Resolution 025921-14123.11113307, DO. 2 3 92
APOPTINa 371,171A7 :POR FLOINIOHING. 212"ibalefIC oc=T-E.
TO THE CITY Ob )n FOR THE FISCgA, YbpB 1941-191,2,
RESOLVED BIT eICE COUNCIL 32.7 PCIE G-22.122 OT .A1,10,4ED.A. that the Specifications
and. Fhavisibnb foT fuhrinAling Asebaltis Concrete to thb City of .Ainfeedo for the:,
fiscal ybum beginning July 1, 1941 and emeibg Junb 30, 1942, 7b. NS 5-49922, filed.
in inie ofnihe of bhp City Clerk oh. Mby 6, 19414 be, and the sodesis ahe hemeby, ap-
proved. and adoryteO.
RFISCIPECO, FURTETTP), that the Council ca' thb City of Alenbna. will rboadve
scaled.. bids hs te thb hour of Sa05 c'olbok p,. m. on. Tbebday, :nay 20, 1941, Inho
the farnlahMirg Co the City of Abshaltic Cohbrete for toe fiboal year beganning
Sholy 1, 1941 and. endine; Jane 30, 1942, ft, accordance with.. embIn Spbcifications
and. PravMmimhb. Bids must, bb sraf,,,ent on. to the City Clerk, in the C it y nhil, Alem
modu, CulIfehnioy under sealed cover said pRoinly Phrbbi on the satslne, "'Propene-1
for Asphaltic Concrete".
CobtInbta if awardha, 'ma1111. bb avorded„ shO1est tb the soovl ad 02)s of the
orentho of ebid City, to 222P, rashenzitio hmddem who 9.1b7it3 thn lbweat rr)d. beet
bid, TD))) ),i)))).)Dt j s 'reserved. to rojeet any or oil. bnds.
Thb City Clerk is hbrery niircbted. to advert-lee, in the nievi,o Pesos-
Stor, a ehtdbe calling for sealed bids 1h. accordahse witl. thb provisions of this
resolition and en said. 3secifications orb. Provisions.
the andersim,nbA, hereby' certify that, the Bosegoing Reointich 'was
acay. and inAgularly intreduced and adopted bp' ths Cbminoil of the,. City of Alhadeda
in resmilom voetinm abeemtled OD the 6t91 day' of Mh.y, 1941, .12))) t ))). e 11mPlimmigam vote,
to wit:
nT725: Coombilmah. Brabbbhtin, 3Iodfrey, Ttwe, :Thirty) ann. President
wir...i=s WHERIbah I have neeannMio set soy hand and affixed the °frig
0,2X1 sooi. of abid Cita- this ?Mb, dam of Max, 1941.
I :ler eby c ert .1".. f y tient thb I,' cis emb, 0 i....) ,—.uai, trod and cerrecb copy
,t, -2 'R. e s ,o1 a ti.. cr., be . 2592, „ID CP:1in 3 112IX)13IC.2.1...b. FOP IFINI.1.137:Ifid 4.31711,II,TIO C ON-
STITE TC:' MHZ CITY fb ALATIEBA FOR 773, FISCAL 3 19421 219 1,2 , 2 AT212 INC: FOR, BIDS
.AC.)4) IsTRECT11,31 THE CJJ.I C.).121,9,1,1 lb leciVIIITICE. TILE .41.1,9," irlt coMic en. oil," ad.octed b,,,'
the Coebbi.1 on the 6th. dby nf Inny, '1.397..