Resolution 02590FECOTEFFICT CO. 2902
SPECIFICATTelld ifief aocK, ANS
COFTSYTES Iffif TO 'CBE CITY OF ;Teal:dead TOR TRE ffiedail TYR'S.
hc ifirdienfEffir TRE SAES.
ffdfahlED ST THE OCCEOIL OF Pike Clidei 'TXX..,ide. that the Seecifications
and. Rrovisions for fornoishang doex, Bane and ConcTote rEa.. to tile City. of Alakaida
for tre fiscal year boccinning July 1, ifad adding Juno 30, 19X2, So. ES. 5 -A:11C,
filed in th office of' fie Clad'. Clerk on Upy '5, bb, arb. sane are herfloya
FERTEER, that the Council of the City of' Alsanda will -receive
sealed eicia bp to the Of 8:05 o'clock p. a- on Susaday, Thay 20, 1014 for the
fubnishAng to tnx City. of Reek, Sebia shad. Conhorets bia for tad fiscal ykar bezing
nlag July la „Iii4d. and. erd.ilig Penh 30, 1CX.2. in accordance with cold Sriocificatioric
aka Prkvisions. Bids Irbst be presented to the City. Clerk, in the City Hall, Ala-
mod, California, undue souice coved.' eah. piainjy MO7.."O.,2,9a. on 'cue ontsida "Proposal.
for RBek, Sand end Concrete ilia".
dont.cot, if awarded, will be awarded, exbjeof to the arovisionx or
el..arter of' scEd City, to ahe responsible bidder who sabrdts tte lowest beet
bid, 'Ile, right is reserve. to reject 8Tly or all. bids.
The City Clerk. is aeree'y directed to advertio, in thee Alameda Times -
Etar, a ahtlee caillatc for eacied bido in accordance with the. neovidlobs nf this
resolutTon add" of 3OOO Specificatiou e0cii Provisiord,
I, Odra uxdursigned, rereby certify khat Via foregoing Ropoittion web
auly cha rogulafig- ibdeoduhed urd adopted by the douroli of' the Clay of Alameda
=T. doceollase kgenscheid, Godfrey, Howe, BXurer and licestdent
,,,[m.;w.s2 wl....,1",y,a;op.', hake hereucto set ay hand and affixed the offi-
cial eal. of Saj.b. City this Stic. day of Fkive. ifslia
( 3 )
Ity Clerk of the City o2 A' :777:-
I hereby certify T the foregoing is a fall, true abd •rreet copy. of
"-0.0.0019tion. .099. 2590, ADOPTi0 Ff90L71.0....TI(.903 YOR 20009ISHING R0000 902099 AND 0070-
00..,TA 19.1'.1 TO 'TSB CITY OF ALA11.19,09 FOR TYE'. fisc!a.. YEAR 10291-191,0, CA707990940 F00 BRCS
!CUD DIEECTIE0 'BITE CITY CLERK TO, ATUfiTTISTISE TRE introduced and de...acted.. by
the Coelho:it on t1.1m 0tn.. (lay of ilex, ISX1.
ty dlerk ot
oas4-124: Es