Resolution 02597-AASGEff= 2f-fir/
IM;;CEICS :[CtS „fLIMAlt -;Swa2;
WEEREAS, the ifecyslatare of the State of Calafornia has heretofore; passed
Assert-01y Dill Mho, 'MAO, ahtharising the creation and establishment of Sewage Dis-
posal. Distriats tha boundaries; of d. Municipal. Utiadty District, smh. Assembly'
Hill Lc. IAA2, providAng for the ohgafiastior, iaaerscration and. goyerament of
;iXnAcipal Sowge Disposel Districts; shad
WHEREAS, said bills ars now before the Hon. Culbert L. °icor, governor
af the State of Dalafornla;
WhIhtEAl, thm. legislation noreinbefors referred. to would enable the City
of Alameda and. other cities on. thd esaterly shore of Sen. Frarmisco :Day to join. in
San frcacisco tjam and the klikanitafy conditions created by the discharge of sewage
,AhhadAS, in and sannsidecue. ionanant and opinion of trap Sodaris th.e
afcresalc lesislation will be hiffely tonaficial to this and othes cities ih. the
East. 3ay rhEion;
itf.7!„. THEIDEFCED, DE IT 7ECOLVHD TIE TH2 f.AMECTT. pp 177 OTTY ,%.-L,UT,"'11",T"k
thiS Cichail. endorses the cfsfessia legislation and. respectfully petitions
HJ.F, Excellency the Cxsnahaar of the State of Coldfernia to taite fersrablo action.
REMAY-ED -iff-RTHEjj, that a certified. cosy of this resolution. ae forwardsa
to Lis hxceilanay Oho G':',V,=D1'.
tLsk; untaraighad, herety certify that the foregoing. laosolutica. wan duly
and regularly introduced ann. adopted by ona Council.. of ihm; City al Alameha in ad-
journed regalar neating andem.hdad on the 1Sth day' of Ho7, tttt
vot,o, to wit:
NOE'S; None.
ADSEET; Nohe,,
EN 4SITTiEsS ',21damajEt, I nakve hereunto set "I'Ay hand and. affitrh Lap official
c;psa. os c;ty this Chtn ay on 7jay, 1S0-
T P Jahma
T Clecm of the City of Alakciadn,
befeby perairy that the forgaja7 is a full, true and corbet cooy of
"Pwmoplutioh. Ns. 2597, -7:Ii:Ttcas= ASS:LEM-3E7 bEELLS hiDA 7,440 1442, intstnrckapd.
and. adopted. by the Coundi:l on. the 13th day of May, i9A1,
/1 2—
(fill; Clerk of the Cjty af Aithreal.