Resolution 02304R0SOLUTIOR bo. 2304
8.0.(0,3228) CC)))708P.CE 702) AJAVERTIST)(23 007: T872). )213)(C.A1..
FifeRatEAS pursuant to 08-dinance 8b. 042. b(m))., and by Resolution No. 2284
the Counuil of the City of Alameda. has esarchriated. the sur. of ()3)))00, to be used.
for butlicity or advertising for said City for tne fiscal year ending june 30, 1.939,
and whereas bah Alehaeaa C•hamber of jommeree, a non-profit corporation, is so
ors,anifted that it oan, to the best adtiante.8b, by reason of its and. its
special technival Sbwiedga an8. eatberieace, furnish such cdveitisia8„ and publicity
for the City of Slamoba, anb
V28.C.REAS the said. Alamod Chsstaer of Commerce is willine) to undertake
tae work ."Y.7: CCN.efrtif,fE th'i City Of hish8do, afd totearry on tlak. necessary
Publicity for sai6 City daring tne said. fiscal year,
that tbh (.)ity of alameba enter into a. contract valth the Alameda. Chamber of Cob-
merce for tne carryisf on by said Chamber or Commerce or Ffil necessary .ubiteity
June 3,0, 2.939, provided.. tee at:lib:attar, of the City for the production of suhh.
edveftisinE abd. publicity, ear tee services and. work to be bbrformeh by said
hhtvhrtiser, iholuddat Abdvertieerfs compensation, shall. not exceed in the asstre-
,eate thh sub: of )2000.0()..
3E frn 0R3017")(1). that the ',Sayer of tic City of Alaste8a. be, and.
he is hereby. auttbrized to e,beoute ob. benstif of sale:. City, an0 thb City Clerk
to attest, a contract with sal.). Alamedb ChawIet of Chnmerce centabnia8 the
stipultiesse end. a,(8reements oet forth la a form of contrast hereto attaanhd and
rTfi.'le a port hereof.
L 2 L
f",f, macs (a(). entered. into thas daT of Nbvember, 93a,
by. cad between zhe bity of Aluhedc, a municipal corporation, hereinafter csIled
the dity, and. the hiamedc. Chhhabel) of Commer8e, none-proait corporation, herein-
after cabmen the Advertiser,
That foR ahh consiberbtion of the matuel promises, covenants and
scorseeefielte hearea sontpined, It is hereby a8reed ay and between. the parties
hereto as follows:
f110).8.8) Thh Advertiser hereby acrece, c),uTiaa the fiscal year 19)38-1939,
to use its fadllities sea ith sbecial Amoveled8e shd. experienhe, to conduct vhd.
carry oh. for the City the necessary publicity anb advertisita8, in order
coyp:nshHthe follawins purposes:
(a) To advertise the City ancl to 8ive bulDlicity to its seivhntazes
as •a resibential, sommerciel. and im).ihstriel bitY) to Pbettioize 8118 Cit7ts
geobrephical, climatic an8 other natural. advantebtes, its resoalbes its come-
merciol, industriaa and governmental. eatervvises, and, penerylly, to carry on. a
systematic and. objgressive campaign of publicity and advertisih with thn objec-
tive of attracting new residents to thn City, increasing its conmerco, and.. enb
couraging thb settlement. of net, indubtrial anb. conanrcial enterprises ]Amtnin its
'dor recepticon and entertainment od onL7mic guests an' fer
celebrations holt: by' or on. behalf of the City: at. rarge, jojrtiy wlth. other
neighboring cities, .v:Mbnever such receptions, entertain:cc:arts or celebrations
wila result. in atcomplishins tho purboses of publicity ond advertising herein
To exhibit manufactured. and other products of the City, and
senerviry for evay and all. hurvoses or publicity. and. attlertising authorized by
CLACOtynt Thb publicity. ant. aevertisins herein agTeed to be carried. out
by• tbc Advertiser shall be conducted, through any of the. usual ,.31,e,r'fle1 S of adver-
tising publicity, Lamely: by: means of newspapers or periodicals; by. the
printing, and distribution of vxmoblets, pictures, postcards or circulars; by
outdoor advbvtisins; or. by such. othbr methods of publicity or adcvertising az
may- hn mutually agreed. :oven. by the City Manager, or thb City' Council. of said.
City, and the Advertiser.
Said. Advertiser asrees to assist. and. participate in. receptionv
entertainment of public guests avd in. conducting vubliv celebrations heir by
or on behalf of tun dity, x?..' jointly with. other neighboring cities, whonever
such receptions or celebrations will result ill aCOOMp]...iShill "Gi.e purposes of
publicity ant.. advertisihs herein contemplated -
ecnvertiser agrees to act as advisor to thm 0ounbiji of the
City, and to rebbrt and mahb its reconmbhdatiens to the Council, on ,..„11. matters
Pertaining to city advbrtieing and. publicity. rtiser furthbr agrees to
submit to thb Council 021' the City. Yana:ger for examination avt. apprevni, and
befonv Imitating. ant: distribbtlorm :pcbfc: of all advvvtisiag matter proposed.
to be issued under] this contract, Thb Council or the City bderager of the
City nay. order subh alterativhb or godifichtichb in. said advvrtising as it
or he may. Over, prober'. Advertiser alto agrees to harry out such plans or
proposals for aPbtrtising or pubircitst, withir the contemplation of this
contract, as the City may' dArect and to .nivnish. tine nity, from. time to tinb,
as may be rebbested by the Uity jjanamer cr thb Counci3., with. reports covering
dbtail the menber ir. which such ocibbrtising amt. publicity jv Pains: contacted
7OURTFt Lh consltbration of the faithful performance hy Advartiser
of ,aa of the covenants and. agreements herein contained, aon. by' it to be kept
and berlocmen, the City' agrees to toy said. dvartioor, in the mannbr librein-
a2ter brovidbcd„ the actual cyst tv advvrticor in:burred ip. connection. with. the
execution. and prodnetioh of such adtertlsjvg, it being, further understood. and.
agreed beavvenctbe•barties hereto that the obligation of tbv City for the
productibm of subh advertlsins eng pdbMicity anr. tab services tan. work to be
vbrfoivb!d. Advertiser under tovis oontrott, inclutinac adynrtiserts comb
vensaxich, shoin not emceee. in. the aggregena the num of' S2000.00.
AUvertiner shall be raid for thr cost of elbecutinc, each separate pion or
rmopodel. of hOvortising ihrxMlinute,Cy after the completion. tbereof, end for the
cost of profusina any sperific advortisemrnt or advartisimf matter as soon as
samr has been produced.
nil moneys due said Advertiser under this contract shall be raid upon
Car-eche:1h presented and audited. as required. by fiity Chanter, and stril be
supported. by- a. statemont of said Xdhertiser snchning the nature of the items
fhmiLth tbd earls of such claims tometnor mit,' vouchers diti. hills snowing the
hrhunrC exxrntieti on liabilities incurred in cohnrction rhercwitt. by trn Adver-
tiser. Such. demands cadli not inciddh any araxaph on comohnsatioh for advertiserts
services, at 2UCh.
Ths sIall iffsy Advertiser, as fulX compeusation for its services
hereundnr ch fejlnrxs! ,.,12C..00 on. January 2, 123f; and ,[i.E additional orruht
echal to twnnty rer cent (20T,..) of bah actual cost of all adoectisihey ard pub-
licity produced. by Advertiser under this contract; said. account tn tn paid oh
the coorletion of each se-denote advertising or pubdicity project the cost of
which have been approved. ohd. allowed as hereintefore specified; provided
that in. no event shall the amount of surh compnnsranen tognther with the aguare-
gate amount oa' Foch nerumds, exceed. the total sum ef
IITYISSX, The term. of tdis contract shnla bh from. the date of its
exehutntm. to and. ihhiannhy, tah 30th dhy of Jhrh, 1939.
IN WILIIIESS WHISa:07, tbs parties hereto bacon cauhod. this oihreameht
to he executed. the day end. yra first above written, the City by its Lhyor,
and attested its City Clerk, under authority heretofore ---
-- t chthorinnd by
resolotion of its Beard. of Directors.
ArrrOVed aS IC OnS!
--Trid-ru7S Lt. °feel,-
CITY Oa ItiraZTDA, a municipal corporation
EY -itycoO7
CiIiitatzUL C autefERCE -a norcsor of it
c orporati on
Pr'e si3 t
I, the undersidnoa, rwreby certify that the forerhing ads:elution
was duly awa redularly ihhroduced huh. adopted. by the Counci].. of tSx, City
of Ala.-soda ir. regular•oaetina', assembled on the 1st day of 77overWar, 193r)),
by the allusihfr„ sato, to wit:
hieldrd: Cauhriamen Carrirldton, a(jdfrey, Traurer an ITesident
)1eichhart, (41.
ArSIEXII Couhoilman. Darris, (1).
Ia Wiraaa.a r have hereunto set uy hax4 and. affixed. tne of-
ficial seal of snia. elty this 2na. Jay of Novexber, 19,5)).
Y a I a * )) s
I hereby ser'tify that the f,rrauti ) i3 a fear,true and seuxect caTy
of eRoxbaution IX. 2404, areTriahiiiJaa bfrab... Ica CU' 777 Uhrh.14))4.. -
ChaFat)h. )101(1)ERCI', arah. TT7 axIat(a IJ14)E 30, 195'2",
introduced.. and. sPoutea. t)y the Council of the City. of ale:scud:a on thu lot has.
of 7)Xsuriders