Resolution 02284REBOIL:TIAN NO. 2284 APPROVING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1938-1939; APPROPRIATING CERTAIN MONIA.B PON TBE BIEENDITURES PRLIDO IN SAID BUDGET 0 SAID FISCAL YEAR, AND RATIFYIPG CERTAIN ELPTINDITINIES HERETOFORE MADE. Ammi, WHEREA0 there has been submitted to and filed with, this Council, at this meeting, a. budget presenting a financial plan for conducting the affairs of the City of Alamea for the fiscal year beginning Judy 1, 1938, and ending Gune 30, 1939, which. budget is marked 'Filed wtth the City Clerk in open meeting of the City Council, Saptenler 6, 1938i" NOW =BEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF PERE CITY OF ALAMEDA that said budget as submitted to this Council at this meeting, and each and. every part thereof, be, and the same is hereby approved and adopted as the budget for the City of Alameda. for the fiscal year 1938-1939, and that the expenditures of the various sums of or therein. provided. to be spent for each specific purpose, and the several. purposes therein set forth for which sumb. 11 110301. are provided to 17- made during the said. fiscal year, be , and the same are, hereby approved and. authorized, DE 1 IINEESEA REECE= •t hat there be, and. are hereby. approuriated for the fiscal year 1938-1939, for the purnwse of meeting the cost of salaries and. waFes paid officers and employees, the cost of maintenance, operation, equipment ann. other capital. outlay, of the respective departments, divisicem, offices and beards of the City, and for the purpose of payinF the annual installments of principal and interest en the Cityis bonded indebtedness, and for all other purposes designated in said budget, the several sums of money respectively allotted i3 . saih budget for the respective purposes of the said departments, divisions,oftioes and boards of the City, and for such special funds and other purposes designated. in 1 01 budget; and EE IT MURINER RESOLVED that such expenditures as may have been made by the sever01 . departments, divisions, offices end boards of the City after the 16 301 of the fiscal year 1938-1939, and. prior to t rtion of this resolution, and have been. or may be duly approved. by the City Auditor, are hereby ratified, confi1 med. and approved, and, shall be resthctively charged against the approptiations herein. and in. said. budget pro- vided for. the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly. and regularly ietroduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alamedw. in. regular meeting assembled on the 6th Gay of Ceptember, 1938, by• the following vote, to with AYES: Councilmen Carrington, Godfrey, Meurer, Morris and President Neichhart, ORM: None. OUNCE: None. IL alINEDS alTERImIT, 1 nave hersonto set my hand and affixe1 . hhe official seal of said. City t Tie day of September, 1938 ELLIE DYER, City olerk of the City of Alameda, 1 a 0 hsreby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and. correct dopy of "Resolution Re. 2284, ACUPSRMIING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE TIACSI TEAR 1.938-1939; APPROPRIATING CERT= TIONBYS FtR TAM BIDILEITULTS PROVIDED IN SAID -MIDGET FOR SAID SISCAL YEAR, AND RATIFYING CERTAIN EMBLEM:DITTIES HERETOFORE MADE", introduced and adopted. by the ''Ti on the Btr day of September,1938. ,osp,„,x4enamm