Resolution 025871113213ETTED 212 TEE couroyar Ora TEE CITY 3F APAY=A trait the apccificstions and. PrOViSianS for furnishing Ituabev to the City of Alameda for the fiscal year ,)l,1. 0110310 julg 1 194.11, and onning yorao 30 1012, No. ES 9-617, filed. in fhb office of the City Chlbrk on 11by 6, 194.1, be, and the same are hereby, epnrovell and adopfod. RES01,131a1 11;21IEEE that the Dotrarat1. of 'she City of ffilambda will. 01111 (0)()1 sealed bids an to the hour of 11t05 p. In. on Tubsday, May 20, 1041, for tne furnishr ing to the Cfty of Lurdnfr for the ffsca"„ yedr beginning fnly 1, 694a snd emdfang June 90, 19.42 in. accordance faith said Specifications and Provisions. Ffids must be presented to the 10 10 Clerku in. the CREtyHalb, Alameda, Catifornaa, under sealed cover and plainly marb.bd on the outside '4Proposal 7or Ladder". Contract, if awarded, wild be awarand subject to fhb provisions of' tam charter of said City, to the responsible bidder wbb subsats the lowest and best bid. The risht is reserved. to reett any or all bids. ' Ths "iffy Clerk. ts hereby directed. to advertise, in -Was 3 .... :11., ii Thmes Efar, 11 notice calling for seale1 .. bids in accordance with due 1: .90010101111 of this resolution. and. of said Specifications and. Provisions. 3: I, the andersigned hbvelny. certify trabt the foregoing Resolution was dafy. and. 1' 1, intrbduced. and. adopted by the doinacil of the 3ity of adambda rebnlas ransting asset:bleb. on. the 61-12 day of' nay, 1941, by rne fof"fraing vote, fo wit: ATES: Cooteilmera. Cransoheid, dalfray, Eowe, 7,10.0= and Pfbbident fleichlmaff, LS). AISEIT1: 11oncs WITItet, eIECI I nave hercunfo set my. hand ann. affixed the offjb cial seal of said City this 7th dby of May, 1941. 'Plant of hpreby certify fSst tho foregoing „s a Efll, true aud pour:oat obby "hcsolation lo. 2937, 1l 11 11fEjjfIT3IfICI0 P0111. TITUTICE110 ITMDCR TIP ChT. CT =Itee-S e-ee‘A e,ire"-.Seeee 1'676'66'66 66,6161-66"'766 t;e`e:, 66, 1 211D DTPECTTLE TIE DITT EnEta Et 2E07:1ECE 'DEC Pabaj," introduced ard adopted by thb 3ouncji on the 6th day of hay, 1041. .unIctlagfIddLudArdiEsifbidahas&acd. ty kfftbar of the CitY of Ahaaca.