Resolution 02302RESOLUTION. NO. 2302 AUTRIORTIJDO (SAVOR DT T.J.JE CITY OF ALIFICEDA TO CODSRDT ..2:12.2"12L1...Z1Ii;;LZLILliLLPEED's GRAT(1)(1Z9C) 919zolLILCIass RESOLVED LY 1111 COUNCIL OT TIE CITY OF S.DADEL, that, pursuant to the hnovIeions of Sec. 1156 of Tao Civil. Code of the State of California, atnry 2— Seib:abort, liavor of tao City of Llamado, be and. he ib brenTby authorized and.. orppowered, as unbh Triuvor, to acceht on. beasilif of said City of Alumeba, to coherent to thr recordation. of, obi/ and. (Ill deadb or yronts conteyimy to the City of alarneds. resl. estste, or any interest therein, or easements thereon, for public, purposes. I, T,Iie unsersignen, nerecy eertiry tnat the "(ores:sins, Resolution. was Sulv (and mor,ularly introOue. ana adorte Ty tne Council. of tha City Of AiLMSda in re,sulev meet:L.1u, absembled on the lst dey of November, 193b, by the fsJirwing tato, to volt; Cobboilmer. Oarrirccton, ihabfrey, Dauber and PresiOent alchhart, (4)„ COOSENT: Councilman. Norris, (1). aTIRbSS ,.VOIRLOT, nave hereunto Set P hanc. sno. arriaed tad official. soul. of ss16. 11Ty tblo 2nd day of Noverdcer, 1913. D. FLYER DYER TTT-E7TTTITFTTT-TFTT,Ti7TT7'TTT&TE'T----- I ..r.-PerebY certify -1f...fet the hone:booing is a roil, true ono col-root driesolutlan. Na. 3C2, iNTIEDRIZIDO 17 IITIRETY 31' TO CO-1.,IENT TO 1TE DLCONC1TION OF OLFOS OR SihrINTS TO 82To GinT", introcboes. ono. aCapted by tnb Oonncj9. of the City of .ilarLedr. on tta lot day of Tr:yam:oar, 1939.