Resolution 02315RolOOLUTION LO. J9
:7211,1,1": leheiTIC.3
TIECI,VED by the Courbil of tbb City of AlaMbea that County lininaer,
euxaett eITYL,Wean, be ate. he is labreby appointed. a nericer of bhp 'hoard of Trustees
of the AlealeeMa County lledobeito atetaident Nelmtrict2 to renroodot tee City of
allmod.a, for a two year term behharlinn eanuary 2, 1939.
1.-927,0Tirle ....1::IT2f1:1222":. that a bertidieb cony of this resolution. be ferwhirdpd
to tte Boahal of Trusteed of thp Alameda. County hoscuito Abatement. District.
I, tee uneerenxned, eebeby derriay that the Coreholca Resolution
sem exly dad repo/as:1y introebood one. adoedted by' the Counail cf tha City of
.nUmfeea in rodulox iPehinbe assembled on. ehe 6th bay of becember, 19dO, ana
followimp vote, to wit:
ZITS: Conrail:eon. Chafxby, ifournr, Ilbrris End. President Telielhhart, (4).
ifeldernd2 Courbilhar Corria,mton.
In tootiebny whaheof, 1" Lave. hodahpoto set my hone. onh affixed.. thb
official. send. of deid. City this 7th day ca' December, ..7,78„.
. 271!.27 2'22
7-2'-'77, TIF 717
7. hbrehy oertify fhb foreapir is a full, trub and. correct copy
of Iell20ii7ITICC:. No. 231h, 12: LION ON TiCheil Oh' TRUSThh.3 OT*
ALSIOMCA. CCONiTY 177iflOTTITO AIATXTIehTD17.3TRIOI9, introduced add adopted. by the
Cobboil ad the fity ' ',lambda on th.b, 6th. day of bacember, 1938.