Resolution 02595redents of toe friveesiLy of Cabbfornea„ a oorrration et al. ho 21ieW to 0/10.. .'.'.ill a parcal el Sand 00/01111 1'O abproximenely 70.02.87 efess, situated in the City of Alamelu. /1 1.1.0, cf Alexada, State of Caleforras, and lb. said. ation nob oerved the City of I'd' ad a psmd,,, dal:ends:et; and. v:I5L3-311s, it aispears that the City of Alameda has no claim. or intereot er to ally of the lands 11 11: lb said ovalalainh,.and WHETSCIAS, it atdcars thnt all texas mid assossronta raveled or abrosaed dZoiret Said property. have. been. 711,1/1 and W;lEholbsC, the. Urdted States ef lithrica. has prhnent nosseasiob. of these, or 111.111.11111 '111 ir. or to aria real, property or any connuarmatier. .sfrOch. hereat'ter may be awaTded for thd iiik.lioa theneof, and. the; City Attorney. of sand. City is hereby airseted ana authorized to fibe an abnropiiioto risclaincr lb the. above smentiondo action— 1, the undersigned, hereby certify 1Abit the forehboing ilesolutin. was euly and regolarly introduced. are. adore:sad by. the Ocrreell of the City of Atabcda. ib. regular meet:chid andsmtbled. on tbe 6th day of Hey, :hell, by thr foLinferinF vote, to wit; AISSE.CT; 1,7,;; CrObilidedf, nave h orennto set my ;dual are affixed. tne sysly, e s eal ser; e s; ;ids; 2 , I hereby contlfy tenet T. J . a full, trie artt correct copy of "Resolution -flo. 2595 AUlliCeTlibbillt. 1 CF DIbCfsAJeddiel EITOWEI,1 beleaded TrisTfrasTad h3r. Thh; Laif7XA ele introdubed ard. sooptod by the Connell ob. the Gth day of ,day, tell. , /„ sa11 y Clara. tat; ;obit, ameda. trs'