Resolution 02591RDICCIIiISTPSS h0. 259] ADO:4'711NC, CFECITICATIOICS FOR Fi..C.i=EUINC. FURadMIT TO TUE CUT OF ALIANT.T.I. F02 TEE FICCAL 'THAR 1941-1942, cALLaNG FOR BIDS AFF MUFTI:01=G 1.1E Cridi CLERK' TO CITITENT:I111711, _ lad1=144., TTE CCITEPLI OF 77774 YMT57 Aliddab11., thpt the Ornbifimatanne and ?revisions for furrnedecirc Portiard Ceneht to the City of Alameda for thn cal year reicnelrg July I, 1941. and ending 1Mme 30, 1942, 'ae. M'S 5-4111, filed in the offihe of the City Clerk en Flay 6, 1941, be, and the seme are hereby, arrteved and. adnotedy 'RESOLVED, reEISIER, that the CouRbil of the City of Alakeds wild receive sealed. ttds up to 'lithe hest of 8,05 cMcinnk P. on. Tuesday, Lay 20, 1941, for the furfeiskittg to the City of Portland Cement for the fiscal year begicritei Judy I, 1941 and of6img June 30, 1942 Am encorderne with said Spedificeticts and PTOViSi.03.:1B.,. Dads must be rardnerted to tie City Cincbg ir the City EbJT, Alerbdr, Celifernia, under espied cover and plainly. mathbd on. the outside "Proposal. for Fertarbad Cement". Certrect, if awarded, onll to awatnad, subject to the drevisiods of Deo charter of said City, Do rtb rosporibia bidder was submits tno lowest and rest bid- The right is reserved. to reject any or all bins. The City Clerk. is hereby directed to adrertiso, ir thn 414etedd Times - Star, a notice callirg for scaled bids in cocordarce wird, thn prbrIcions nf this resolttiot and of said. Specifications and Provisions. I, the graisehricer,re, barely certify that the foramein Resolution was ahly aud regialerly intrndhced and rdepted by the Counbil of the Otty of. kimredd in reguler mooting assaptied on thn Sth dry. G.1: May, 1S41, by. the. follordag vote, to with Ceshorirdor Ficorscreid, Ondfrey, Howe, Tichrer and :President Psis:abaft, (5). 17,171: lnDe. WiToIbird '',6,EkFOF, A. have hereunto set cly head. and effimed tbo offi- cial seal of said Oity teas 7th day of iirya 1941. Mia,) NIA= r5f th,5 City Alameda I hereby certify llaor he fororning , fmida true and correct copy. of Taesolutton No. 259a, AMOTITTNG ..ii6r4,111.117eFETENS FOR blillOtatflia CEinNiCT TO TEE Otlif 07 Atid,IMUE. FOR. TUE FISC4I TEAR 1O11r1942, CATETEE4 FCC'. DIET AI'D a:PETTING 'INF CITY GLENN TV ADVERTT.Ta T....Jz..; SATE," introdoced knd. annnted by the Carroll. on the btg deg pf ghy, 1741.