Resolution 02311RESOLUTION HO. 2311
W95/70510::„ the parcels or real rroperty sitaated in the City of Allasea,
Corwty of Alrmsda, State or 0nNiforn1a, Ens, parsicularly describer ah foliows:
PiPSHI, Ait. of of 710.1 of Section. 19, Townshdy 2 South, Nudge
3 West, Y-71ful:. 0: sortrinine, 7 sorsa, more or less, axon the West 165
feet, front and rear measasuounts of list ko. 16 of Spption 19, Towssais
2 Soutio, Rauy,05 Wcst, LNEuli. containiny 5 acres, more or less,
sand the 'Spot 165 feet, front and rear nrceNusesurts of Iut No- 10 of
Section 79, Staorsdis 2 South, Ranch 3 West, ISSID.5% contairds,
5 cres, more Dr less, as salsa as desineoted awn. so desigsted upon
Salu Man 7o. 10 0 Salt METsh :and. Tide Lends, situate ir. tha County of
Alanneda, State of California, as prepared by onduN arld under the
direction of Title Lund Cory:missions:Es, a oopy of 8aid yap beisy
June 9, 9658 Ls Ldber 17 of Maps, pago 50, in the office. of the County
Pusander of Al=ada County.
PoiSSSL 2: Nr:817dnnlny Et a point distant 1.0 chEins East of a Frarite
nonuspht set
1 chalnr ifinifs South and 4,0 chairs East of tho 7-orth
west corner of Section in Township 2 South, RerFe 3 West, 6::
thence accordiny to the traa ..seridian East 1.0 chains, korth. 7 chains to
SE2 Leandro Sasin: thehdo along San Essin 'West 1.0 chains:. thunse
dorth 7 ch2.17,... to the place of heyinninc. 'Spiny a. tract of 381t Yorsh •
and Tide dards As. SEn heon.dro Day Susinviated as Lot 5.o. ia. Suction 19,
Township 2 South, Nauss. 3 Test, as the fraws is dplineated ond •so desiyu
mated on Sale lint NU. 1.0 of Salt W.tron and Tide Lands,
haviny been. assessed heretofore for sounty purposes ann. Lne taxes levier. thareor are
unuollectua and. unpaidu Erh.
Wh1SSsj, tho aforesaid saIrelo of real. troberty rave bean. sold is thu
State rf Califrinala nes: nonstaynent of the. aforesaid. uncollected takes, ahoessmerts,
:penalties ann. nests ond certificates of sale arri dpodta thorofsr have buon tssued to
run ctste of Califorrin; and
107,7Tna'SAS. after the. tiss said asneesmenta End takes bacons: liefl on said.
parcels of real. property, te -wit, on November 14, 193S, the naNd parcels of real
property were Essuited for municipal purposes by the City of aleueda, a yunicipnl
corporation, by kwo dertEin dueds of yrEnt recorded Noveyber 14, 1.058, ..i.the
office of thu County RecoraeN of said 5Sumeda County, under recordarls Serial.
8nsLers II 55S00 and TT 55002 ressectively; and.
bahruvhs, eaur sinno the said. 1.4tL day of bovsmber, 195S. the said.
suarceiu of real sroherty have been, ard now are, apnoea by saNd City of Alassaa add.
tadouse of soot. dublid cwnorsidip oaid, property is not subject tc sale for de -
ikdquent takes; and.
andlioin.,l, at tna that. tlia adi,a City of alotecia naddi-de,.'. title to
tte loda'd. of Sarenvisons of the Cousty of Slasedu Pe, and it lo hereby- re -
nuroted to yaks Its ordur, Era to take such further procesdinwu as may he huces-
saTy, so darse unrolissted takes, asseasserts, renattles or costs onaryen or
levied for eounty sursosos usan One Eforessik furEo7s of' 170E1. preturty tu be
cancelled; thdt teo certificates oi sale or deeds tove tueh issued to the
of. officers having dusts:Sy of reoPsd. thoreof, ln. ossord-
aure wihr TOI:OViSlOi-13 Of bectisn. 5PC4 -E. of the °Lokitiuni. Cods of tha 0tate of
I, tee uhyDrraiLre0, t!erchoo certify that tbu foreisysenz 'RennErtion. was
duld „na neadhlr,aely iitteoarceed. and. aaorted hy cl.,„e Council of the City of Ai:eyes:ca.
in req-.71:0.p.r neettna serselthAe6 CT. the dEttla daas of NO,Ver,'T,C2, 1938, hts tha follortinu,
vaUe, to wit:
ETES: Councilmen Carrington, Godfrey', IdDdrer, Thyszle and. Ihresident
seal of said CIA '"-' eay of Novooler, 193
I hereby' certify that the .forea,,c,II„, is true correct co-ry
of hhEIDOLD„.tut 2313, C.I,ECEE.IATIUI CS' Uh',„Se,ES, CneEltalCAI'Dc Ofa SIDLE
introeuced. are. neauted. hi the Council. of td',a City of ialatuedu. ah. the idth day cd
November, 1938