Resolution 02566;
sad .S.,3 Tic:1.1i Mims , (isio:aaa.hiraihilass, it s „sh.c soi ,sral
ht.-2-h...1. '..333r.',0,7:7('33..t. €3. 1.33,33,1.3.33,30.0:L3T "t102,".3.1. 333;73 r ' '101.3. 0.1.033333r3 1.'31 f.70r3,.€03,....'..33.. 3.1.33) t303....13:3, ,33-1•03)3.3./.3.0 , 031
,'.....1(301.3.3).;i-33. „i033,3331,,'.:,1111., ahaa Oais Lat.:La.:set 13., C3,3:3 3.013..±3.
,1 schsaho odes fol amishm
ssoir a 1,3 '37, as a shhsa so is s o es s os hi ar osainhl am
Lhasa,. im a,lima I:mai sa nant fssi
;mac ton- 1,03, ;30,' ,‘'30;
t. 2,2,...,3:
Sl'anana l,mehns: Shascs ssaihniamiii,mly on a siyas to nhs
of ;h1a5.65, fcsam a hastonoa sfh fsaa
is a ocost she soic1 iise 0,P Asehns (aass hi' us:
,.' ' ' ',; • ;
';;;' ''';';;='- • 1-;:' ' ;,;
30,73 00`..3. 0700,3, ,:j°00,333 ,31.1 0-0.g 1:;33 .303' '33 ,y ,33 003 ..3f.1.,.3.11
03103.0.330.3 uf fsal to a rfl*-,-.t. au1saia 23,4:7 Vest, imahmosly
1031,3 of Oa S osei rani 1.36 iahasi
inso o .; sar arnos s 1,s alms ;hos sis alas sass
n :Samosa Ishisima anaiosii Lc, tam,. s ana sail la ha ia um' n tin a is sh
110: .330f '.33c 3 assisi, os: 213 a is .3.■ 3:3rly rioa ha,
ahnissn 300 0080 AN: 303'0.,J33 (0.100 '0 -00 r..300-132)
Mhans zimo toraisis, a sail,. b aced. f or the: ineassamortaisi oh al' faishichas
Du", (.3.lid with.
she grosaci, ash that nil sonsaiiscilon, operation. and mahnsen:enaa wsias shall se
e sta.:named withisat os sr ;mamma:ma to Shia 1 to y Alaahohlam
3 311, svTi 'racy ,:.'2Yrcalt.:::
as sam to aiscia lossiiir lioan i6 niaceasaini:. fsr srainnash switenhais snasinaions sae
ssasmiit hhireay misiarniad. shiall be. says:halals at tbe. '010x00r0
or t00 uourwirl 01 .:fl0 uity of ahamoda a
. revoca o 1...1.1.1s. armili. tha„ has:rail ee. shall iassatinvitli
memoiso said spur Maack at its arvin cost arhi .33 +01732 1-inat sia or the :as, eat csa
mar shial phamit t s, soca spar Masai, the, C aims 1,1assamim
a same to h, removed ta eass. salsa of a asmalt he „ anal pe issilitano shall Viniassipcsa„
liaz So the 0 ty the as a is.1 ouch isesloania „
, asiiiesimigmea Gait isaha that tins mo 0.7i:hip:ha hEsisi dhoti on
asiihs assai reamlairly dsaaa.. ashl ads Tos the Sichassi :11 of the ity Al moo do
vo-se, to wit..
PaCiale. Siouan 11 riles Charial hMson. diasay
ihiShohas )
i.,11:11SE E h isti set isy J an. f tile 0 iff
i al. seal of said CS, tasio 1.91.;la clay s a sishassary ,
alht, y
a ass C 1 is r
Cler'i: of iv of Ajaeda,