Resolution 02308iTECOLITTIOli NO. 2308 AcCOTTIC fiffiiiCTE1CadidCbC 1Cii In:, Or: Y 01' , bin 711.S }-7,2,011:T,'",1) rT-F.E OUTJ.,1 II, Y TITE C I TY oh' hindb1111 that tte specifications for fhTniabinft obb (1) automobile to inn City of AlnittOn, No) ITS 11-3i.13, in the office bT the City Clerk OD. Novemfher I, 19311, be End. the same are hereby ar- c:roved and adopted. TOYS:clinic that tin CouneffiE of' the City cif' !Elaine:de will receive biehi up to the hour of :15 0" Clack an. Tuesday, the fifteenth.. :hay iif Tfovember, ifffS, for tab furnishing to the City, of one (I) automat:tie in accordance with said fiecificaiions) robot he presentee. to the City Oltrit in. the City 7Ebal in Alteneda, Cal ifornib, bealeC cawxfa anC. tdainly re:ark:co. on the outsidb, "Bids Oho faiitonfoidii.e". Ciobtract, if anforCed, Wi71 be avormied sobiect to thn provisionc of thb Chartbr of said City, to the beeporniEle biiider who submits ibis lowest crib. htst bid_ Tbe rifibt f s reserved to reject any or all biefe, Tile City Clerk: here °' tO adVertiSe in the Alariada Efirees-Stiar, noieice coal lent for sealed. 'olds in. accordance with prOViSiOTIS thiS: neendution and of sale; stiecirications) I, 'ebb undersinier, hereby certify ttat the for:empire Enisciction WES daly find. roniudarly introdube,1 ann adopted 'thy. the Council. of thb City of Xdamedc in. repticidie labbtibit assembled on. the 1st day of tfoveniter 19C,B, by inn Oblinviiirfa vatu , to cif. t 1 Carrloptnn, GoOfreyo Eaurer, one Trobilbent Chficbtart, „ Councidimin fichchis, Tiff WfifiiiiiinOTS, I Lave hereunto byt lay hand and. affixed the fical on 2 city this 2.nc. T.1:0Ve.riba`r4, 195e; --7771-7/77.E1 777,q77 lane:Ca hereby. certift. that the.: Coregoldit le b. full, trce and correct copy TObsoliftloy find 2308, EMIChidd1CLOCT CO1 EfideffidTC11111 OCT CUTC11021.1LE TO TOFfe CI TY AND „ET Y fairdibiss TICE THE introCused. bine_ adtiated by thb ilituncil.. of the City of riliechbau. on thb 1st jay 01 iensbmber, 111h1.