Resolution 02248RESOLUTION' NO. 2248 ORDERING ITT CLOSTNG OF THAT :PORTION OF waLlnow STREYT EDDY TUE NORTHERLY LIESI OF OLE= AVENDEITO TNT NINITHEHLY TEREINATION OF SAID WILLOW STREET AND TEXT PORTION' OF AIEENTIC :AVENUE FROM 1I4E WESTERLY LICIT OF WILLOW STRETT _Cr THE EASTERIY LINE OF STAINTORD STREIT PRODUCED NORTHERLY, IN TON CITY 01I_ALAMED] WHEREAS the Gouneil of the City. of Alameda aid; on the 14thfhy of March, 1938, pass a resolution. declaring its intention to order the cloaing up of tnat por- tion of each. of tre following named. streets in tse Citp' of Alameda, CoUnty of Aiemeda, Etate of Co:Tin:Th.1a, described as follows: (a) Willow Street, from tne northerly line of Clement Avenue to the northerly termination of said Willow' Street; Atlantic (formerly Blanding) Avenue, from the westerly linn of Willow Street to the ernaterly :Line of Stanford Street; produced northerly, 51) and ANERNAG no lane. was deemod necessary' to betaken, or will be taben, for the werk and improYamont of olosine said. street, an4 the extemior bonnUaries of the Odstrict of lands to be affecteN. or benefitted (1 said worE or innekuaament, and to be assesse.d. to bny tne damages, costs and. expennes thereof', are the corporate beun4afies of tne City of Alameda, Rae: WHEREAS it anpears tnat it is. net necessary to assess any lands to -pay the demeges, costs one exnenees of said improvemnnt, and RHEREad.14 on the 22nd day. of March, 1938, the Street Sseerintendent of the City. of Alabeda caused Le be conspicuouely posted alen the linod of dold contemplat- ed work ond imbroveummt, at not more teen 30.0 feet in difMdatice apaTt, and not less than terne En all, fletices of the pasorage of said resolution, ia. time, form ond manner reauiren by' law, and ODER:FRC tne said Street Subnrintendent also caused. a. notTce, similar in dabstabee, to be pnelished. for a period of ten daryn in the Alemoda Tiaer: -Star, daily nowagepar of genenal circulation pun:Lis:deb. and cinculleted in said. City- and designated by' sold Oonnuil for that purpose, adid. publication commencing or tbo 1Ctli day- oh: Mnroa, 1R4E; and continalpg tide:iced:tor in. each. and every issue of said nope- retie.T. until. erb including ate 2dth day. of' bRrch 1938, AND eleaREAS.proof of said posting ona. pullicatien is evidenced by affidavits On fide ih tdo 4Tficn of the City Clerk of said City; and. WHGRERS ne aerson interested Cr Majectirg to said. gork or ifasefaeaent; or Le the extent of Ine district of landn to be affected or banafatted b. sedd work and itksmemabrof and. to bn aosessed to ray tbe CCDSt.,3 and expenses thereof, hoz mabn written. objection. to said enrI. serf iTcroGnment, pub no written objection. to said. work one drcumfarearader nos been fORMM1 sTth said City' ClebM, within tnn dayn aftar the exbirotica: of Lae time of the publicatibur of said notice, or oft any time or at al], and. kInIIHTRI tno time prescribed, during wfdan objection::: to sail cork ana itTrovemeut (bulb be hone, has expired, Chd Couneil having ace:tined Iumiedietiod: .to tabo action in said eafter, dna WEER:FAN public interest and convenience roqoare the closing up of frold . port:tea. of said avenue oud. street, NG* 221.(ix)1. ONE, HE IrECaLMEL) Fi8 C CC`,,C; CF dr' ALralidra that tntse portions of tae CorlouLng flamed stbeatt in .he City of Liens:re, County of Alartado, Otero bf Callf.brid, le-Fit: (a) IT.dow F..3tr-Cfft, from tds nortnerly :bee CiCZICCIt Aveano to abe sortserly term:kat:Me m4 said Willow Cfroota, ;Inn ) Adlartk] B: pa my RA) Neresuo f ram e wasted-1y Etreat to toe easterly line of dater:fora Street, pbodueed norteor]y, oe, ono. ate samo are aore:v orsarae ((lased an anb. abandened. * * * * * * * * I, tne undersigned, Uebeby certify that the foregoing Resolutior gado duly and regularly introduced and adopted by. the Counbil of the City' of Alameda in. reFulat meetinN oesembded on. the 19th defx of May, 1R48, by tan following vote, to wit: AYEML Gounotimer Carrington, Ondfren, EauTbRu Marble dm]. Dreeibent ec- hart,M)( NOES: noon. RENT:IT: Horn. IR WITNESS ONEHEDF, I have hereunto set my Dome, and ffixed. tne official seal of sada. City tnis 18th. day of May, 14,48. (READ) * * * c i-5-77-M'TtME I ferrady certify trait the fTeR)gatag in a full, taAte erbd ettbrent rnpay of 4RIGYH1c4aor NO. 2241,3, ORDEIRTING TIE CaHTIRG OF ITICE Ia14 TEI3IT OF MalIaTN SIICHIF RE.Ok NORT,IIRLY LINE OF CIII1FICI AVEVNIfir ID ?HE NOPMEHRILY IC1HMIEPTION OF ERIC: wintinolc GIRT= Pat TICLT PC(RTION CT alfleAMIIC fIVEITITE FIR:81 TETE edTENCIdIT 'GIRT 01]' WIMARIG saalc'n,T TO INiE ENIFINERLY IlICE OF DIN1CDO244) M p.:c. can tcnm 1,c"CiT NIVFLUT, IT INF G 02' ALATJQ2=A intmede dna onb. a rhof ted by. Iln .on the 17th day of May,1938. TM- to n dadeagac (Gra '84,d)(444-4.-Rad ,