Resolution 02588RESOLUTICID 2588 "DOFEFUC, SPECIFIC.ATIONO FOR FURDISIFIEG CORRUILITE ,730.7s ahnO m6STFPF'S TO THE CITY WE 101,ATOA TDR yH-66,6,• :1:94,11192,62, cs1616676n 7cp 63,6ps fIND DIRECTING TUTS DeI TLSRa. TO TEE 00JTY'D p RESOTITE.0 Elf "IMF COUNCIL CT THL CITY' OF .S.IIIIEDA that the Specifications and. Provisions for furnishing CorTuF,sted Pipe and Culverts to the City of Alameda for the fiscal year. beginning July I, 1941 and cradling Jams 30, 19E2, No. SS 5 filed in the office of' the City Clerk on. hhy 6, 1911, be, anh tPc same are hereby, approved anA. adopted. RESOTTFE", FORTEIR, that the Council of the City of Alameda will. reoedve sealed. DiSt ur te the hour of 8:05 o'clock.: P. M. on. Tuesday, May. 20, laMCID for the ibumaltifkag to the City of Corrugated "litho and Culverts for the fiscal year begiching ;July ig 1941 and end.ing Take 30, 191,2 in. socordance with said Speelfi- cationt and Provisions, 3.1dm must be presented to the City Oletk, in the City IDM11, filmetlem California, under sealed euver and plainly marked. on the outside "Proposal for Corrugated Pipe and Culverto". Contract, if awarded, wall be awardtd, subject to thho pray-Ls:lane of she charter of hula City, to the resuchoible hijIder who submits the ichaest and. best eta, The right :Ls reoerreci rej R.Ct any or all ejfac. The City Clerk la hereby directed. to advertise., In the Alameda Titles a Star, a notice moiling for sestscl bids fra atatecance witb. the provisionm ot" thts resolution. amd. of sal.C. Speadfjeatiops ana. Provisions. * * * I, tear unacroined, harcty certify that thr ithwjchirg Rstolatichn was duly and -J.wiaLimaJw. introtuced end. adfted. by tre Council of who City of rhameda ip. romalar attetiny assembled on. the hth. hey. cc May, 194,66 by thc felltwing vote, to witb ,Th'ey rre;31,...rent, Weichbart, dfaCENT: Nene. ID WIllofw,m had.J.DD 1 htsve Pereurto set, hand. ahM affiated the offi- cial semi of chid. City this. 7th as1" Ff Eof, 1941- noreby cortjhy tnut loremoimg Is a full, a ,o ahh usfacca copy' of "-tool uti A66,1-66'66 z6,6f6 66,6, ,66 6666- „ ,666,6 ,,6666166,.;,666 Toros h. Clerk al tad City ot hip'