Garage, 1727 Lafayette Street in rear on® buena Vista Avenue 38 Inspector judge Clerk Clerk Charles H. Weaker Gertrude W. Bryan Eva Overholtzer Lucy R. Barnes POIIIEG 16GCB: Garage, 1534 Union Street. 59. Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Charlotte A- Deas Marian V. Bianco Idris G. Dopler Ruth B. Rowlands 1730 Pacific Ave. 151.5 Eanta Clara Ave. 1511 Lafayette St. 3104 Adams St. 1729 Sun Antonio Ave. 1514 Central Ave. 1727 San Antonio Ave. 1103 Union St. POLLING. FIACE: Garage, 1202 Union Street, in rear on Bacinal Avente 4.0 Inspector Theresa judge 599 Ution St. Judge 01g. a. anon 1813 Clinton Ave, Clerk Josie Wieland 899 Union St. Clerk Josephine Bernet 1513 Clinton Ave. POLLING PLACE: Garage, 907 Union 3treet. 111 I S 1)0 CtOr Jud Clerk Clark Nell Bateman George Bateman Grace L. Tremp Ethel O. Hendrickson 1003 Morton St. 1.003 Morton 07. 3227 Bay° Viota A7o. 2103 Alameda ave. POLLIHO PLACE: Garage, 1424 San. Jose Avenue. 42 Inspector David M. Henderson 1322 Sherman St. Judge Ruby M. Diggs 1316 Encinal Ave. Clark Frances R. Britt 1518 Eneinal Ave.. Clerk. Gertrude L. Banta 434 Santa Clara ave. POLLING PLACE: Garage, 1519 Encinal Avenue. Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk. Iraaces Levy Edward H. Baxter Bditll Floyd Loris H. Gino:sale 1735 Central Ave. 1723 Central Ave. 1714 Santa COs . Avo. 1.419 Grand St. POLLING- 'PLACE: Garage, 1412 Grand Street 44 Inspector Oliver A. Bridgeman, jr. 1415 Graad St. Judge Jacob A. Korell 1421 Union St. Clerk Emma J. Wheeler 1416 Versailles Ave. Clark Barry O. Tenney, Jr. 2052 San Antonio Ave. POLLING PLACE: Garage, 1557 Santa Clara Avente. faces Peru Street. 45 Inspostor Christalla J. Domnick 1552 Pacific Ave. Judge El ma Halvorsen. 1600 Pacific Ave. Clerk Agnes M. Ross 2518 Buena Vista Ave. Clerk 'Katie M. .S.read 1538 Verseillen jve. POLLING PLACE: Garage, 1320 Panu Street 42- Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk MAry T. Wilson Lena M. Stromberg Fred Es Darch Amanda 12- Marshall. POLLING PLACE: Garage, 1562 Pacific Avenue 1.502 PaAific Ave. 1501. Pacific Ave. 1604 Sherman St. 1411 Paru St. 47 Inspector Paula NArrin 1.204 Lincoln Ave. judge Wilhalmina Basmussen 1417 Bay' St. Ulark Minnie Bartlett 1508 Sherman St. Clerk Charlotte P. Fenton 1444 Benton St. POLLING PLAGE: GArage, 1518 Morton. Street. 49 Inspector Anes S. Chippindall Judge: Maude E. Evatt Clerk Alice Noyes Clerk MariOn Foster FELLING PLACE: Besot:lent, 1417 Bay Street. 49 Inspector judge Clerk Clerk OT6C0 E. Halm Treasy M. Kelber Edith K. Stone Barbara Rope POLL:LNG PLAGE: Garage. 1306 Bay St. Inspector Judge Clerk Clark Pauline A. Breen Nina Fern Phillirs Loeta Lemos Edith M. Foley POLLING PLACE: Garage, 1303 Caroline Street, 51 Inspector Johsnna J. Groves judge Janes C. 01hson Clerk Arnold 0. Leschot Clerk Marian M. Seagrave POLLING, PEACE: Garage, em Central Avenue. 52 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Laura 9. Fisher Hiram S. Johnson Pearl T. Dole Barbara hajuk FoLITNG PL AGE: Side 1146m, 832 abayloT -svonse. Indrector Judge Clerk Clerk POLLING PLACE: Garage: Inspector judge Clerk Clerk Hmanuel H. Friednan Adelena E. Jacobs Clara A, Richardson Anna Werson 914 Lincoln Avenue. Sylvia G. Hammond May Lundstedt Kate E. Morrison Kinnie Z. Hichardson 1423 St.Chanles L. 1002 Taylor Ave. 1020 Taylor Ave. 2061 Buena Vista Ave. 1424 Bey St. 1236 Bay St. 1315 Corolin: St. 2837 San Jose Ave. 1331: Garonne Si;. 1270 Weber St, 1250 44wthorne St. 1053 Fair Oaks Ave. faces San. Antonio Avenue POL020 LC0. 1600 St, Charles Street. GaraEe. 55 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Agnes Reid: Augusta E. Gabbs Martha Caton Margaret E. Hoffman POLLING PLACE: 1018 Buena Vista Avenue. Garage. 56 Ihspector judge Clerk Clerk Josephine V. Anderson Addie M. Johnson Edith G. Moore Dorothy E. Wilson POLLING ,ACE: 1629 Wood Street. Garage. 57 inspector Nellie Moore Judge Mary Bruzzone Clerk Fanny Lupouy Clerk Florence Bills PC'S-LING PLACE: 731 Pacific: Avenue- Gerdge. 58 - Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Elizabeth Thail Helen McQuarrie Mary J. Hayes Mary J. Carral FOILING PLACE: 711 Haight Avenue, Garage. 55 inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Ruth Schmid.t George H. Seider Etzu:st Wi ike s Elaine Doolittle POLLING fLACE: 714 Taylor Avenue, Garage. 6D lnseector Ethel E. 8etten Judge Hilda Gibbs Clerk Violet E. Li017Qi Clerk Viola Skelly POLLING PLACE: 1458 Sixth Street. Garage. 1274 Weber St. 136 Burbank St. 1329 Weber St. 1308 - eth St. 1.413 Csrolino St. 921 Taylor Ave. • POO Taylor Avp. 1428-A. - Oth St. 1347-5 Santa Clara Ave. 607 Santa Clara Ave. 1304 Haight Ave. 819 Santa Clara Ave, 1010 Lincoln Ave. 1508 Verdi St. 1525 Wood St, 82 Haight Ave. 1.813 Et. Charles St. 1155 Pacific -xo. 1121 Pacific Eve. 2524 Buena Vista Ave. 1822-9th St. 1028-9th Et, 1030-9th St. 1824-9th St. 1632-9th St. 731 Pacific Ave. 830 Buena Vista Ave. 770 Pacific Ave. 727 Haig,ht hve. 753 Haight 4ve, 743 Lincoln Ave. 77B Pacific Ave. 623 Taylor Ave. 532 Tacifip Ave. 8C9-C Central Ave. 1809 Naon St. d'S-1 Haight Ave. 030 -Haight Ave. 54o Haight Axe. Lincoln. Avs. 61 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Gisela Langren Della P. Greeley Frances M. Gray Gertrude I. Minehan POLLING PLACE: 552 Santa Clara Avenue. Garage. 62 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk FOILING PLACEn Garage: 83 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Padwaig J. 'Winters Gladys A. Bowles Margaret Perona Ethel Stein 029 Santa Clara Ave. 525-6 Central .ve. 564 Central Ave. 517 Taylor Ave. 425 Central Ave. 311 Central Ave. 338 Cants Clare Ave. 553 Santa Clara )ve. 345 Taylor Avenue, faces Fourth Street. Augusta Strong Olga J. Euler Hilma H. Jorgenson Ethel B. Auer POLLING PLACE: Garage: 4b6 Haight Avenue. 64 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk POLLING PLACE: Garage 65 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Clara M. King Annie W. Pauline Ethel '8. Burohell Ruth M. Shirley 501 Lincoln Avenue, faces Ede. M. Vagina Lucia Ferrero Irene Baluk Louise B. Sweeney POLLING PLACE: Garage: 342 Pacific Avenue, faces By order cf the City Council. Dated and filed March 25th, 1937, * * * 429 Haight Ave. 401 Santa Claws: Ave. 511 Haight Ave. 435 Haight Ave. 611 Lincoln Ave. 521 Pacific Ave. 606 Pacific Ave. 1527 Nason St. Sixth Street. 323 Cypress St. 508 Brush GI. 342 Pacific Ave. 1506-3rd St. Fourth Street, City Clerk D. ELMER DEER of the City of Alameda. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alaneda in adjourned regular meeting assembled, on the 25th day of March, 1587, by the follow- ing vote, to wit: AVMS: Councilmen Calcutt, Maurer, Morris and Vice President We1chhert,(4). NOES: None. ABSENT: President Eschen, (1). IN WITNESS 7SHERE0E, I. have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 26t5 day of March, 1937. (SEAL) D. ELMER DYER City Clerk of the City of Alaueda I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of 'Resolution No 2151, APPOINTING ELECTaON OFFICERS AND ELTING THEIR 001ECENSATION, DESIGNATING POLLING PLACES AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICES T6 BE GIVEN', introduced and sdoptod by the Council of the City of Alaneda on the 25th day of March, 1037. 7 444 7 City Clerk qf,,the-WAY ..ameda.