Resolution 02563RKSCLCTIOd hC.
ACTA. SlC; Chlffir PIOTO Ok Chief:Di LihRe. FTPACE .„4.!7:"
jilkittY0T •
WITIEEAS, the City Engineer has prepared projects, ufane, specifications
and esttnates of cost for the enalosyyro of Immo:fellow Perk, Kruse fork and Lincoln
Fork by the conotrration of achrofimately 2,661 lineal feet of' new °Loin link.
fr "w
famed varying in. hadght from t to lb feet; and
WEEFEAS„ the labor and material required in. perform:Tag ard. cophtruPting
sada chakn link fence ond nehessery appurtenances is to be farnishee. principally
by labor end material fcfpkohed threder. the Works ilostress AdmintedayMawrm apti
WHEREAE, in. the opinion. of the Council of the City- of Alameda said work
of constructin.g said. chain link ferhe and necessary arpurtenerdea can be per-
formed mero apenouleally by- the City- without cantract,
that the construction. and Aratatiation of sold chajr. link fence, in abcordarce
with. said projects, hicha und apeciffeatietat bet and the 'paths Au hereby, ap-
proved. and abtnaTired.
DE IT ideajfeeTrD that thAs Council froceby finda Find. determines
that, in its uplakor the work of installing are. darstracting the aforesaid new'
Mania link fence with necessary appurtenarhas wale.. be performed. myre economically
by- the City without contrast; one
B1, IT FIJIJI..,,:±nzI;asol,,,(E.1). fret said. work and. the irktallation and construe -
tier of said chain link fence be, and. i3 hereby authorized and. ordered to be,,
dace by the City through its officers and employchs end ao a Worbr Phs3fach Ad g
miristrailan aro:Jett and. without contract hr. call fez blab.
* * *
(tilt and ressulaffy intrearred and adopted by the Courcil of the City of Alameda
ih. adjourned regsaCar meeting assembled on the lith day of Inslhorefy, 1.94a, by line
followinsf vete, es wit;
Couneinneh ca,:rinpton, doufrey, jiaufer and Presider's trjerbert,
ROAMS: done.
Councilmar. Morris, (I).
Al ciTriceff WthRPOF, neve rovatrta set wr hahi arb affifer. fhe offi-
cial seed. of sada. City. this 1.dth. day of Tesbruhry,
City Clark a the City of nkedut
hereby certify that the feregring is a. full, true and. correht copy-
of "Resolution. fo. ArAdhitalljelljd OfeljildACPCIAAR dF :FINK FEIT.CE Al Dated g
'FELLOW PARE, fifLOSI. PARK MhD LINCOLN PAJaj ifjektiOUT CORTRACT," entry:dilate and.
adeoted by the Caucid. on the lith. day ef Thahreary,
es ."1,41pi
CTty Clack o
c Pit 1,7 el' A,