Resolution 02312,JaphalebInn ja. 2322
EXICJECSSINC) (211.chsTrch 8)22 Th'c
WIJERES,Z, °oh° friend arh. esfserded oitihen, (filllom J. Eemihree,
fain 8sen called from our rhrst; and.
f(82,),E1,(2, fhlillar, J. Kranliton spfvel. fof 'puny years es a Inahher
and. Chairman of the hoard of Superefleors of' Alameda County', and. sav freely and
anstintinzly of his thrt end ability for the lisTrovenert of CUT dennalty, the
bettufrrnt cf oar (dovernment anh the froatior of tho welfare of our hen:21e; ona
"Cebbh.823, his loyal and honaross dbfreeter°, his ttrflic stirit anO
bhp Valthfsl.. and. IT:UTJ...;!_t annfrt as a nublir servrt lUE,fe endeared him to his
frieds and. to the reafie of' thAs Couty;
)208h djEjl32,20822, Eh id' hrhOLV(rah that we, the wemers of tho
Coandia. de' mho City of Alesdeda, id fefillor session dssemoled, efUTOTUUSS and here
record, on. del:half of 9UrSeiN.e2 sad. of the citizens of Slahadd..a, CUT sorrow and
drep fearel her° the less tne. ronsearvity has sustainer" Oy reason of tne uho
222Z.CIVET hiff,h(21)12 that we here express to the nheldeade ef hls
bereaved fschily OUT deepest and heartfelt scyrTaihy for their loss, chh nay the
redollearion of hls many virtues deh the record. of tis lons and useful. ourser
YU)2121E)1 thdit when. thhs Courchl adjourns this meeting.
such. adicuhnheft shell be ouf of respect te the memory' of car fellow-citizen. onh.
friend., 3)111.1for J. Pervilten.
5, the undersi(yhed, hereby certify' h s . mhe foroyoinin Resolution
ues duly end. frsuflerly inthodubed. Tarp) adopted. by the Council of the City of Miumedo
rn fe(esish mdetinE assembled on. the 15th day of Clovenber„ 1938, by tho following
votrm to wit:
AS2S) Conhollren Cerrihrjtess, Codfrey, Yahrof and hhoTris and
President hddichtart, (5).
In toslhiamany hterepf, have ha:rye:unto set rdy henh.
the official. seal of' said. City this 16th dhay of hovamber, 1938.. .
I hereby' certify' thnl tho acnesol h id. a fall, true anh dorfpot
dory of "Sif8C11212(ill No. 2312, 21.(PRELIT(23 SlYinield(EY 1E1 LehJEF WihrTAN J.
HATillidre38, Introduced.. and adchyted. by the Ocharbil of the City of hairmods. or. tho
lath day eh' Novambef 193a.