Resolution 02593i271 CObildialra ChT 0ITI el' AtiALECA triat thb SOebificolloh
arid Provisiors for foriclordicc 7 17 iflitasicias to tha City of :1)1.11 2111 fon thee:
fiscal: it.
RbfleitlEb, Ibbldab, tbot 007111111 1.. of the City' of bildnaho will ea:elve
sealeb. Olds or to irh hoar of' 8:05 17. 100 n. m. or. Tuasday, :top' 20, 1941, Ibr the
la 1941 siao, ending. hra 3012)2,2 in acoccdonve with sold i'7'1211 12.101157 arid Fre
vi3isna. kids nust be pesihred to the,. City Clark in. tna City Hl, „bidaiivabk,
bnder sealed oever abd.. plainly maTked on. the outside "Proosal for
011.21110' 11.127 of cAid 3.fty, to the bashbpsible biddbr 121.12) tab:kite tre lartuat calti bsst
211.119. 11 11 11 yeetychtic11 to reject ant: yr all bids
11 11.72.1/ ia hereby' n,inne,.:?,a to odveriloe, in the: 1112)111'171. 01:1 Tipea
Stor, a notice caliclibb foe soola blds in accordance with, tea 111/1117 11, OT tPiS
the isciPcbstgbod rareby certify titbit bre forepping itessii,Abbin was
Saidy chid rao:blarly irtrodubed ob.d. adarted by the Ckrantibl. ef the City of Alit'aCs
reTilipc In.settia:a assedhatsii tre 1 2 di 1941, by tro ibbaliy4inF, vote,
to wit:
25E1: Tohp,
Ild=10 Cana,.
CLF11 seal of soid City trts 7td Cry v,
by hand and. dcflkod the offly
City Clerk
the. City of —7-fiT7.17,7--
hereby rerttfy thet tra fora- s 1 full, trot, :told correct dory 3r
"kceolatica Ka,- 2593, ADC,2TINC TbIbl3bAld 71 Ekilb8ICI12 2
02"bi Oh' a:lit:lacier', babt e2d, 9I21 141-19b212ifiTC 20h '5112 AbC
2A0 Tilb 3:27 Criftkb: IC abolith7l2b inatiodoceO odd aciaotsd by oho Council
op lIso eth day of in?ny,