Resolution 02561CESCliffiCh NC. 2961 ARECT TING GEORC ,,,,,,,V ht. ENE AITSECA. COUNTY MCGUAlla ABATETTENT BISTRICT. RESOIXED BY' T2I1 COENCIL OF TNE CITY 02 AlEdedlaii 51Remr E. Sperterk he, add ia hereby, appointed. a meriser of tho Neatd. of Trhotoss of thr Alameda Cohhty Anatement District, to rekreseht the City of Alameda for a term. ending December 31, 1942. EECOLYED BUTCHER that a. certified. copy of this resoluaiur. re for- DistrUht. * * . I, the andersiamed, burbly certify that the forefoin(r Ihersokation was duly :ear regniaTly introduced and :adopted by the Council of the City. of Alameda. la reguihr macalhg ass:ifhlad on. the htli day- of hobrauri, 1941, tg." rhe following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmeh CarrinEbon, korris and Vice-ETesident GodTney, EGES: Vona. ICBSEACia Coubbilmar Moureh and President IldeichroTt, (2)., wrnass CEBild:CF, I have tereurto set MT. hard. and uffdroad the officio.]: seal of haid Cita. this 5th day of Fehruhry, _INERFCCE R. Bzma City Clark of they City of A:Thad:Oh- arraby certify that tlya farnamoitty is a fall, tote and horranni cody 3 ("3.1.1flYil 2:561, mrSailiT ant `.;:1(5,5'.*: L-P■7:5121.0,,: '2;1' rE'rjE ftrilyyk0A co7:Ty 5:1"2:Y! haa hit:pied ay ate Coynail on -Yana hth thy al rohrthrt, fr.} CB/ CIty J-f.' Alameda.