Resolution 02313RESCTIMTT.071 NC. 2313
Cnt rcm'm T=12 aN BY THE CITY
ns)) soh 11112111,1411.J21=2,3E21.
WK22172M1, the rellosihns CsseriXeO sena property situated in the City
of XluppOo, Counnu of 1.1easoOs, Orono of '12,11forsia, to wit,:
MaRC2C1 Mli of hot Yo. I of Seetior 79, fouPonip 2 Coht,
.hho,pe 3 Uest, M.D. S. connaioio acres, pore sr less,
or)! thu fest 16;2 feet, front rear ueocurenehns of Tot mo. le
of jeation 19, Moosachip 2 3outh, 7oot, n M., contain-
-Trip acres, roars no lens. she The sect las foot, fxent nreS rear
,scasurenunto o.1 iot Zs. MU on' Ohation 19, lownnhip 2 22Duth, 222.22,'(2
3 'sot F.D. a. 1 21., contuininm uereo, msro or less, an urns
&lei Conlin:oats:O. ond so UcsisnaTo6 upon Mop Tfo. 20 of '3:Pit r12222:1„
XAOs Lands, en:theft:co jn the Cosnt of hlareOn, 'Ctute of Coli-
fcrufir, es ronpaxed es, ",rfrier and anle2 tte STroccior of Tide 7,innO
CohuinsieuePs1 n sexy el Mnp teihr filed Jsoe latPS in Iiber
17 of 'runs, papa )1C, In Cis office o2 the Uohnty f2roon1or of Slant:21s
TenX1CL 2: mstin)nirt eC ,21,1101, 212,1010 1 10 11201,21,nS 1z,2,31, Of 2
nranits 11,11012J, olaTino 11 lintit roush ooS 4C onolne rest
of 2oc orte,,ant ossesr of 1.esnion 21 1,12 :onnsnip 2 ioph, :iene,(3
3 'est, MM.). 'U. Mm, Thu:Pen nentorhiin xh The true wariC,irn hret
1C othich, forh 21-,1i,J5 to Jon LeurOrs haoin; thenre nine- • -us
Jesedro Mosin "Pot ic naolos; toehoh sou11 1: ursine 2,o tha piaee
of aemlx.i-o. .ei.T T to coe of halt taraL see 'Cleo /ones in
osu LoorOos oey cosisno"TU an I a- eo. io )ectiop Mswhne1p
Oonth, houpo T1 S'onfe, ca Per exox le con1nontoU hes), JC Sesions1n6
e "Tao es. '20 Tot ; ern: son WI i Shoo:,
non neer,. nhsessed. ceresofare for cloy purposes noa tne iares levied tnereon. aro
2011o. jeal -exponents, ifie LL-1,22, py needs recorded in the onfico of the Couh-ty
MosorUer or _Linos:Dan County or. Novehter 1.5'1';O, asp:piped, eon. ever' sinno hos baeu,
ant'. ness is, cruono. by tha 11S) of hinmeho, a J.DInininpal norpolation, tecanse 01'
311.12O. Tublis carourshis is not subject, tx sale for eenninquenC taxes;
with. the, written nensert er the dity Ittorney ettached. huroto, Vint uneol
• tosether with peoultion anS. soste treredno be, ono the nu2oo are heroty esoce1led,
aoa directed to ounsel. sane on their respective books.
i, Ste noSersicren, poroby sertify that. tre oureroihu nr2nolotioh. wan
duly- Goa. rehulerin introduas6 ape". neortee hp Tone 1onhail of the City of Panushns
tn neEeolar Opetirl sexes:sled on. the, btr. Sap- sr Deser1Ter, 192e8, ty' tho 1.212ovoirs;
vote, to wit:
AMISS: Counoilnen. Goefray, leauxar, Monols oh1. P'renidonrs Weishlart, (4).
MOE»: TT,one. nrS1TIT: Cconolinao CarricusUoo, (1).
oeTicial. seeil of sale Ciro' this 1th say 02 nesember, 1933.
21, H. Libert Georcoad, City. Attoraoy. for the Clty of Adn.deeda, St.ata
of 2alifonnin, 2,3 hereby consent to the cancellation of any ,a.,..n1 all. uhuollected
taxes and. aesennaeadats or aidelltiee ace CO2-63 ancroani cenTLea or aelialed no-2 ciny
Decceoltc,r 2, 2:58.
hi AL-n1,7 CEOLC,3
2, it, y at t (717.771.'0 .1.7t-;.'ce C i t :,7 of 771 ETeT., .
I hereby centify that Lee foLegoina3 is Ea ruAl, 1rue and correct cony
of ,,-12,22,Cl2,12a0U Nci 2323, 213,3232,212.211IG CITY TAY:33 ON. TROPLE.TT ACUTRED 2,22 77.7,2 CITY
22 111,1212,23,2. ',TOL 221211.0.1.1221 21221220E211,32, i...n.throdcuced. and. adopted. thy the Council of! tile
City of nialneOn cn the ,ett day of' Lecenber, 192,12.