Resolution 02197RESOLUTION NO. 2197 FIXiNG THH CALLRIED OF TED OFFICERS aND ITEMBED OF THE FOLISERMIG DrXEMEENTS: MIXIEHISTRATIVE, ,unarToR aDD ASSESSOR, BUILDIES 11220E0 IME, CITY ATTORNEY, CITY CLERK, FIEE, POLICE, HIRMUDH, OUND, SESIXL DERVICE 101101RE3 AND MX 'COLLECTOR, 0:SHEET, 000 MAD EfShEaTION ah:D GOLF CORESE F-TEE 930: OF XLAMEDA. PEFOLVD FY RhE COUNCIL OF 160 CITY OF LLAK7Ia that tho salaries of the officers and. members of the following departments are hergby fixed as follows: in the administrative Department, the City' Manager shall receive Five Thousand Dollars (05,000.00) per annumi the Secretary to tho City Mumager shall receive One Hundred and Fifty DollarsMS:150001 per month; the Stprekeeper shall. receive. One HunRred anb Sixty Dollars ($160.00) rerixonth; the Custodian of the City Hall Shall receive One Hundred and Sixty Dollars (S1(10.00) per montht tho Utility Hon snail receive One Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars ($10.00) per month, timn to be atbortionod as directed by the City Manager; the Telephone °berated: sholl receive Ono Hundred Dollars (000.00) per month. In the auditor and Assessor's. Denerhment, the Auditor agd Assessor shall receive Three Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars. W3.25.00) per month; the Deputy Auditor shall receive Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars(050.01 per months tho reputy assessor shall receive Two Hundred and Ten Dollars (421o.c.c) per month; the Office Deputy anall receive One 41 1.31(1 anT. Sixty Dollars (0)0.00) per month: the aneld roputy shall re- eive One Hundred and Forty Dollars (01(1. 0.00)Ter month; the Stenographer shall receive One Hunared and Fifteen Dollars (S115.00) tor mepth. In the Building inspector's Department, the Building inspboter shall. receive Two Hundred Ill' s (0200.00) per month; tbo Steh) grapTer shall. recsivo One Hundred Dollars (0100.00) th, tiao to be 4131U111. directed. by the City alanager. In the City AttorneyTs Departront, tem City attorney shall receiv Three Hundred Dollars ($300-00) per month; the Secretary shall receive One Huxdred and Fifty rollaru MS150.00) per month- in the 00' Olork,s Department the City- Olorh shall toe:sive Two Hundred ord Fifty Dollars (0250.00) yor month; the .Deputy Cdty Clerk shall receive One Hundred and Sixty De:hors (066.00) for month; extrn Office'Clerks shall receive five Dollars (S5.00) tor day. In the Firo Department, the Chief of the Fire Department shall receive Three Hundred. Dollars W00.00) per months the Assistant Chiefs shall receive Two Hundmed and Twenty Dollars (0229.00) yor month; the Captains shall receive Two Hundred aud Five Dollars (0206.00) per month; the Lieutenants shall receivecOne Hundred and Ninetyofive Dollars (S195.00) per month; the Fireman-Mechanic Shall receive Two Hundred Dollars (0:200.00). per donth; the 4141 41 Piro Prevention Bureau shall receive Two hundred Dollars (000.00)1ar nonth; Firemen shall receive the (111 amounts: For the first year, One Hundred and Sixty Dollars ( S160.00) por month; FOT the second year, Ono Hundred and. Seventy Dollars (0170.00) per month; For tho Third yoar, One Hundred. and Eighty Donors Gaao.00l month; For the fourth and subsequent years, One Hundred. and Eaghty-TiVe Dollars (010.00) por month. .in the rOlice Deportment, the Chief' of Police shall receivo Three Hundred Dolinrs (03.00.00) per month; the Lieutenant ohall receive Two Hundred and Twenty' Dollars (020.00) rex month; the inspectors abfoll receive Two Hundred and Five Dollars (005.00) per month; the Sergeants shall receive One .0 .0 and 41 4141 Dollars.(0195.00) per months the Policewoman shall receive One Hundred anE Seventy Dollars (0170.00) per months the Radio Technician shall receive One Hundred and Thirty-five Dollars (SAHZ.00) per month; Putr(1Men and Motorcycle Officers shall:receive tho following amounts: For the famxt year, One Hundred and Saxty Dollars ($160.00) per month; For the second year, One Hundred and Seventy' Dollars ($170.00) p•r month; For the third year, One Hundred and Eighty Dollars (. 18000) per month; For the fourth axb subsequent yeaxs, One 41 011.3 and Eighty-five Dollars ($185.00) per month. Each comber 3 the Pollee Department, excepting the Chief af Poliao, who sheen attain the qualifications of "Export Revolver Shot", .....OGo or "Marksman", in accordance with the '1 1. of Resolution No. 2097, shell receive, in addition to the componsation provided. :Moro, aud so long as such qualifications are retained, the following amounts: Each "Expert 1' 0141 Shot", Five Dollars (05.00) ror month; Eaoh "Rburstshootor", Three Dollars (S3.00) tor month:" "Marksman", One Dollar (11.00) per month. Th the Health Department, the City 1h5vician and Health Officer shall receive Two Hundred. Dollars (4200.00) per month; Emergency Surgeons shall receive One undred. and Ten Dollars ($110.00) per month; the Veterinarian and Food. Inspector shall receive One Hundred and Ninety Dollars (5190.00) ber month; the Sanitary inspector shall receive One Hundred and Eighty Boilers ($180.00) per month; the Bacteriologist shall receive One Hunbred and Sixty Dollars (5160.00) per month; the Visiting Nurse shall receive One Hundred and Forty Dollars (4150.00) per month; the first Aid Lures shall receive One Hundred anb Thirty-five Dollars (5135.00) per moth; the Secretary shall. receive One Hundred. end Thirty Dollars (4130.00)per month; Extra Gurees shall receive Five Dollars (46.00) per day; the Janitor shall receive One Hundred and Fifteen Dollars W15.00) per month. Im the found' Debartment, the PounDimster shall receive One Hundred and Sixty Dollars 1 5)60.00) per month. In the Social Service DeperthGnt, tha Executive Secretary' shall receiye 01e Hundred and Fifty. Doliare (4150.00) per montn; the Stenographer shall receive EncIty 1) ollars:C60.00) per month. In. the Treasurer. and Tax CollectsrRe Department, the :Treasurer and Tax Collector shall receive Three Hundred and Tmonty-five Dollars (5325.004 per month; the Deputy Treasurer and. Tax Collector shall reeeitre Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) her month. In the iarks and flaygrounds Department, tiff General foreman shall receive One Hundred and Ninety Dollars (4190.00) per nonthp the Office Secretary shall receive °lie Hundred and Thirty-five Dollars (4135.00) per month; the Supervisor of Playground Directors shall receive One Hundred and Fifteen Dollars (4112.00) per month; flayground Directors shall receive Eighty Dollars ($60.00) per moath; the Head Nurseryman shall receive One Hundred and Fifty-five Dollars (4156.00) per month; the Maintenance han shall receive One Hundred and fifty Dollars 4150.00) per month; the 24reman shall receive One Muttered and 1hir3y-4100 Dollars (5135.00) per month; Truck Drivers shall receive One 'hundred and Thirty Dollers (5130.00) per month; Gardeners, CorettiLers, Tree ken and Laborers shall receive One hundred and Fifteen Dollars (5115.00) per month; Skilled Laborers shall receive Ohe Hundred and Thirty Dollars (4130.)0) per month. ;In the Street Department. the City. Engineer shall receive Three Hundred Dollars (g3oo,00) per monthg the Assistant City Engineer shall receive Two hundred and Ten Dollars (5210.00) per montht Deputy Engineers shall receive Sae Hundred ahb Seventy-five Dollars (51:75.00° per month; the WEEMS- SuperimMmadent shall receive One ROnGred and Seventy-five Dollars (517).00) per month; the General Dereman shall receive One Hundred. and RlrEkty Dollars (5190.00) per monthp the Concrete Foreman shall receive One Hundred end. Sixty Dollars (5160.00) pow month; the Sever fameroh shall receive One Hundred and Infty Dollars (51150.00) avr month; the Clerk shall receive One Hundred and Thirtyvfive Donors 15 month; ttv Sceemor OperaLor shall receive One Hundred and. forty Dollars (S140.00) per month; Mechanics. shall. receive One Hundred and Fifty Dbilsrs (5150.00) biad month; Truck Drivers shall receive One 1km:bred and Thirty Dollars (41.5et001 per month; Skelled Laborers shall receive °tie Hundred and Thirty °oilers 4413.0.00) por month; Street Sweemers and Laborers shall. receive One Hundred and. fifteen. Dollars (44:35,00) per minv1R; Field Assistants and Office Assistants shall receive Siw Dollars (46.00) per day; Inspectors of Street Tork snail receive Eight Dollars ((8.00) her day. In the Golf Courtie DepartnenX, the Superintendent shall receive One Hundred she Sixty Dollars (4150.01) per month; the Foreman. enall receive One Hundred ane Svventy-five Dollars 4175.00) per month; the Starter shall. receive One Hundred and. Slxty-Dollars (5160.0u; per month; the Mechanic shall receive Ume Hundred and Dorty Boilers. (5110.00) per month; Laborers shall receive One Humared and. Fifteen Dollars (4115.00) per month. Additional Leber srell mecoive Four and 50/100 Dollars (44.50) per day. and. Five Dollars (4.00) per day.m Ite salaries aforementioned shall be paid in '3/3 1' each calendar All salaries and rates of compensation, as fixed by this resolution, shall be effective as of and after °etcher 1, 1137. IT IS YURIfiR RIPTAGHTED, that. any and all resolutions, or parts of resolutions, in conflict herewith bo, dee the same are hereby rescinded and anhurilef * * * * e e * * * I, the undeamdgned, hereby' certify that the foregoing Resolution. was duly. and regularly. introduced and•adonted by the Council of the City. of Alameda. in regular meeting assembled on the 21st day of Sent:ember, 1937, by the fallowing vote, to wit; AYES; Counvilmen Carrington, Godfrey, eurer, Mormis snd President'Weichhart, (5). MODS; None. ABS2HT: None, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I nave hereunto set my hand and affixed the 51 '1,,. seal of' said. °icy. this 21thb day of September, 1937. DE_BILIER (SEAL) Cita Clerk of tie City of ITETTa I hereby certify thet the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution No. 2I9V, FIEJAG-THE.CALARIES OF TEE OFFGORMS AND BE112121 1 OF 1. H1 FouoznG DRRAFT1atiTS: ADYGNISTMATIR), AUDJTOR AND ASSESSOR, BUILDILG INSPECTOR, CITY ATTORNEY, CITE CLERBt FIRE, 'POLICE ;R:Dbleh, DODDL, SoCIAL SdRVICE, TRIDDRIRRit AB° TeX COLLECTOR, STREET, ?ARKS 1N1 RECHHATIEM AYR DOLT WIESE OFTHE CITY 02 iDADDEDAY, introduced and adebted by. the Council en the 2lot day of September, 1937.